by Al Mowrer
(Fort Lupton, Colo. USA)
I wanted to build a whimsical-looking birdhouse for my garden that I could enjoy from the deck. I wanted it to be a really unique piece with lighting.
Comments for Whimsical crooked birdhouse
by Vickie
(Triplett, Mo)
Blue Bird House out of Barnwood
I built this house out of barn wood . It has a railroad spike to hold the door shut.
I also put a piece off of an old electric pole I found. A clematis vine is growing up the post.
Comments for Barn Wood Bluebird house
by Bill Wigginton
(Atlantic Highlands,N.J.)
This is Sandy hook Lighthouse near my home
I live in New Jersey on the coast. After the storm, there were piles of driftwood everywhere.
I collected a lot of usable pieces and started building birdhouses.
Spring weather was not very nice so I kept busy making houses out of the driftwood that I collected.
by Judy
(Grass Valley, CA)
Bolts, Nuts, and Sandpaper Rustic Birdhouse
Here is birdhouse inspired from my husbands work shop bench.
It is full of all kinds of items the manly man has on his work bench, sand paper, bolts, nuts, even a bottle cap.
I added a copper roof and a copper awning to give it a more manly feel. There are two screw eyes on the top so hanging is a breeze.
This house is fit for most of the wren sized birds and is fully functional.
I love making these kinds of house for the birds it adds eye appeal to my yard and gives the neighbors something to talk about, but most important it gives our fine feathered friends a place to raise their young.
Sprayed with two coats of non-toxic water proof urethane and has two screws in the bottom for that all so necessary clean up.
Comments for Manly Birdhouse
by Ken
(Strathroy Ontario Canada)
Comments for Holiday Bird House