Dove Egg Slipped Out of Nest

by Lauren bodycomn
(Uk Manchester )

Egg Out of Nest

Egg Out of Nest

Hello I've taken a photo too but the same bird has returned months on and has nested on my tv Ariel but I can see the egg is just balancing and is not in the nest, should I try intervene? One egg has already fallen and broke :(

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Apr 30, 2022
Dove egg
by: Sandra Frazier

I would intervene, they are really bad nest builders.

They rush so quick to put a nest together, so the eggs slip out! I would just grab a few leaves.

Dried leaves, shew momma away and quickly patch the holes, pine needles also make great bedding, along with Birch Bark.

Patch the holes put the egg back and hope for the best.

I have never seen one just drop an egg with no nest beneath.

I have always thought that birds in need of our help will place themselves in our path, they just know. Who is friend and who is foe.

My back porch is covered in wisteria. I wanted natural shade. Wisteria Works! But Doves love it. Way to much!

I planted it for shade and my Hummingbirds. The nature and doves took over!

Feb 06, 2022
by: Gene

If you don't try they won't be able to incubate. It may take some time for them to return to the nest. Hopefully they will.

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Doves Nesting In Orchid Pot

by Pat Carlson
(Satellite Beach, Florida)

Dove In Hanging Plant

Dove In Hanging Plant

This nest is in an orchid pot just outside our dining room window, in front of our front door.

The doves don't seem to be disturbed by our coming and going, but we are careful not to get too close. We anxiously await the hatchlings!

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May 29, 2022
Doves in Pots
by: Carol

This year, the dove that nested in my string of pearls last year (and killed the plant) had a a baby that sat next to me on another chair while mom & dad watched.

After flying to the fence, it made its take-off.

The couple pecked at each other like adults kissing.

This year, after I heard the cooing & watched them carrying twigs, I placed a flower pot up high on a large outdoor cabinet under the eaves.

No sooner did the first clutch of two leave, the doves were back to work right away.

Another clutch of 2 are still in the back yard living comfortably. Love watching them. Even bought dove food.

Apr 10, 2021
baby doves
by: Gene

It's possible they've hatched and the adults are brooding them which makes it difficult to see them.

Sometimes the squabs will peek out from under mom or dad. Brooding may last 10 days.

More info can be found here: Mourning Doves

Apr 09, 2021
Morning dove
by: Barbara

We have a dove nesting in my spider plant hanging outside my living room window.

We are a little worried because it's been almost a month and haven't seen any babies yet.

May 23, 2020
Babies are here!!!
by: Anonymous

The eggs have hatched!!!

May 23, 2020
window box
by: Gene

The doves could have started a new clutch or she is brooding the young which would keep them out of sight until they get large enough that she can't hide them.

May 23, 2020
Window box nester
by: Anonymous

I have mourning doves nested In my window box. She has been there for about 3-4 weeks. I'm very concerned that something may have gone wrong.

According to your time table the eggs should have hatched???

Jun 18, 2018
Our doves are nesting in our 50 year old hanging Donkey Tail plant.
by: BarboGold

We had just replanted it with new organic material inside with cut back plants.

Spanish moss that has been growing in with the Donkey's tails for decades.

We moved it from our home in Corona del Mar, Ca.
to our home in San Juan Capistrano, Ca. over forty
years ago.

It's older than our marriage by about 10-12 years. Married in 1977.

Aug 30, 2017
Straw Hat Nest
by: Virginia Silva

We had morning doves try to make a nest on a plastic shelf unit in our patio.

The unit did not have solid shelves and were "holey". When they tried building, their twigs kept falling thru.

I found a very floppy old straw hat and placed it upside down on the shelf.

My husband collected the twigs and placed them in the hat. The doves took to it right away.

They have been back twice and seem to be content.

Jun 08, 2017
Nest on Deck
by: Cindy

In April I noticed a bird had made a nest on top of our Gazebo curtains and right next to a speaker on our deck! LOL

I did not know what kind of bird it was until I looked it up on the internet. They had two babies and once they were old enough to fly, I thought they were done.

I had not seen them in the nest for a few days so I got a ladder and took the flimsy nest down and cleaned up the poop. LOLOL Now today, I see the parents are back again! LOL

I did not realize they can keep having more babies through July or even up to October (?) We live in Wisconsin so I wonder how long they will do this.

