Robins, Worms, and a Lesson Learned

by By: Grace Miller

Grace shares a humorous tale of how robins turned her simple fishing trip into a battle for worms. What began as a routine search for bait quickly became a showdown with nature’s cleverest early risers.

The Day the Robins Stole My Worms

It was one of those perfect summer mornings, warm sunlight spilling over the garden as the smell of fresh earth filled the air.

My dad, brothers, and I were gearing up for a fishing trip.

Dad was busy untangling fishing lines and checking poles while my brothers, Dan and Rob, and I set out on an important mission: finding worms for bait.

Behind our house, the garden stretched out like a treasure trove of possibilities.

Worms were always the best bait, fake ones never worked, no matter how shiny they were.

Armed with small cans, we spread out in the dewy grass, determined to out-dig each other.

"Early morning's the best time to find worms," Dad always said, so here we were, digging away as the sun climbed higher.

Dan and Rob were already making good progress.

Their cans were filling quickly as they overturned clumps of soil, uncovering wriggling prizes. I, on the other hand, was struggling.

No matter where I dug, my can remained nearly empty.

Early Birds and the Real Competition

Frustrated, I paused and looked around. That's when I noticed them, five robins hopping about just a couple of yards away.

Their keen eyes scanned the ground, and every now and then, one would swoop down, snatch a worm, and dart away.

It hit me: the robins were my competition!

No wonder I wasn't finding any worms, they were beating me to it.

Determined not to let a bunch of birds outsmart me, I marched over, waving my arms."Shoo, shoo! Get away from my worms!" I called.

The robins fluttered up and away, seemingly defeated. Feeling victorious, I returned to my digging spot.

The Robin Showdown

Just as I started to unearth a promising patch of soil, I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye.

Two of the robins had returned. But this time, they weren't just hopping around, they landed boldly on the edge of my worm can.

For a moment, I was too surprised to react.

Then, to my utter disbelief, they began pulling worms straight out of the can!

"Hey! Those are mine!" I yelled, springing to my feet.

The robins didn't seem to care. One tugged at a particularly plump worm while the other darted in for seconds.

I waved my arms wildly and ran in circles, trying to scare them off. My brothers, watching from a distance, doubled over with laughter.

Finally, the robins flew off, leaving me breathless and clutching my nearly empty can.

I peeked inside, only two worms remained.

A Lesson Learned

Defeated, I trudged back to my digging spot, ready to start over.

Rob and Dan were still laughing as they grabbed their fishing poles and headed off to meet Dad.

"Next time, I think I'll pass when you ask me to go fishing," I muttered, wiping dirt off my hands.

The robins, perched on a nearby fence, seemed to chirp their agreement.

As I watched them flit away, I couldn't help but smile.

Maybe fishing wasn't my thing, but at least I had a story to tell, a tale of worms, robins, and one unforgettable summer morning.

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Robin attacks Blue Jay
by: Anonymous

I put birdseed on a stump today. There was a robin near the stump digging for worms.

Then a blue jay landed on the stump. The robin attacked him.

The blue jay retreated and waited in a nearby tree. After a couple of minutes, he went back to the stump and got attacked again!

I always thought that blue jays were the aggressive ones!

Squirrel Attack???
by: Anonymous

For several days I kept seeing healthy branches and pieces of nests on my deck.

A few days later, I saw a squirrel antagonizing two robins who reacted with splayed tail feathers and lots of noise.

I forgot about it, and then two days later my deck looked like a hurricane had hit...lots of branches and pieces of nests everywhere on the lower deck.

On the upper deck, I found three robin babies dead. Do gray squirrels kill birds? Is this a territorial issue?

Tonight I see more broken branches from a perfectly healthy tree.

The work of this crazy squirrel? Any insight?


Robin Attack as well
by: Anonymous

Two years ago, a robin nested in my tulip tree. I was the target of her aggression.

Every time I (no one else was ever attacked) went onto my deck, she dive bombed me.

Friends and family would come out, and she did NOTHING. When I walked out, she would attack me immediately.

I got so frustrated that I would spray her with water because she wouldn't even let me water my potted plants!

Have you had any similar experiences?

by: Linda in Ankeny, Ia

Today I went out to mow my grass and the Robin that made a nest in my hanging plant on my porch started swooping down back and forth.

Getting faster and faster with each swoop and getting closer and closer to my head...I stopped and ran in the house.

Decided I had to finish mowing so I put on a hat (after I lined it with cardboard inside) and bravely went back out.

As soon as I restarted the mower she came back _WITH HER FRIENDS!

Now there were three Robins ready to attack me so I ran back into the house.

Here I am looking at my front yard that's half mowed, not knowing what to do now?


They'll get upset and fly close but just continue mowing. They'll settle down when you're done.

by: Anonymous

A robin has her nest above my front door and I can't even use the door because she keeps trying to attack me!

I even feed her and she still has this attitude against only me! There are three little babies in the nest...its scary!

Crabby Robins
by: Anonymous

Has a Robin ever hurt a human?

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