Hummingbirds Have Personalities

by Cindy
(Yucca Valley,Ca)

Cindy asserts that hummingbirds have personalities and shares her thoughts about these tiny birds and what she feels is a blessing to have them around.
Of course, they do!

And it is such a gift to be befriended by them. Ever see one just sit and fluff up like any other bird, just listening to you talk?

I've been blessed by the visit of a pair of Anna's hummingbirds. Male and female.

I know this because the female is gray and green.

The male has a beautiful ruby-colored throat.
anna's hummingbirds have personalities

Little Gree Cotton Ball - Anna's HB

Since they have graced me with their presence.

I have been capturing unbelievable photos of these little powerhouses, in so many different settings. It's truly amazing.

Here I will contribute a capture of a little one, sunbathing, and listening to my greeting. I want to share all my photos!

They seem so happy when I go outside and talk to them!

They wait for me to come out, then buzz my head and perch on a branch near me and visit before getting to work on my California Fushia flowers.

So fun to watch and see their personalities.

In late November none the less!!

So. Calif. high desert mtns.

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Aug 30, 2023
by: Brenda

I too have 3 hummingbirds that visit my balcony numerous times during the day, I have 3 feeders that they go to, one after another.

I talk to them and they will chirp just like they're answering me.

I love watching them interact by chasing each other and swirling together up and away.

One is an emerald and the other two are grey with a white ring around the neck.

Aug 19, 2023
Mama bird
by: Seik-Yee

A mama Anna's hummingbird made a nest on Christmas light wire under the house's overhang.

This mama bird has been in my backyard for at least a year.

I watched her babies grow up and fly off. Mama bird is always nearby.

When I go to the backyard and whistle, she'll come within minutes, and perch on a bamboo branch.

We'd sit and watch each other for a few minutes every evening.

Wish I could post photos to share.

Aug 08, 2023
A new discovery
by: Dawn Bataineh

Much praise be to GOD, the Magnificent Creator of all things, for the beauty he brings forth before our eyes!

This is my very first summer, at age 56 discovering and observing Hummingbirds along with numerous others!

I've observed and cared for the beautiful Hummingbirds every day, and find much joy in it.

They are amazing little creatures that bring a smile to my face.

Jul 08, 2023
Where's my feeder.
by: Byron Winsett

We have a Hummingbird friend who comes to our house annually and taps on our den door window and stares at us all but asking where's my feeder?

We spring into action and gladly prepare his daily "treat". How could anyone possibly resist?

Aug 12, 2022
by: Jr Boren

I use a bottle feeder and place it out of the sun.

To avoid ants I hang it with a large S hook from a large hanging basket.

I also make my own sugar water and replace it daily. While working in my office it comes up to my window.

Sometimes when I walk on the deck it will buzz around me.

Jul 20, 2018
My friend
by: Anonymous

My friend, a precious hummingbird, comes by most days to greet me.

Either he or she dances back and forth in front of my second-story window or hovers above when I am swimming.

When I float silently in the pool, he hovers as if checking to make sure I’m okay.

I love looking up at his belly as he does so.

He loves to be spoken to and especially loves when I am in prayer or meditation.

I do not have a hummingbird feeder. Our friendship is nourishing enough for both of us.

Jan 31, 2014
Re: I have a new friend by G.
by: Cindy

Hi G.
So happy you have a few hanging around who love your company and attention!

They ARE very, very friendly and so full of personality and little antics when I go out too. And they see me each new day!

I have a male and a female here that stay year-round.

They are sort of a highland hummingbird and are around mountains. Not seen very often by many.

The male has an entire purple head in the right light, with sort of a beard which is called a gorget.

He's absolutely beautiful! Extremely lovable!

I can darn near walk up and stroke my little guys back when he comes close to me and lands on a nearby branch and starts fluffing all up! ( I've just never tried!!)

He and his female will even land on the feeder after I have refreshed it and am on my way back to the tree, before I even get there!

I had my husband take pics of that! They don't wait for me to put it up.

I usually have to stand there and hold it till they are done! They are so awesome, aren't they?

About your trip to the store, I wouldn't know.

Odds are that it was another hummingbird saying hello, feeling your loving kind spirit towards them!

If I miss filling my pairs feeder, they will let me know when I walk outside by hovering all around me with their aerobatics.

I will submit a new page to this site soon, under "The Costa's Hummingbird" Watch for it. I will share pics of the male and female.

Get your camera out and start taking pictures! You'll be able to savor those precious moments forever!

In the summertime, I have about 6 different species here and subsequently have to hang more feeders!

Jan 31, 2014
I have a new friend!
by: G.

I had to write. I have two hummingbirds outside my back yard everyday, ever since I put out the feeder.

They are so beautiful! They love it when I go outside. Now I have a question??

I went shopping and a hummingbird got my attention and was circling me for a good few minutes.

It was so beautiful and put a tear in my eyes.

I'm wondering is it following me? Can it be the same one? What a pleasure every day!

Nov 29, 2008
by: Stefan

it is truly an honor to be blessed by the presence of gods beautiful little creatures.

Nov 29, 2008
I love this legend !
by: Cindy

These little "Travelers" are truly historical! I have read that these little ones exist in other countries to which we've never seen the likes!

Archeologists have found fossils of their existence!

These little ones would always hover between me and the camera and the flowers just to look at me with curiosity.

Then, land on a branch nearby fluff up, listen to me, cocking there little heads at me like a puppy dog does when they are paying attention to you, as if to ask what? "I find you so interesting!"

When it is us that are thrilled with their visit!
But alas they are gone for the winter.

They surprisingly stayed beyond their seasonal instinctive alarm clock!

I don't have a feeder.. they just flock to my flowers. But I am going to get one now! Maybe they will find me again on their way back!

It was so exciting to have them here!

Nov 29, 2008
for the hummingbird whisperer
by: Robin

Legend has it that the crimson stain that colors the hummingbird's throat is from her ancestor who drank from the lilies in Galilee.

She once tried to give a thirsty man on a cross a drink from the fruit of flowers and brushed his cheek with her feathers.

The little bird is acquainted with the Man of Sorrows and spends her day gathering her nectar
lest he ever be thirsty again.

You are blessed to be the companion of such a special bird. She knows you are her friend.

Nov 28, 2008
hummingbirds and friend
by: rich

This picture of your friend is so wonderful God has given you a look at His creation in true beauty.

Nov 28, 2008
Hummingbirds have personalities
by: Marlene

I couldn't get over how this tiny little bird sat on a branch and 'fluffed' up his beautiful little feathers.

I've never seen a picture quite like the one you took.

What a wonderful 'hobby' you have taking pictures of these 'precious' tiny birds...

All I've ever been 'blessed' with is a few in my '72 years 'buzz' my head and take off fast!

Just so wonderful of you to share with others who love Humming Birds.

Please send more pictures...I will be looking forward to seeing them.

Nov 28, 2008
Fluffy and Freindly!
by: Christina

Such a Beautiful shot. I didn't know these little birds were so friendly.

It's very interesting to know they have personalities.

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