Wrens Steal Hanging Plant

by Stephanie Rigney
(Providence, RI)

A determined Carolina Wren claimed a hanging plant for her nest, keeping her mate busy with endless demands.

Just when they thought their home was secure, an unexpected visitor sent the whole family into chaos.
It only took the first week of the purchase of my hanging plant before Carolina Wrens decided to nest inside of it.

This wasn't the first place this cute but greedy wren couple has been here to nest.

plant that Carolina wrens built their nest inside

Carolina Wrens Stole My Hanging Plant

They had built a nest under the deck too--"just in case" one home wasn't enough for the little missus.

She tsk-ed and scolded--ordering him around the entire time.

He had to bring in just the right amount of tiny sticks or she'd complain!

He always had a good answer, but like a dutiful spouse, he complied. After all, who can live with a contentious female?

Later that week, so proud of his nest, I heard him tweet with pride at his accomplishment--making sure SHE could see.

He did this every day for another week--in front of the window in a gallant array (twitching tail feathers)

Then "it" happened. The young wren couple had to endure the horror of "it" all "its" smell and glass shattering sounds--(power washer!) She had flown from the nest in horror with him!

I thought they had abandoned the nest...until today!

Only one day after "it" left, she danced around in hysterics on the railing and she scolded even louder than ever!

Good gracious, I thought...and then I saw the problem.

My bichon frise was waiting for me on the stairs...now the dog?

Mrs. Wren didn't WANT the dog on the deck. Too close! Too close! she screamed.

She twirled around angrier than ever and even caught the ears of her female counterparts--who swooped down to help.

They began to scold the male wren too! They flew back and forth in excitement.

Just as they were making their plan of attack, I scooped the dog up and brought her inside. Whew! Close call.

Mr. Wren will either get divorced or find another hanging plant to steal next time.

Good fences make good neighbors!

What about you? Have you had wrens make a nest in your hanging plants? What did you do? Are you ready if it does happen? Share in the comments below.

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Comments for Wrens Steal Hanging Plant

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Wren eggs
by: Lynetye

I had a wren that laid 5 eggs in my hanging planter under the soffit of my house.

Today I discovered that they were all gone. I'm so disappointed and trying to figure out what happened to them. A crow?

That seems too big for them to get into a plantar. Help!

Familiar story
by: Anonymous

Loved the story but the picture was disappointing. I had the exact same experience.

The picture could have been mine. I was lucky to get a close-up picture of a baby who hopped on my head first. Fun!

Hilarious and well written
by: Anonymous

I loved that. Poor husband is doing all he can and it's still not enough.

The picture is so fitting. I can see her waiting with her hands on her hips tapping her toes.

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