Rock-a-Bye Doves!
by Robin J Wilson
(Modesto CA)
Nesting Doves
I first thought the sounds I was hearing had to be an Owl. It was moving- in- day.
Just kept hearing same sound. Finally, I was told by my boyfriend, "What you think is an Owl, is in fact, Doves!
He continued, Modesto is known for their Trees, and many Doves.
I decided to purchase a bird feeder. This lead to several kinds, and a bird bath too.
I decided that if the birds are all over, they must like it in our yard. We have got them all sorts of their favorite items to eat.
I was a bit surprised when I saw two Doves circling our covered patio. It was as if they were hunting for a place to call their own.
Soon I was hearing that coo- call Doves do so well. I looked out the patio, to see they decided to nest inside our beautiful hanging plant.
I was not sure, till I went to water the plant, and saw little heads moving, the Mom or Dad, watching me, as if the Parent were a statue!
Doves win! Seeing the parents sit, sit and rarely leave but to take turns eating I assume, was far more interesting than that pretty plant.
Within a very short time, the birds grew large, and I feared they were too fat to fly away. I then noticed how the parents would leave, to encourage them to leave the nest.
I did happen to see one bird sitting on the tempered glass patio table, I thought maybe it is thinking of the time I got to the glass door to make sure it was okay, it just took flight!
I have seen a couple Doves return to this same spot, new Doves, have abandoned babies. I think was due to a neighbor, who lives behind us building at a bad time for the nervous new parents.
I have seen other varieties stay and breed in this same spot. If we move on, I will advise new home owners of this spot, and hope to keep Doves a home.
For the meantime, we will make a happy environment for Doves, and birds in Modesto.
I get so much comfort observing them!