by Cindy Witt
(Western Wash)
Happy Face Gourd Bird House
Comments for Gourd Bird Houses
by Felicity Rainnie
Gourd Birdhouse
I started out by making some planters out of gourds.
To my surprise, the one I had in front of my window suddenly became of great interest to some Wrens.
I had to stop watering the little plant of course, but the problem was, every time my cat would come near, the Wren would start screaming at the cat, really making an exhibition of himself!
If he had stayed quiet everything might have gone very nicely, but of course the cat was led right to where the Wren wanted to nest and it just didn't happen.
Now I am really trying to attract birds.
I've made several gourd nests and this time I'm hanging them out of reach of naughty cats!!
I live in Cuernavaca, Mexico. While it's not officially Spring yet here, I'm busy making and hanging gourds all over the place.
Someone said they are a wonderful, light, beautifully shaped and textured. I just love them.
I have decorated them so far with rough string, beads and shells.
I would like to paint some designs on the next ones.
I'm always in such a hurry to see them finished!
Hope the Wren might decide to try again. It would be lovely if some other family of birds might be interested too!!!
Comments for Using Long Gourds For Birdhouses
by Carole Woomer
(Tonawanda, NY)
Wrens Choose Gourd Birdhouse
Each year we put up several birdhouses, and each year the wrens seem to love this gourd!
We first noticed the wrens in our yard of course because of their beautiful song.
We began to study their mating and nesting habits.
Now it has become an annual source of
entertainment for my husband and me.
They love our pine tree and the gardens that provide such great foraging spots.
One year we were lucky enough to see 2 broods!
Last year during the pandemic especially, these little birds were a welcomed solace.
Two years ago we happened to be home when it was time for the baby birds to come out into the world.
We sat for hours watching each one with their cute little tufted heads.
It feels like such a privilege that they chose our yard and our gourd birdhouse.
When they are gone for the season, there is a noticeable sad silence.
But we always look forward to welcoming them back next year!
Comments for Wrens Choose Gourd For Nesting
by Felicity Rainnie
Well I'm delighted to report that after having made about eight Gourd Birdhouses and doting them around the outside of my house.
I placed them too high for my two naughty cats to reach this time! and having waited months for something to happen.
Wren Nesting in Gourd
Comments for Gourd Birdhouse Rented
by Mark
(Bellevue, MI)
Three sets of baby wrens in our gourd birdhouse this year.
This was the first year for my gourd birdhouse.
The male sure did decorate it up nice before the female came. Three sets of babies!
Gourds make excellent birdhouses. Wrens, Purple Martins, Tree Swallows and others will use them provided the opening and placement is right.
Another thing you might consider for your gourd birdhouses are access ports.
Manufacturers make a lid that can be adapted to your gourd for easy cleaning.
You can check them out here:
Access Ports
I believe it's important to clean out your gourd birdhouses in between nestings or at least at the end of the season.
Thanks for your submission.
by Debbie Almond
(North Carolina)
gourd birdhouse painted cottage garden
Over the past few years I have found solace and peace painting gourd birdhouses.
Every birdhouse is different just as the gourd since it is grown by nature.
After the gourd is cleaned scrubbed and prepared I then begin the creation of my artwork!
Little did I know when finishing my creation with coats of varnish and hanging them from my apple tree to dry that their vibrant colors would be the main attraction for the neighborhood hummingbirds.
As I turned to walk into my house, I heard a faint pecking noise, then another, then another, and as I turned there were hummingbirds gathered all around my hand painted gourd birdhouses trying to feed off the artwork in which I had just painted.
There is beauty in nature no matter how it is created.
A lot of my birdhouses I have given to nursing home patients, shut-ins, etc. and go back to hear their stories of how they have enjoyed watching birds of all kinds flock to find nests, feed off the vibrant colors, or just to visit out of curiosity.
The stories of the mothers that have gathered on their sofas with their children to watch the new babies learn to fly.
The shut-ins that sit by their window and occupy their time as their feathered friends visit.
The nursing home patients that are reminded daily of a God that has created something so beautiful and delicate as a little bird, my peace and solace has now become theirs.
Comments for My Hand Painted Gourds