How I Became a Dove Mom: The Story of Edwin & Myrtle

by Pati De Fazio
(Vista California, USA)

An abandoned baby dove found safety in an unlikely place—a human's care.

Years later, Edwin still visits the home where he was raised, forming an extraordinary bond that defies nature's rules.

The Dove Who Came Home: The Incredible Story of Edwin & Myrtle

Two years ago, a pair of mourning doves chose an unusual nesting spot—right in the hanging plant outside my front door.

They built their nest, laid two eggs, and before long, their little ones hatched and took flight.

Pair of doves in plant

Not long after, the doves returned to raise another brood.

The father stayed with them during the day, the mother at night—until one night, she didn't come back.

Being the worrywart that I am, I couldn't bear the thought of the hatchlings getting cold, so I crocheted a tiny blanket and placed it over them.

The next morning, I found them still snug in their makeshift nest, with their devoted father watching over them.

For three days, he stayed, caring for his babies.

Then, on the third day, as I sat outside, he did something remarkable—he flew right up to me, looked at me with his one eye (because, as we know, doves never look straight at you), and in that silent moment, I understood: this would be the last time he came.

He was entrusting me with his young.

Raising Edwin & Myrtle

The next morning, he was gone. That's when I turned to the internet, desperate to learn how to care for baby doves.

Dove babies in shredded paper nest

Dove Babies in Shredded Paper Nest

I placed the hatchlings in a shoebox lined with shredded paper, went to the local feed store, and bought squab formula.

Every four hours, I fed them—though, let me tell you, hand-feeding tiny baby doves is no easy job.

Before long, they were covered in dried squab feed, hardened like concrete on their tiny heads.

I worried. Would the other doves accept them? Would they be left out of all the “dove games”?

But Edwin and Myrtle, did I mention their names yet?

Well, Edwin and Myrtle had something better than a flock—they had a four-bedroom house, complete with a 130-pound white German Shepherd named Oden as their companion.

Edwin’s Wild Spirit and Unbreakable Bond

After two weeks of feeding, they started to test their wings.

Feeding From Bowl

No Hand-Feeding Doves Now

Then, the day came—Edwin flew away. He was ready. I hoped he would come back.

And he did.

Over the next two years, Edwin returned again and again. He had three sets of babies, all born in the same hanging planter where he was raised.

Unlike Myrtle, who remained completely wild, Edwin still considered my home his. He'd come inside, perch in my bedroom, and spend the night if he chose to.

He wouldn't let me touch him, but he got as close as he could—his own way of showing trust. He even scolded me when I stayed up too late.

The most surprising part? Edwin adored Oden, my German Shepherd. He snuggled up with him, completely fearless.

Surviving the Wild

As time went on, Edwin continued his wild dove life, but he always found his way back to me. Then, things changed.

The hawks had discovered my little dove sanctuary. One by one, doves disappeared.

Then, one morning, I saw Edwin—injured, barely able to fly. He had one tail feather left and only half the feathers on one wing.

I didn't see him fly in, and I didn't see him leave. He was just… there.

For two weeks, he stayed close, too afraid to go outside. He had witnessed a hawk swoop down and take one of his own.

I think he knew how close he had come to being next.

But slowly, his feathers regrew. His confidence returned.

And one day, he flew away again.

A Home to Return To

Years have passed, and Edwin still comes back.

Every morning, when the doves gather at my feeder, I know he's among them.

Grown up Edwin Dove

Edwin Visiting

While the others keep their distance, Edwin comes right up to my door. He isn't afraid of Oden. He never was.

Nature is unpredictable. I don't know how long Edwin will keep returning, but I take comfort in knowing I gave him a safe place—a second chance.

To anyone who finds a helpless bird and wonders if they should help, don't hesitate. The journey is more rewarding than you can imagine.

Because sometimes, the birds we save never really leave us.

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Comments for How I Became a Dove Mom: The Story of Edwin & Myrtle

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Apr 03, 2020
Mourning Doves my friend and baby
by: Anonymous

You lived out my dream. Someone gave me a fully feathered baby dove about 20 years ago. I took him home.

There was no internet then so I didn't know how to feed him. I gave him parakeet seed which he ate. He napped in my long hair and followed me everywhere.

He never flew and I am assuming it was due to imprinting. I fell in love with his sweet nature. I think he lived on love as his diet was not right.

I kept him for at least a month and while I was away one day he had died.

I will never forget this beautiful soul. I put up a hanging planter basket lined with coconut on my porch.

I now have a pair of doves who visit daily.

Fingers crossed.

Jun 22, 2017
Thank you
by: Anonymous

What a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing. Those Doves are so lucky to have you in their lives. keep us all posted, will you!

Jun 20, 2016
You Da Mama ........
by: Adrienne

That was a beautiful Story Pati, May God Bless You.

Sweet, and just an amazing lil. story. I have a momma, and her babies out side my front door in a bush.

Mom, and Dad were both dedicated to the two eggs, until three days after they were born. Then coming not so often. Leaving them almost all day, but she had her eye on her babies from a far! They came out of the Nest this morning, and I panicked!

I made them a box water proofed it. Put it upside put two pieces of slate on the floor, then I put the water proof house upside down.

With two exits! Worried about them, one a lot bigger than the other baby. It's night time, right now!

One can fly a bit, but the lil one still weak. I Pray They Make It! I Fell In love with all of them!

Have a blessed night. Sending safe prayers to your baby's! Xo... Adrienne

May 08, 2016
by: Anonymous

Would love to see a video... What a wonderful story. I hope the nest on my balcony makes it.

Feb 24, 2016
The kids!
by: Karen

You are the best dove Mama!! The photos are so adorable.

Feb 24, 2016
So sweet
by: Michelle P

Pati you are something else, what a great story. I love that Edwin still comes home to hang out with you and your shepard dog, keep doing what you do!

Feb 24, 2016
Edwin & Myrtles Aunt
by: Penny

This article is hilarious and true, I have followed the doves progress since they appeared at Pati's house.

These birds have become part of her family of pets and I do believe they speak to each other. I have pictures of Edwin perched on Odie's back (the huge shepherd)napping together!

Like I said, hilarious but true. Penny

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