by Lisa
(Lancaster, MA, USA )
Robin Nest on Garden Hose
4 Baby Robins in Nest
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by Kathy Iredale
(Port Angeles, WA)
Mom (or Dad) sitting on nest
My husband first found the nest. He would walk out through our gate to his pick-up and wonder why Robins were diving him.
Then one day he noticed straw hanging down from his tools that were hung on the side of his garage. He looked up and to his surprise there was a nest.
Once we knew the nest was there we tried hard not to go in the back yard. We didn't want to scare them away. That was impossible of course.
We did wait until the nest was empty whenever possible. It did seem like they got use to us coming and going as they didn't fly away as much.
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by Len Cole
(Uxbridge, ON Canada)
Robin Nest Under Deck on Joist
I was cooking Hamburgers for my wife and I on our back deck.
I knew there was a Robins nest built on the under hang of the deck at our door entrance above my head.
I was coming in with both hands full, when she took off above my head.....well, the food went flying, and I broke a plate and ruined the food. ... We had a sandwich!
The Robin had three young ones, and we enjoyed watching them grow until their first flight.
After they left for a few days, I removed the nest. This was late May of 2009.
It is now July 13th and I have watched as a new nest has been built in the same spot. There are 2 new eggs!
Do they mate all summer?
If you have any info, let me know.
Thank you
Len Cole
Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada
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Robin Nest on Downspout
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by Vcki Hough
(Bend Oregon)
Robin Nest on the dart board
We have had doves nest in the same place for the last two years we have robins on our deck!
Watching the mother make the nest was fascinating as she brought all the materials and then would wiggle and pack everything down.
Since they were right by our back door, we had to be careful.
Our BBQ is about 10 feet from the next. So we started talking to the birds when they were nesting to make them feel comfortable.
The "momma" seemed to be fine after she saw us many times every day!
Then one morning I found a blue egg on the chair beneath the next and almost panicked thinking that an egg had been pushed out.
But to my surprise, it was just the shells so we had babies!
We could hardly wait to see how many there were!
It was fun to watch the "pappa" guard on our railing while momma went back and forth for food.
Of course when they were a little bigger both of the parents were back and forth.
And today three of the four left the nest.
We have one left and are just watching to see when he will fly!
Vicki Hough
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by Jennifer
(Orange, Vt)
Robin Nest on Tire
I was outside this afternoon and I noticed something different about my nephews ATV four Wheeler.
There was hay curled up on the back wheel tire.
I went closer to see what it was and to my surprise it was a robin's nest.
Apparently this robin is into ATV cause she built the nest on top of the tire and made it her home. Luckily, my nephew doesn't use it that much.
My six year old daughter thinks this is quite cool.
I told her we can not touch the nest and now she wants to learn more about our new neighbors.
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by Pam Nagel
(Wyndmere, North Dakota)
Robin Nest in Corner on Ground
We have many robins build nests in our yard every year, but this is the first time I have seen one on the ground.
It is on the rock landscaping against a corner of our house. She built it really close to our walk-in garage door (where everyone enters and exits).
At first she flew away as soon as the door was opened. Now, she is a little braver and lets me walk right by her on my way to get the mail.
Also, it is directly under the outlet from our basement bathroom fan. I worry that the noise scares her away!
There are (obviously) four eggs in the nest in the picture I took about ten days ago. Unfortunately, there are only three now.
Last year, a robin built her nest in our satellite dish.
It was handy for viewing because it was right outside our son's bedroom window.
We kept a close eye on the eggs and then the babies--until a terrible thunderstorm drowned all of them in the nest. It was quite sad.
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