Mom Robin On The Attack
by Susan
(Anc Ont)
Ever wondered if robins attack people? I found out when a mother bird dive-bombed me for getting too close to her baby. What I learned, I learned the hard way.
A Robin had built a nest on my bathroom window ledge.
I had watched for the last two seasons these lovely little Robins grow and fly away.
I was privileged enough to see the moment they actually flew off into the tall trees in our yard where the mother was not far behind.
Last year the nest on the window ledge was again holding two tiny birds.
The window ledge was under my clothesline and when I thought it was safe I tried to hang some clothes on the line.
I must have scared the baby Robin because out of nowhere the mother started diving towards me screeching a sound that was both upsetting and terrifying.
I knew right then I was in trouble.
She was obviously distraught that I had scared the baby out of the nest when it wasn't ready to fly.
I was beside myself feeling terrible. I cried.
I didn't mean to upset her and cause the young to leave the nest.
I had watched these little guys for weeks and was loving them.
Anyway, the mother and the baby were in a nearby tree for a long time.
I think she forgave me because this year they are back again.
Two new babies. But this time not on the window ledge but in a nearby shrub.
I still check on them occasionally. But now I keep my distance.
Love those birds, and hope they always stay close.
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