I guess they have moved in cause I don't have the heart to make them stay away.

They are so trusting too---they only fly away if the curtain is bumped. When I was cleaning up around the curtain today they fly off but they have no new nest up there.

I opened the curtains a bit to clean it and I saw a single egg half way down the curtain!

I tried to catch it but it slipped the rest of the way down and crashed to the deck floor. This egg would have never hatched anyway since she probably lost it due to not having a proper new nest.

I went in the house and grabbed an old hot pad that is made of burlap.

I cut it smaller and went back out and placed it on top of the curtains. Went back in the house to watch out of the bathroom window and both parents were back with grass in their beaks and walking around on top of the little mat I put there.

I hope it helps them. Really didn't want birds right there but I can't kick them out---after all, they are a symbol of "Peace" :)

May 27, 2017
Small Dove with purple and green freckles nestled in tiny Pal
by: Lynne Fitzpatrick

I never noticed until one day when the palm branch was falling. She wasn't but 3 feet from the ground with two small eggs.

The next thing that occurred was what I had feared, the branch had collapsed and there was one baby teetering on lightly with a distressed moma bird on the ground. I had to help.

I grabbed latex gloves and found the cracked egg in one hand and the nest in the other while I looked for a solution.

But in the interim, the nest seemed less than hearty to hold a bird with two babies.

I set it close, but move it to the shade on the ground. I tried to repair the tree without success, then left to find a solution inside.

When I returned moma was back on the nest. Even though it was on the ground.

I picked the nest up and placed in a ring and cushioned the bottom. I then placed in same place on the ground.

I try to move it daily a little closer to a trellis to get her off the ground.

I hope I am successful with this. She is now use to me and tolerates me close without to much fuss. I know she appreciates my help.

I know as she has since stopped fluttering her wings when I get near.

SW Florida Charlotte County

May 14, 2017
Doves at the beach
by: Anonymous

My parents live by the beach and have an outdoor shower. Last spring, they went to clean out the shower for the summer season and found a dove incubating her eggs in a fake hanging plant that was in there!

My mother didn't notice it right away, and the dove just sat and watched her clean! Once she noticed it, she left the shower alone for a few weeks!

Feb 24, 2017
Mournibg doves nesting on carport
by: Suzamnr hammon

Our doves have made a nest on the carport, on a hanging open metal shelf. This is about 5 feet from the door.

They aren't bothered by our comings and goings. I have scattered crushed corn on thee carport, which they really like and put some sunflower seeds in a bird feeder (which they seem to ignore).

They are such a beautiful and intelligent bird to watch. We are so happy they have chosen this spot

Aug 14, 2015
On a ladder?
by: Anonymous

I went out one morning to move my 6' ladder to arrange things for a baby shower. When I looked up, however, there she was, a mourning dove sitting on her nest.

I simply decided to decorate the ladder and leave her there.

I did scare her once but she returned and has been sitting ever since. It seems like weeks!!

May 01, 2015
Mourning dove
by: Anonymous

I have Mourning Doves tending their eggs in a nest built in our Crepe Myrtle here in San Angelo, Tx.

I've yet to see the male/female change places but should have babies in a week, if the neighborhood stray cats mind their manners!

May 05, 2013
Dove in gorilla rack
by: Charyl

We occasionally have to free a mourning dove from our fireplace here in San Angelo, Tx., much to our 2 cats' dismay.

I went out of town for a few days, and when I returned, there was one that had built a nest on a shelf of my gorilla rack on the patio.

There are 2 eggs in it, and she seems to have gotten used to our comings and goings.

Can't wait to see the babies!

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Mourning Dove in my Hosta garden

by Levi H.
(Fredericksburg , VA)

I have been noticing this one mourning dove hanging around my house a lot recently. Then I found that it is staying in my Hosta garden right off my front porch.

I have not found a nest for this one yet, but I have noticed that there is a male and female pair. So babies should be coming very soon.

The one bird that hangs around the most is very docile. It has let me get within inches of it, so I got some very good pictures along with this.

I think the one that stays around is the female because it has gotten very plump, hopefully with eggs, and she is much smaller than the other.

Well that's all for now, I will put more updates on this pair as soon as I get them.

