My first Bluebirds & then Tragedy!!!
by Esther
(Bethesda, Maryland)
The day after I put my first bluebird house up (complete with baffle) 2 bluebirds started building their nest.
I was so happy! Before I knew it, 4 eggs had been laid! I couldn't wait.
The chicks started to hatch on a Thursday and I took photos (below).

Baby Bluebirds Just Hatched
The next day I took more photos but they didn't look too good.
Horror of horrors on Saturday when I went to check on them. They (all 4 of them) were completely gone!
No evidence of them anywhere.
I don't think it was a bird attack as their nest was completely clean and there was no evidence they had ever been there.
Nothing on the ground, no sign of a struggle - just completely vanished! I was so upset.
The only thing I can think of is that it was a snake - although what's the use of a baffle???
The male has consistently come back, but I didn't see the female for a full 2 weeks - and now he's wooing a female but I'm not sure it's the same one.
In any event, he is desperately trying to get her to nest, but she doesn't seem to want any part of it...
I did remove the nest after the tragedy.
Am hoping they will return to the nest; nonetheless, it is wonderful to watch them!
If anyone can put my mind at ease as to what may have happened to them, that would be great!
My next question is, will they nest again in the box?
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