Greater Roadrunner Nesting on Aircompressor
by Cindy
The Greater Roadrunner
Now this is something almost no-one gets the opportunity to see!
A Roadrunner, nesting near our garage in the cabinet surrounding our Air-compressor!
Usually Doves will try and nest there, almost every year.
My Husband walked up to the compressor to turn it on.. seeing the twigs that were behind it and above.. but thinking there was nothing in it, he proceeded to do just that, turn it on.

Then and there a Roadrunner came flying out of the nest right at him and scared him half to death! Those birds are BIG.
Well that was the end of this machines use until all the family are born and gone!
He'll have to use his portable from now on, until she is through with her family.
She gets back up there and steadily stays on it, incubating her eggs.
My Husband and grandkids are in that area all the time, he working and them playing. But they keep a certain distance from her.
She hasn't seemed to mind at all.
As I was taking a picture of her in the nest, which is so very deep and big, (but you can't tell by the picture) she got out of the nest, came down withing a few feet from me to sun her back, and then got back in her nest.
Giving me a chance to take some pictures.
The incubation period is anywhere from 16 to 20 days and I have my calendar marked! This is so exciting!
I wish I could put more than one picture on here!
I have never seen a Roadrunner's nest until now!
And I can't wait to see pictures of the babies when they first hatch.
She certainly is in a safe place, that's for sure! Watch for the next article with the heading of:
The Greater Roadrunner on her nest!