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May 08, 2022
Rent for a song
by: Theresa

Three years ago I watched a robin try to build a nest in the upper corner of our covered deck.

Unfortunately the base of her nest was at an angle.

We put up a small wooden platform so that she would have a level spot to build her nest she came back for two years each time having 2 to 3 babies this year 2022 a mourning dove got there first.

She and her beloved have been there for over two weeks now. They are not afraid of us.

We have been out there hosing down the surface hosing down floor; Putting summer furniture out there and making all kinds of noise.

They are not in the least bit afraid of us. We can hardly wait for the eggs to hatch.

But we do wonder whether Robin went this year after having her little nursery stolen from her. How is it

Mar 20, 2016
Brother and sister
by: Anonymous

What you saw there were two babies (or toddlers :) They're transitioning from their baby nest to hanging out on the ground for a few days before they learn to fly and be independent.

They look kinda big because they are, they grow fast!

Adult doves don't sit around like that for days, they are busy moving around and flying.

I know the above because my family just witnessed this cycle happen and we have the two living near a bush that you can see through.

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Doves Outside My Front Door

by Jean

Doves In Petunia Basket

A pair of doves commandeered my petunia basket before I planted this year's wave petunias. They are sharing incubating the two eggs. We've watched the shift change several times.

One bird on the nest is joined by the other, then the first leaves.

We await the hatching of the 2 young ones.

Interestingly, they never built a nest, just laid their eggs in the hanging basket!

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Apr 09, 2019
Hanging basket Birds
by: Camille McDonald

Ours didn't build a nest either. They laid their eggs right in the hanging basket! I still haven't seen The Changing of the Guard.

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Doves in Hanging Plant

by Bonnie
(Bedford, TX)

My baby dove

My baby dove

I noticed a mourning dove in my hanging planter a while back but did not pay any attention to it - just thought it was finding something to eat. The basket hangs from the eave of my sunroom and is fairly well shaded. Well I now know it was building a nest in the basket.

Yesterday morning I was out there and the dove was sitting in the planter again and to my astonishment, there were two baby dove. Mama sat for quite a while but left and was gone a long time - I checked later at night and she still wasn't back, leaving those poor babies on their own. I was afraid maybe I had scared her off. However, this morning she was back and has been there most of the morning.

Does anyone know how old they are before they try to fly - they are only about 6 inches long right now but they do have feathers, eyes open and seem to be moving around.

Mama sometimes sits on top of them. She had one wing held out over them and I guess she was protecting them from the sun. Sometimes she perches on the side of the basket and I assume she is feeding them then.

This is the first time I have had nesting dove and so know very little about them and would appreciate any information anyone can give me. I hope they come back every year. This has been an incredible experience.

I hope I get to see them fly away. I have posted pictures of the two babies - aren't they precious.

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Aug 30, 2015
answer to your above question
by: Anonymous

It is 14-15 days after they hatch when they fly away.
It is the same amount of time that it takes from laying the eggs to hatching. So, it takes 30 days from the date they make the nest, to the day they fly away.

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Doves in winter

by Marg
(Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada)

Pair of Mourning doves on the ground in February.

Pair of Mourning doves on the ground in February.

This past February I discovered that we had mourning doves in our backyard, which has some natural forest and lots of trees.

Over the years I have often heard the soft hoo-hooing of a bird, and thinking it was an owl, I really only determined these to be mourning doves this winter when I noticed a group of 4 soft grey, plump birds sunning themselves on a warm winter day and eating on the natural forest floor just behind our home.

I have since then seen these birds more regularly, and a pair has occasionally been seen in my front pine tree.

Lately I am not seeing them very often, and they are quiet since they have been nesting and most likely taking turns on the nest.

I also just learned that they may have several different broods in a season. Yesterday I noticed one nesting in the wisteria of the gardens outside my workplace.

Apparently their numbers are increasing in Nova Scotia, which is nice to know.

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Jun 20, 2015
Dove eggs
by: Marg

They are small white round eggs I believe.

Jun 14, 2015

by: Gene

Doves do use Robin nest. Robins lay one egg each day, usually 4 eggs are laid. Robins leave each egg and do not begin incubation until the last egg is laid. This leaves the nest unattended and the Doves may move in. The Robins will probably run the doves off.

