Saved Baby Dove That Fell From Nest

by Lori Burrill
(Irvine, CA)

A baby dove's fall prompted an urgent rescue, highlighting the balance between human intervention and nature's course.
Lori shares the steps she took to save this delicate creature.

My journey with mourning doves began when I noticed a pair building their nest in our patio covering.

Dove nest baby bird had fallen from with mom dove inside

Dove Incubating Eggs

Watching them care for their eggs and taking turns during incubation - what I lovingly called the "changing of the guard", was a beautiful experience.

I was excited to see their eggs hatch and witness the miracle of life unfold.

After the eggs hatched, the parents worked tirelessly to feed their two baby doves.

I was in awe of their dedication and loved observing the growing squabs. But one morning, I faced an unexpected challenge.

The First Baby Dove Falls

The previous night, part of the nest had fallen. When I woke up, I discovered one of the baby doves on the ground.

My heart sank as I realized that our cat had already found it.

I quickly picked up the injured bird, placed the cat indoors, and attempted to save the squab. I gently moved it to a safer spot and went to work, hoping for the best.

When I returned home, I found that it was too late to save the little one. Saddened but determined, I buried the bird and braced myself for what might come next.

A Second Chance

The next day, near the end of my workday, my daughter called to tell me the other baby dove had fallen.

I rushed home and found the squab, breathing but clearly traumatized. The parents flew off as I approached the nest, leaving me to care for the baby.

Despite my nerves, I researched how to help.

I prepared a simple solution of warm water and bread crumbs in a small measuring cup. Sitting with the bird, I encouraged it to drink.

At times, I worried I was doing more harm than good, but the little one responded, opening its eyes and taking small gulps.

The Parents Return!

After feeding the squab, I returned it to the nest and secured it with added support to prevent another fall.

I kept checking from a distance, hoping the parents would come back. My prayers were answered two whole hours later when the parents returned.

They cautiously inspected the area and, after ensuring it was safe, resumed feeding the baby dove.

Watching the parents care for their baby again filled me with joy. I was overwhelmed with gratitude that my small efforts had made a difference.

A Lesson in Hope

This experience reminded me of the resilience of nature and the power of compassion.

While I mourned the loss of one baby dove, saving the other gave me a profound sense of connection with these beautiful creatures.

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Comments for Saved Baby Dove That Fell From Nest

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Apr 08, 2009
Lost our baby doves after trying to help
by: Patty

This is the third year in a row that morning doves have nested under the roof/drain pipe.

I found one baby on the ground and put it back with its sibling and both were alive.

The parent came back that evening (3 hrs after I got home) and sat on the nest.

I thought all was well until the next day at noon I got up on the ladder and they were both deceased. I don't know why and wonder if they will still use the nest.

For 2 years in a row there were 3 to 5 broods. I'm wondering if they will return and continued laying eggs.

Very sad.....

May 19, 2008
Thanks for saving the dove
by: Aly

I'm a big dog, cat, bird, and other animals lover! I'm so glad that you are too!

May 19, 2008
Updates for Doves in Patio Covering
by: Lori Burrill

I am so very delighted to report that the one baby bird is doing well!

What is concerning to me is when the mate leaves the nest and does not return for a long while...up to 1 hour last night.

I guess leaving the nest unattended (w/o provocation) is normal. Again this morning, I got up this morning to find the baby on the nest w/ no parent.

By the time I returned from the gym (@ 1.5 hours), both parents were there and then one eventually flew off.

This has been a delightful experience.

They seem to be very tolerant of me walking under them and watering the lower flowers.

I have put out wild bird food on the fence and they have enjoyed that prior to flying to the nest.

All is well at 7 Terraza!
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