Rough Cedar Birdhouse

by Doug Bronson
(Minneapolis, MN, USA)

cedar bird house

cedar bird house

Doug shares his cedar birdhouse made with inexpensive fence boards from his local Home Depot. Perfect for the DIY'er on a budget

I've been building birdhouses for a couple of years.

My showpiece is called The Lazy Day Saloon; however, most of my birdhouses are simpler than that.

The one pictured here is somewhat typical of my work.

Lately, I've been making them with more slanted roofs and angled bodies. I'm always experimenting.

I use a cedar fence board from Home Depot. It costs about $2.30 a board and I can get a birdhouse from one board.

I'm a school teacher for my real job, but after the craziness of my day or week, I enjoy time in my shop.

Life makes sense when I'm in my workshop.

My real point is that nothing is quite as gratifying as having someone install one of my bird houses in their yard and have birds move in.

I'm not sure about the type of bird (maybe someone can write it in the comment section), but this picture was quite exciting and satisfying to me.

Comments for Rough Cedar Birdhouse

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Feb 03, 2016
Keep it up
by: Anonymous

I love building my bird houses. I give them away. All I ask is that you hang them.

We live in a RV and travel, I put the houses up where ever we go. I also feed birds. I have a battle with a squirrel right now.

I set a place for the squirrels but they want to get into the bird feeder. I will win. Keep making the house I like yours.

May 29, 2014
Bird Identification House Wren
by: Wild Bird Watching

It's a House Wren.

May 28, 2014
Bird type
by: Nance

It could be some type of Flycatcher.

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