Jun 14, 2015
Will Doves hatch robin eggs?
by: Anonymous

Will a dove lay blue eggs? Or take over a nest where a robbin has layed eggs?

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Feeding the babies during the night

by Melody
(OFallon, Missouri)

I am in a tizzy!
The nest with eggs are in my garage near the back door and we are going on day eight with the parents sitting on the nest.

I have left the garage door open all day and closed it around 9 pm each night after making sure the momma is on the nest.

I need to know if they will need to feed their babies during the night!

I hesitate to leave the garage door open all night for safety reasons, but I do not want the babies to die of starvation. Please advise.

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Apr 12, 2020
Keep door closed at night
by: Gene

They do not need to be fed at night. What you're doing is fine. Now, just enjoy.

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Dove nest

by Brooke
(Alabama )

Guess my child won’t be wearing these shoes anymore. 🤣

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Apr 10, 2021
Doves Missing
by: Gene

Definitely sounds like a predator attack. Coopers hawk, Crows, raccoons, the list goes on and on. There are always predators.

Apr 09, 2021
left the nest?
by: Mary Ellen

I had 2 doves nesting on my front porch (in my Christmas cactus plant) so I rerouted all my deliveries and left a note to not disturb them.

But today I noticed that both eggs are still there, and a bunch of feathers on the doormat... like they have some kind of a custody dispute or fight?

No predators around here?

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Doves Sitting on Eggs on my Golf Cart

by Dolores Warren
(Tucson, AZ)

Dove Nesting on Golf Cart

Dove Nesting on Golf Cart

This is her second batch on my golf cart.
We were getting ready for vacation so we left her alone.

When we got home we forgot to remove the nest, so she should be hatching the next ones maybe tomorrow.
I haven't used the golf cart in weeks.

Soon as they leave the nest we will remove it this time.

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Doves in Basket by Front Door

by Karen
(Livermore, CA, USA)

Hanging right by my front door, next to a railing, and I have 2 cats. One was sleeping in her bed right under the basket, with the mourning dove sitting on her eggs.

Now that the eggs have hatched, I'm trying to keep the cats in!

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Dove nesting during Hurricane Irene

by Patricia Bodnar
(Wilmington NC)

Dove in Railing Box during Hurricane Irene

Dove in Railing Box during Hurricane Irene

We have a nesting dove with one hatched egg and one soon to be hatched.

She was in our railing box for 2 weeks, however, hurricane Irene was hitting tonight, so we moved the box back to the corner of the porch where it would be protected.

She flew off, but did return to the nest-she is still there and the wind and rain is very strong. You can see her brown head and eye through the foliage.

She did let me water every evening for two weeks, so I was hoping she wouldn't abandon the nest when it was moved.

Hopefully, tomorrow morning the other egg will be hatched.

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Doves nesting in hanging flower pot

by Danna
(Medford, OR Jackson)

Sweet Dove Nesting

Sweet Dove Nesting

I was watering my hanging flower pot last week and didn't notice there was a dove sitting in the pot until I had completely soaked the plant and the bird!

Once I noticed it was there, I was surprised it hadn't flown off and was concerned it was ill.

I had my husband check it out, (he's large) and the bird got frightened and flew away.

At least then I knew the dove was healthy.

I researched the nesting/habits of doves on-line to know what to expect.

I am really enjoying watching this process; they're such sweet, peaceful birds.

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Rhododendron Dove Nest

by Lucy Elias
(Madison CT, USA)

Mourning Dove In Madison, CT

Mourning Dove In Madison, CT

A Mourning Dove has been nesting in out Rhododendron bush for four days. We discovered her when we heard a blue jay bothering her.

She is not intimidated by us at all even when stand at the bush and look through the leaves to see her. Today I can see the small wing of her first young dove born.

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Hounds Alert Us To Dove Nest

by Carol
(Commack, NY)

Coonhounds New Friend

Coonhounds New Friend

Our 3 Coonhounds, all rescued, alerted us to a Mourning Dove nest in our backyard. We live on Long Island, New York.

I looked up in a tree, not too high and saw the Dove. The nest looks so small.

I took several pictures. My dogs are not howling near her anymore.

Guess they got used to her being here. I went back out toward evening and could swear there was another Dove there!

