Wren Nesting in Door Wreath
by Janice Tyler
(Polk City, Florida)
Nest inside door wreath
wren nest in wreath
baby wren in door wreath
What happens when Carolina Wrens build a nest on a busy front door wreath? Janice's firsthand account reveals the surprising ways these tiny birds adapt to human activity.
For several years now there have been
Carolina Wrens attempting to build a nest in the wreath on my front door.
This year they must have decided that it was in a perfect location because once they finished the nest, she started laying eggs the next day.
One egg laid each day until she completed a 5 egg clutch.

Baby Carolina Wrens in Door Wreath Nest
She faithfully sat on the nest for the next two weeks and finally produced three little ones!
They don't seem to be too bothered by the dogs and cats coming in and out of the door to go for their walks.
Sometimes the little wrens squawk at them but don't get aggressive.
My pets just ignore them, since they know better than to bother them. (However, if I were not around I am sure that the cat would not be so nice about it!)
Once the babies were born, both parents have been working many, many hours a day to keep the brood fed with various types of insects.
They are constantly making trips to the nest and then back to the bushes and trees for more food!
While I think that the wrens are a little crazy thinking that my busy front door is a good nesting place, we are certainly enjoying their company and seeing the progress that the little family makes.
Have you had birds nesting in your door wreath? Share or give your comments on this story.