Robin Nesting on Wreath Hanging on Carport
by Maureen and Chuck
(Germantown, TN)
A mother robin built a nest in a flower wreath on our carport, bringing the beauty of nature right to our doorstep.
Here is the story of her dedication, the tiny hatchlings, and the bustling "bird condo" that followed.
Two years ago a mother Robin built a nest in the top of a flower wreath hanging on the carport wall.
She laid 4 eggs and dutifully sat on them most of the time.
Usually she flew off when we drove our cars in and out, but not always.
All four eggs hatched and the mother was busy all day going back and forth to the nest feeding them.
My husband worried the babies would fall onto the hard cement so put a blanket on the floor under them.
Well, to his amazement, each baby took its turn standing on the edge of the nest and successfully flying off without a bit of trouble.
My husband leaves bread crumbs on the end of the driveway daily, and lots of birds and squirrels come to eat.
Often there are as many as 20 little birds sitting on the fence waiting for their "breakfast".
Last year no bird used the carport wreath to our disappointment.
I was thinking of taking it down but never did.
A few weeks ago a Robin started refurbishing the old nest in the wreath and built it up at least an inch higher.
She deposited 4 eggs in the nest and is sitting on it most of the time.
I wondered if this could be the same mother Robin.
Meanwhile, 2 smaller birds, either sparrows or wrens have built themselves a nest in the lower loop of the same carport wreath.
They have little marble sized eggs in the nest.
It's cute to see the mother Robin looking down at the other little birds in the lower "condo for birds".
It's a busy place with birds coming and going.
It is awesome how these birds build a nest, lay the eggs, sit on them to keep them warm, then feed the little ones once they hatch.
We've seen the mother drop the food into the big open beaks of the babies.
And after they fly from the nest, the mother still brings back food to them in the safety of the thick bushes along the back fence.
Male Robins feed their young in and out of the nest also.)
Then eventually we see the little ones eating from the bread crumbs on the driveway and pecking for worms and bugs in the grass.
The only disadvantage to having this "condo for birds" is the free bird dropping deposits on the cars and floor of the carport.
But it's a small inconvenience compared to the privilege of watching the beautiful gift of God's creation.