I just went online to find this is true. The male and female both sit on the eggs. How great to see they share this wonderful event.

It was interesting to read about them. We will be looking for the young ones soon.

Here is my picture.


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Two Chicks and an Egg

by Janice Jessup
(Virginia Beach, Va)

2 chicks & an egg

2 chicks & an egg

This is the second season for my Mourning Doves here on my front porch in the hanging basket.

The doves started coming to the basket at the end of January but no eggs for some time. We had quite a cold and snowy winter here in Virginia Beach!!

One day I climbed my ladder to peer into the basket only to see a single egg.

Soon after Mama was always in the nest so expected that she was incubating but that lasted way too long!

Yesterday, I got the ladder out and found 2 young chicks and an egg. I expect the chicks will fledge in about a week, but what is that lonely egg doing there??

All sorts of questions arise; such as, is this the first lonely egg that is no longer viable or is this the beginning of a new clutch? What are your thoughts??

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Third Set Of Nesting Doves

by Sandra
(CA )

2nd set of dove hatchlings

2nd set of dove hatchlings

We had a store bought nest under the covered part of our deck and it has been there since we bought the house - about 6 years ago.

Just this year we noticed doves sitting in it and adding nesting material. They proceeded to do shift change approximately every 12 hours and lo and behold we saw babies about 4 weeks later.

They grew and flew and as soon as they left the parents were preening and mating again.

The sat on a second set of eggs and brought them to full size and they grew and flew. The second set hung around our garden area for at least 2 weeks.

Again the parents preened and mated almost immediately and are sitting again - third time.

It's great to watch.

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Returning Dove Couple

by Janice Jessup
(Virginia Beach, Va)

It was just a few weeks ago on a frigid winter's day when I noticed my dove couple on the rim of the hanging basket at my front porch.

The basket has been there since last summer when they last had their 3rd brood.

They appear at the basket every morning and then disappear for the remainder of the day.

This evening I peered into the basket, sadly no eggs. They have started to line the basket with pine needles so expect they will occupy when the eggs are laid.

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Doves in Perennial Flower Pot

by Leonor
(Bloomfield, New Jersey)

Was doing some spring cleaning in one of my garden areas, busy raking, clipping dead branches, etc. when suddenly I happen to look above my head to a pot hanging on my fence.

I was taken aback by Miss Mourning Dove nesting in an old perennial pot, just sitting and looking at me as if to say "you are disturbing me" !!

So I proceeded to back away and give her space. She hindered my progress in the cleaning up because I did not want to alarm I finished up that area and left her alone.

I placed some bird seed in a birdbath nearby with a little water and I just hope the squirrels and other critters don't eat it first!!

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A Nest within a Nest

by Tom Carter
(Franklin, TN)

Mama bird in her fancy maternity basket

Mama bird in her fancy maternity basket

Imagine our surprise and delight when a nest appeared along with two eggs in a hanging basket on the front porch of my shop!

They never leave and seem to appreciate the seed and water placed in the basket close to the nest. They are not timid or skittish and even let us pet them very gently on the back a bit.

I have a remote camera set up connected via our web and we watch on camera the nest via our computer.

It is absolutely fascinating!


baby doves 1 week old

Baby Doves 1 Week

These babies are one week old. They were hatched the size of my thumbnail.

This week the feathers are evident and mama & dad are busy feeding their growing children.

Dad seems a bit uninterested but does come in the late afternoons to give mama a break.

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Mother Has Left The Nest

by Janie
(Panama City, FL)

Mother dove and one bird showing

Mother dove and one bird showing

They are in a planter on my patio. I go out each morning and I talk to her because this is the closest I have ever been to one. I think I may done the wrong thing.

The babies are no bigger but she left yesterday and has not returned. Do I need to feed them or what should I do? I can't let them die.

They are pretty big so I thought maybe she had left to give them a chance to fly.

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New York City Doves

by Mark
(New York City)

Dove Nest On Window Ledge

Dove Nest On Window Ledge

I live in New York City on the Upper Westside and I have a nest on a very narrow ledge at my bedroom window.

I have counted at least three nestlings. My cat likes to sit in the window and watch so I have put up a board up on the lower half of the window so she cannot sit there because I am afraid she will scare them.

