by Ken
(Buffalo Grove, Illinois)
wren nestling looking out of nest
A relative was going to grow and finish gourd birdhouses and sell them on eBay.
We ended up with a complimentary prototype.
I figured it was just a tree decoration, but as it turned out it was quite functional.
Baby Wren Begging for Food
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by Sharon O'Neil
(Powhatan, VA)
Carolina Wren Nest Showing Side Entrance
I just noticed this nest this morning.
It was constructed very quickly as I watered the Christmas cacti last Friday before leaving for the weekend and there was no sign of it.
I heard the male wren singing while perched on a wind chime support on the porch this morning.
I tilted the blinds slightly to get a better look at him and noticed the nest.
The female flew from it just a bit after that.
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by Neal Cardin
(Sonora, KY)
Wren Delivers a Grasshopper for Nestling
When our house wrens come to start their nest, it is a very enjoyable time, but not a quiet time.
It is never hard to tell when they are in the area as their song is sung loudly and often starts very early in the morning.
We've never had a hard time attracting the house wrens.
A simple small house hung on the clothesline brought our first two pairs in several years ago.
After moving, we hung two houses under the porch of a storage building during the winter as spring rolled around, in come the birds.
Our birds have never seemed to mind us being around their boxes until this year.
Before they would sing and let us know if we were close, but this year they've become really defensive.
Part of it may be the young cats that have become permanent residents at our house.
The cats can't get to the birds or the boxes, but we know the wrens have a fit when the cat gets near.
One particular bird become very defensive after the eggs hatched.
While watering the flowers one morning near the boxes, one bird followed me and tried to grab my shirt sleeve as I walked away.
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2 Day Old Wren Nest
Two years ago a Carolina Wren made a nest on our porch in a wreath. We named him Little Buddy and became intrigued.
We kept peeking in the wreath to watch the progress which I thought was probably bothersome to the little family.
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by William Lowe
Red-breasted Nuthatch Under Snow Covered Overhang
We have a family of wrens that are around all winter on Long Island.
If we do not close the garage door early enough at night, as many as three wrens will be in the garage at daylight looking to get out.
Even though we see no sign of them when we close the garage door.
When they do get shut out of the garage, they will roost for the night in the wreath that hangs on the front door.
This surprises any after dark visitors during the Christmas season as the wrens flee the wreath as company approaches.
My guess is they are looking for warmth through the night.
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by Karla Joblin
(Tupelo MS USA)
Peek a boo
If you look in the "hole" in the middle of this nest, you can see the momma Carolina Wren sitting on her eggs.
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by Mark Mathosian
(Advance, NC)
It is the beginning of summer in North Carolina and we noticed birds building nest in several trees around our home.
One day while sitting on our back deck we heard little tweets coming from the lid of our gas tank that sits near our master bedroom window.
Closer observation revealed twigs sticking out from under the lid. I carefully opened the lid and a small bird flew out.
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by Angela
(Zanesville, OH)
Patient mama
Hi! I am glad I found this site!
Every year I noticed these little brown birds. I always called them nosy birds because they always came to the porch while we were sitting there checking us out.
Anyhow, I would notice one would always build a nest in my hanging vine plant but they never stayed.
This year I saw the same thing, this little brown bird building another nest in same plant. Just last week. So I checked it out and was really impressed by this awesome little cave nest.
Seemed like it was going to remain empty again so I thought nothing of it. Then I go to water said plant and I hear a little "cheep" so I thought there were babies.
I put water the can away and come back to look at the nest and it was empty. So I was baffled I didn't really look deep enough.
So yesterday I look and as I tilted the plant forward and noticed about 4 little tiny eggs! So I must have watered poor mommy as she was laying an egg.
I hadn't seen mama in a while so I was worried she had abandoned the eggs. So I Google little brown nosy birds in Ohio and found a picture which led me to this site and was amazed at the stories.
So I look last night and there she was looking back at me. I took a picture this morning and there she still sat, a patient mama.
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by Julie Marlay
(Ottumwa, IA)
Hidden Nest
I recently found an old hand water pump in my husband's shop. He decided to clean it up and paint it. We then mounted it to the corner of the deck hand rail.
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