Forsythia Wreath Robin

by Kim
(Delaware, Ohio, US)

This spring has been interesting for my house and robins.

It started with a certain robin (maybe more) consistently diving and hitting the glass in my backdoor.

Robin Looking through window of door from Nest

Mom Robin Looking through window

They did this for a week and a half every morning and sometimes in the evening. I took video, it was so bizarre.

My back door has a magnolia tree film that covers the glass and mimics stained glass...must look like an actual magnolia tree to robins.

We thought this was strange, but who knew a robin would then take up residence in the forsythia wreath that hangs on the storm door on my front porch a few days later?

Three days after hanging the wreath, I noticed the top portion drooping. Upon inspection, I found a robin’s nest sitting on top of it.

The next morning as I came down my stairs, I saw the Momma (my son calls her Betty) through the half-moon window at the top of my front door and that's when I took these pictures.

She was sitting in the nest and has been there every morning since.

No eggs yet, but we're anxiously watching for them and to see this natural process unfold on my forsythia wreath!
Robins Nest on top of forsynthia wreath outside view

Outside View of Wreath and Nest on Top

Luckily, most visitors enter the house through my garage.

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Looking Forward to More of the Story
by: Ginger

Please keep us posted.

What an interesting story. Amazing where the birds decide to nest.

I'll be looking forward to seeing Betty's babies.

Robin bldg nest on busy deck
by: Mary Domenco

On May 29th a robin started building her nest under the roof of our covered deck.

Our back door opens onto this deck so I'm concerned we use the back door all the time.

She tolerated my husband, me, and my dog this afternoon while we were outside and she was in the nest.

But most times she takes off quickly when I open the door.

I tried to drive her away at first when she started to build the nest but she was persistent and it was raining for 2 days so I let her stay.

I just hope she doesn't abandon her nest later on due to the lack of privacy.

I'm trying not to bother her too much.

I see from other comments on this website that it takes about 2 weeks for the eggs to hatch.

We are enjoying watching her & look forward to seeing the little ones.

great view & well camoflaged nest
by: Loretta

Great story and photos!

I just found a Robin nest in an Albertina spruce outside of my window but was not as fortunate as you are to have such a delightful close-up view of the nesting mother!

Though I'm not complaining -- I'm thrilled to even have them outside of my window!

It's amazing how camouflaged the nest is and how well it blends in with your gorgeous door wreath.

With the grasses draping so beautifully over and between the forsythia, I'd say that your robins are natural-born landscape artists... or professional florists.

Being an artist, I have to wonder if they don't step back (or fly back) just as we do, to see if all of the colors and textures of their creation are blending properly.

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Robin's Nest on my Birdhouse Wreath

by Sue

I thought some robins were building a nest nearby as I saw a lot of activity recently.

I didn't see a nest but thought they had built it in a tree nearby.

Not so- they built it on top of a wreath that I had on my porch! (see the picture). There are 4 eggs that I think are about 4 days old.

robin nest on door wreath

What is really funny is that they built on my birdhouse wreath! Too funny!

This is not exactly a peaceful spot, with two dogs and three grandchildren who visit on the weekends, but so far they are ok with the location they chose for their new family!

I can't wait to see the new birds and will put out fruit for them to enjoy!

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Robin's nest
by: LeAnn

Can someone think of a nicely worded sign I can put by the front steps to get people to use our garage door and not the front door where a robin has laid 4 eggs in our wreath?

It is at eye level just to the left of the door! I can't believe we never saw her build it! I am trying to think of something cute but I am not too creative! LeAnn

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Front Door Wreath Nesting Robin

by Kristen
(State College, PA USA)

Front door wreath nesting Robin

Front door wreath nesting Robin

One nice Spring day in late March I was coming in the house through our front door and a bird darted out at me from behind the wreath.

Initially I didn't consider she might be building a nest because it's a wreath on a door.

The weather got iffy again because that's how Pennsylvania is... Sunny and warm one day and the next cold and freezing rain, then warm again.

During those days I entered our home from the garage.

The next nice day I came through the front again and the bird flew out from the wreath again.

This time I inspected the wreath and there was a full nest, as described on this site.

I wasn't sure what to do. Initially there were no eggs in it.

Now we have 2 sweet little eggs in our nest and are using our garage entrance until nesting season is over.

After that, I'm knocking the nest out so I can keep my wreath for future seasons.

Does anyone know if these offspring survive will they look to nest where they were born?

from wild-bird-watching: The young won't use the nest but the adults may return and will rebuild if they do.

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Wreath Over Door

by Jane Litavish

Robin Nest on Grapevine Wreath

Robin Nest on Grapevine Wreath

If you look at the picture closely you will see the nest on the very top of the wreath.

This pair is on its second brood that we know of.

The mother is used to us going in and out of the door.

She rarely even leaves but on occasion, she will fly to the telephone wire and let us know her displeasure.

The little ones are now growing their feathers.

There were four but one fell out or was pushed out. That was not a happy day as the mother and father screeched for a long time.

I was surprised to see the nest initially as it looks like a crown on top of the wreath I made.

I posted a picture to Facebook and said the Robins thought my wreath needed an additional ornament so they gave it a crown.

Every year the Robins try to build on the front of our house and this year they succeeded to nest twice.

We never saw the little ones from the first time she hides them in the woods below our house.

The three in there now should leave soon and I will be able to enjoy my morning coffee outside again.

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