I worry about them falling off the ledge when they get bigger but at this point, I cannot do anything because it might cause nest abandonment.

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Dove In Fake Flower Pot

by Melanie
(Fresno, CA)

Our Mama Dove

Our Mama Dove

Here is a photo of our mama dove which made a nest in our planter. The doves have been there for ten days.

She is very cute and is getting used to us very quick. We expect to have baby's in about 5 to 7 days.

I cant wait.

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Two Days Before First Flight

by Barbi
(Irving, TX)

2 babies ready for flight

2 babies ready for flight

I have a nest that always seems to be occupied. The nest is on my balcony where it is pretty quiet and easy for the birds to get to.

I just love watching the activity going on. I watch the "changing of the guard" in the evenings around 7:00 pm.

I get a little sad knowing I will wake up and see that the babies have flown the coop during
the nighttime.

I have attached a photo taken 2 days before they left their nest. It is magnified several times over to get a little closer.

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Afra & Mungo hatchings at our windowsill

by Moni Rashidy
(West Bloomfield, Michigan, USA)

I spotted a pair of eggs at our windowsill on June 7,2015. Here are the pictures and how I followed their life cycle:

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Lake Erie Dove

by Jill
(Woodstock, Ontario, Canada)

We found this gem living in our dead hanging fern. She flew out when we were close by, but came back. When she was gone, we noticed these eggs as well. There seem to be 2 but possibly 3.

He or she seemed nervous as we did yard work over the weekend, but we were very strict on respecting her space so we wouldn't disturb her.

We have just started enjoying bird watching, and this is very interesting. This is taking place at our cottage on the shore of Lake Erie in Low Banks Ontario. We will return to the cottage next weekend where we hope to find the birds hatched ; We don't know when the bird laid the eggs, but with a short incubation period, it could be soon.

We haven't noticed if this is a male or female, it's hard to tell. I will add pictures of the babies if we are lucky enough to see them.

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Doves in a pot

by Nancy
(Sacramento Ca )

Dove Squabs in Flower Pot with Female Dove

Dove Squabs in Flower Pot with Female Dove

2 doves made a nest in a pot with a plant in it. It's small I was so concerned that one of the little ones would fall out. So far it's ok have a couple more days to worry before they flyaway. Fingers crossed!! It's been a wonderful experience watching the eggs hatch and two cute little doves emerge right before our eyes!!!!!

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Mourning Dove on the Porch

by Michele
(Little Chute WI )

Fledgling Dove on Chair Armrest Named it Prince

Fledgling Dove on Chair Armrest Named it Prince

I should start out by saying that I am not a bird lover.

I mean, I'm not a bird hater by any means, but I've always been rather indifferent to them.

A couple of weeks ago though, I found a fledgling mourning dove firmly ensconced on the arm of an Adirondack chair on my front porch.

It was small and looked very helpless as it sat there all day by itself.

I was beginning to worry about it but then noticed an adult nearby on the roof which seemed to be looking out for it.

The bird hadn't moved in 2 days so I did a little research on the Internet and the general consensus was to leave it alone, so I did.

I read that the parents often stay close to feed fledglings and keep them safe so I tried not to worry, but I checked on it constantly those first 48 hours.

I named it "Prince" (after When Doves Cry) and scattered some bird seed on the ground.

After 3 days, I saw Prince fly into a nearby tree and felt a wave of relief.

I continue to put seed out in the yard, and Prince comes to visit every day to have a snack and hang out on the chair.

I love that I've made a little bird friend and enjoy watching Prince grow and flourish.

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Hurricane Shutter Nesting In FL

by John
(Venice, FL)

Now there are three

Now there are three

We arrived back from a Northern vacation back in September. While opening the hurricane shutters, noticed bunch of sticks falling down. Mourning Doves were in the process of nest building!

So, we let them continue, within a week they were there night and day. Here we are almost a month later and we have two good sized chicks peering back at us. Won't be long now and they will be gone based upon their size.

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Doves sitting on 17 quail eggs

by sheila wallace
(Bullhead city, Az )

Quail Eggs

Quail Eggs

This pair found or took over a quail nest with 17 eggs

I've watched the pair for the last several days, both male and female are sitting on this nest. It's crazy, they are in an old (upright) tractor tire in my garden.

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