Whimsical crooked birdhouse

by Al Mowrer
(Fort Lupton, Colo. USA)

Building a birdhouse is one thing, these five woodworkers have some unique creations they've built in their workshops. Read what inspires them to help our birds.
I wanted to build a whimsical-looking birdhouse for my garden that I could enjoy from the deck.

I wanted it to be a really unique piece, complete with lighting.
large crooked birdhouse

I had a general idea of what I wanted it to look like, but it soon took on a life of its own and came out completely different.

It was hard to know when to stop! It measures 48" from the base to the top and has 10 lights in it. It looks fantastic at night!

All the materials are from recycled sources with the exception of the main frame and light bulbs.

It includes redwood from dismantled decks, cedar from old fences, old light fixture parts, used metal and brick, and broken tree branches.
Birdhouse Looks Haunted with light on inside

The house was set on an old porch post from California.

I had so much fun building this house I have gone on to do others for friends and family.

I also built an old Cajun fishing shack that sits in the middle of a pond with a leaky water tower.
A large four foot decorative birdhouse

The birds all love this one and it is the favorite watering hole in the neighborhood!

Comments for Whimsical crooked birdhouse

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Nov 19, 2024
For sale?
by: Laura

Do you sell any of these gorgeous creations? They are such unique and alluring pieces!

Dec 06, 2015
Great Crooked Birdhouses
by: Anonymous

They are beautiful and so original. Would love to have some - just could not choose one. Will be in touch. Neat works of art.

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Barn Wood Bluebird house

by Vickie
(Triplett, Mo)

Blue Bird House out of Barnwood

Blue Bird House out of Barnwood

I built this birdhouse out of barn wood. It has a railroad spike to hold the door shut which is a bit unique.

I also put a piece off of an old electric pole I found. A clematis vine is growing up the post.

The wood came from a barn that was over 120 years old from a homestead in southern Missouri.

I find working with my hands to be meditative and building a home for the birds helps me connect with nature.

The Bluebirds have been checking my creation out, I hope they take a liking to it.

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Dec 28, 2014
by: jeff

This is not only functional, but one of the prettiest birdhouses I've seen. JS

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Birdhouses Using Superstorm Sandy Driftwood

by Bill Wigginton
(Atlantic Highlands,N.J.)

This is Sandy hook Lighthouse near my home

This is Sandy hook Lighthouse near my home

What makes this birdhouse unique is that I used the driftwood that was wash up by Hurricane Sandy that hit New Jersey in October of 2012.

I live in New Jersey on the coast. After the storm, there were piles of driftwood everywhere.

I collected a lot of usable pieces and started building birdhouses.

Spring weather was not very nice so I kept busy making houses out of the driftwood that I collected.

These are representation of landmark building in the area. I hope you enjoy seeing these.

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Manly Birdhouse

by Judy
(Grass Valley, CA)

Bolts, Nuts, and Sandpaper Rustic Birdhouse

Bolts, Nuts, and Sandpaper Rustic Birdhouse

I wanted to build a something different than the usual birdhouse.

This one is inspired from my husbands work shop bench and all the loose stuff just laying there.

It is full of all kinds of items the manly man has on his work bench, sand paper, bolts, nuts, even a bottle cap.

I added a copper roof and a copper awning to give it a more manly feel. There are two screw eyes on the top so hanging is a breeze.

This house is fit for most of the wren sized birds and is fully functional.

I love making these kinds of house for the birds it adds eye appeal to my yard and gives the neighbors something to talk about, but most important it gives our fine feathered friends a place to raise their young.

Sprayed with two coats of non-toxic water proof urethane and has two screws in the bottom for that all so necessary clean up.

Comments for Manly Birdhouse

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Aug 06, 2022
Probably Not For Sale
by: Gene

This post is a few years old so I'll guess that it is not an option to purchase.

Aug 06, 2022
by: Alyssa

I love the nuts and bolts and sandpaper birdhouse. I'm wondering if it's for sale? I’m pretty positive my Dad NEEDS this for his birthday this coming week!
Thanks, Alyssa

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Holiday Bird House

by Ken
(Strathroy Ontario Canada)

Multiple Birdhouse in One

It was my holiday, not the birds. And I already know this is more of a people house than a bird house ...... or to put it another way 'more of a conversation piece, for people.

multiple birdhouses joined together in pyramid shape

My Multi-Home Birdhouse

I cut down a cider bush (leaving the trunk) and built this gathering of bird houses using brown treated lumber (cutting it down to a smaller width ... so fresh cut wood faces inside the box) using 1 1/2 holes for the bird openings.

I already know birds of this size don't like to be this close together ... and likely my wood type is a bad choice. So hence, I call it a people's house.

Feel free to tell me all the things I did wrong knowing my project's end result wasn't to attract birds, but to just look interesting.

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Sep 07, 2015
Bird house
by: Anonymous

Nothing looks wrong to me. It's a great house! To have your own privacy yet close to neighbors!

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