Handmilled Log Birdhouses

by Daniel
(Brooksville Florida )

Bird House Waiting for Roof

Bird House Waiting for Roof

Handmilled Log Birdhouses As at one time I was a log home builder for 40 yrs or more.

completed log home birdhouses

A lot of big timber/posts & beam also. I've learned to appreciate the world of woodworking.

Nowadays with the economy and my age. The building of the big custom homes has all but died.

Not being ready to retire, I thought why don't I build log models, and it came to building log birdhouses.

So off I went constructing them at first like the Lincoln Logs you got as a kid. That was way to much milling time.

Setting the equipment up is at times very time-consuming.

With the log home experience, I simply applied the same building layouts. They were just pouring out of me. With all different designs and sizes.

Unfortunate to my discovery. And after building about 30 of them they were not quite the right specifications for the size of the entrance, the height from the entrance to floor, etc.

Live and learn I'm back to the wood shop looking
online first. Doing more studies first.

Here are some pictures to show what is going on.

Update 2024, No longer making any. Thanks for your time.

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Jun 22, 2024
Log cabin replica
by: Chrissy Lawrence

Hello. How are you doing? I’m looking for someone who can do a replica of my friend’s dad’s small cabin. Do you do that?

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