Missed Wrens Leaving Nest

by Deb K.
(Saugerties, NY)

Deb spent weeks enjoying the sights and sounds of House Wrens raising their young in her birdhouse. Just when she thought she would witness their first flight, the babies left without warning.

House Wrens Using Log Cabin Birdhouse

log cabin birdhouse

Log Cabin Wren Birdhouse

A couple of years ago we acquired a little log cabin birdhouse my father-in-law built and we hung it in our lilac tree.

The hole is too small for sparrows, and we were hoping to attract other species, maybe House Wrens.

No bird selected it for nesting for a couple of years, and we had just about given up hope of it ever hosting a bird family.

Last year we saw a wren bird checking it out and bringing in a few twigs, which we learned was the male's version of house-hunting.

The female, however, must have had her eye on a different location, and the house remained empty.

This year we again saw the male, and to our delight, the female decided to have her second brood in our little house.

baby house wrens in birdhouse

Hungry Baby Wrens

They moved in mid-July and we've been watching their progress, listening to the proud papa's song and watching daily to catch the babies leaving the nest and their first flight.

We knew the time was close but this morning my husband saw food still being brought to the house, so we thought "OK, another day."

Well, sometime between 7:30 am and 3 pm, the baby wrens flew the coop and we missed it! LOL Looking forward to next year!
So what do you think? Have you ever witness the actual fledging of a nest of birds. Share in the comments.

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Comments for Missed Wrens Leaving Nest

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Us too!
by: Ann Witzig

We watched and watched waiting for the baby wrens to leave and miss them every time.

But yesterday, hubby found a baby wren in the window well and we finally got to see a baby.

He put it back in the house, the little one would have died in the well as couldn't fly yet. What a joy!!

Our brood
by: NjRach

Saw our babies fledge a couple of weeks ago!

I was fortunate enough to catch it early in the morning and recorded them! Amazing!

Bird Poop
by: Gene

Not sanitary for us but harmless to them. Although it may attract predators. Some species are more messy than others.

by: Anonymous

There is poop all around the edges of the nest. It would seem unhealthy for the babies!

Is this common or is the watching through the window by my cats causing stress?

Wrens Fledging
by: Gene

I can't tell you how many times I've missed fledging by a few hours. Sorry, next year, right?

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