Mine is getting droopy because I don't want to disturb or have Mama leave the nest!
watering by: Gene
Try to water off to the side and try to avoid geting anything else wet. best regards, gene
Robin Nest by: Cathy
This is a first for me. I have a pretty yellow peonies plant on a stand on my front porch.
I was cleaning up out there today and then went to water the plant when a bird flew out. It scared me half to death.
I was so startled, but I believe it was a Robin. Now I'm concerned that this will happen each time I water the plant.
Thank you
watering a potted plant with a robins nest in it by: Dan
I've read comments that deal with human presence interfering with the nesting birds. I can understand that.
But to water the potted plant and be concerned about the bird's core temperature changes. What happens when it rains and the temperature drops?
The way I see it Mama deals with it. I'm going to gently water the plant and hope for the best.
warering a potted plant with a robins nest in it by: Dan
Well my wife and I have been watering our potted hanging plant with the robins nest in it and surprisingly everybody is happy 4 eggs and mom and dad come and go It is only day 2 so we shall see what happens.
Oh how adorable! It's amazing where they'll decide to put a nest.
We had Carolina wrens that nested under our carport for the first time, and we took to using the front door rather than the kitchen door entrance, to leave them in peace as much as possible. I got to see at least one of the fledglings being lured away from the nest by Mama Wren.
Please do keep us updated on Becky & her brood.
One Tough Little Bird by: Sheree
Same thing on my front porch. A wren has nested in my hanging begonias. We try to delicately water the plant off to the side.
But today, she dived out of the plant and swished between my daughter and me. She chirps and squawks.
I have not been able to get close enough to see the eggs. I don't think there are babies yet, because I only hear the mother bird.
Hanging petunia plant in Minnesota by: Rita
Yesterday noticed my visitor robin sitting in my hanging white petunia plant. Five days ago I first noticed a disturbance when I checked the plant with a moisture meter.
A robin on a branch very close to my front door really put up a fuss, seemed he/she was angry with me and was calling for reinforcements, as several other birds came around, including finches and at least one cardinal, all joining in the cacophony. As the days went by, I assured my visitor on the tree branch that I was a friend, and he/she piped down the rhetoric after a few minutes.
But today a neighbor suggested I check the plant to see if it contained a nest, which I did, and was happy and surprised to find three beautiful blue eggs.
We wondered if the male or female sat on the eggs, but these comments from others solved that problem, it has to be the mother bird. Now I will just watch and wait for the next chapter.
Luckily, here in New Brighton, MN, we've had lots of rain lately. I won't have to bother the nest.
Question........... by: Brenda
I have a hanging begonia that my daughter gave me for mothers day this year and soon thereafter noticed birds hanging around the plant.
Soon after discovered a nest and several days ago noticed babies in the nest. Do I water the plant the same as usual? The babies are singing as I type this.
I've been very careful to water the plant off to the side of the nest as to not disturb in any way the mommy or babies.
Not knowing anything about birds I hate the idea of disturbing mommy or babies in any way or the idea of mommy abandoning the babies because of anything I do.
Any suggestions would be helpful. I'm located in Eden Prarie Mn.
Nest in Begonia Plant by: Anonymous
Did you receive any answers to your question as I also have a nest in my begonia and have been hestitant to water the plant?
No sooner had I brought home and hung the fuschia basket did Mrs Robin begin construction.
I went to water the plant 36 hours after I placed on the porch while talking on the phone, and was surprised by her startled chirp.
She had already begun the first layer and worked fast over the next few days.
The porch faces WSW, and is near the weeping cherry tree planted in the corner bed (I live in Suffolk County Long Island).
She has often perched on the top branches to broadcast her irritation with me or other interloper.
In my ignorance I thought she'd abandoned the nest after she finished because she didn't return for nearly 3 days.
The plant was suffering so I removed the nest, put it in a plastic bag and even let my 7 yr old bring it in for show and tell!!
Next morning, I went to water and pinch the dead flowers, and was shocked to see one blue egg sitting in the naked dirt. I felt like crap!
I quickly returned the nest to the basket, laying the egg carefully back in it. I hoped for the best.
Over Mother's Day weekend she laid 3 more eggs! The whole family celebrated.
I cancelled play dates for fear of further disturbing her, forbade my children from running up and down on the porch.
I have checked on her through the window every hour, waiting until the moment arrives.
She hardly ever leaves the nest except to eat or defend her territory, which includes the neighbor's front yard across the street.
My children all scrunched down on the sofa (7, 4, & 2 1/2) with me and watched her tend to her nest, lifting up "skirt" to check her eggs, and settling back down over them all fluffed up, ever watchful.
I figure they should hatch by the end of this week(5/22)or the beginning of next. I will post pictures!