Comments for Gourd works for House Wrens

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Nesting and sleeping
by: Janet

There have been lots of wren nests in the last few years; in gourds, wood piles, metal bird house, and a cavity next to my window that I pass by (within 2 feet) many times a day.

Oh, and one inside a piece of yard art, an old plastic skeleton with clothes on, sitting.

That was how I met the wren the first time. I was a little too close to the yard art nest and received a good lecture.

A few days ago as it was about to get dark, I noticed a wren hanging around the top of my table umbrella.

I thought I saw him go into one of the folds at the top. Sure enough, upon careful closer inspection, he was inside a hammock-type fold, asleep.

We had a horrendous hail storm the other night and as I was looking outside my window, he woke up and perched one of the bars at the top, until the wind blew it over.

I went out later to check on him, and he was asleep in the turned-over umbrella fold.

Wren babies
by: Anonymous

I have a hanging basket on my back deck that hangs off of the frame of a canopy that covers it. The hanging basket has a hosta in it.

A pair of wrens are occupying the Nest in the hanging basket into which the female laid four eggs about three weeks ago.

A couple of days ago two of the eggs hatched and there are a couple of baby wrens occupying the nest.

Great idea
by: Isaac

I really like the idea and creativity behind it!

It's amazing how you can get a bird family to live in your backyard.

I love your post and creativity!
by: Isaacoomber

It is such an amazing idea to have birds in your backyard, just build a nest for them and soon have the bird family in your neighborhood!!

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