adult dove perched on garage door opener motor housing support bracket
Fledgling dove surveying the outside world
If you've had doves make a home in your space, we'd love to hear about it! Share your experience, challenges, or even advice to help others who find themselves with unexpected feathered guests.
We've had doves nest in our garage since May 2018.
My wife and I had not been aware of their existence and had been closing the garage door overnight.
We were surprised when a fledgling flew out landing a short distance away on the side of our house where creeping fig cover the area.
We don't know whether the same mating pair return every year generally late February.
They've occupied the top storage shelf in our side yard to rear a brood at least twice. They drink water from bowls on a patio porch and eat nyjer seed that finches drop from a hanging feeder.
I love watching them on our patio, driveway and on the house and garage roof. I particularly enjoy watching the adults feed fledglings.
Lovey Dovey built her nest about 2 weeks ago on our door opener.
We are pretty sure her mate (found a dead dove in the yard) was killed in a hail storm or by the neighbor's cat.
We have provided water and wild bird seed for her but not sure if she is eating it.
I will post an update and more pictures of the fledglings when they pop up!!
LoveyDovey's Babies
After weeks of worry, we finally got a peek at the babies yesterday when mama left the nest.
She was gone quite a long time so more worry if she was able to come back, well not only did mama return but long lost papa was with her.
I have a feeling unbeknownst to us they were switching all along.
We were relieved to see her mate was not the dead bird we found in the yard.
I am guessing they are about 8 days old.
A week ago we saw white eggshell pieces in the driveway along with some Hawk droppings so then we worried the nest had been attacked, but she stuck to her business and you can see the results!!
------------------------ Comments for Dove on Garage Door Opener.
May 24, 2008
That's an adorable story by: Jessica
I'm so glad daddy dove wasn't harmed, and that the nest hadn't been attacked. Good for them! Apr 16, 2008
Tweet Tweet by: Judy
Best Wishes on your New Arrivals to be!!! Apr 15, 2008 Rating hello from Ginger by: Ginger
Didn't know you were a bird watcher! Hope everything goes okay. Ginger
Doves nesting on garage door opener by: Ruth in NH
Fascinating to watch nature evolve. We saw the doves bringing in sticks to build their nest for a few days, then each day we watch them come and go.
When we leave for weekends we have our neighbor open and shut the garage door daily so they can go get food.
The shaking of the garage door doesn't seem to bother them at all! So far we haven't seen the babies, we've been watching for two weeks!
Jun 08, 2016
Dove on window sill by: Anonymous
Every time a dove comes to a home and sits on a window sill or above door etc - some one is going to die in that home/family - this has happened 3. times to us.
Old timers believe that when a bird nest or stays on a window sill etc - it is a bad omen, I truly believe this.
Jun 03, 2015
Our Doves in our garage door opener! by: N. MossName
Many thanks for the story of your doves and the garage door opener.
We thought we were the only ones blessed enough to have this pleasant surprise! Good luck to us both with our families!
After some time noticing doves flying in and out of my garage, I decided to keep the back door open for them.
They built a nest and sometimes I noticed one sitting on the nest.
Time passed and it seemed there was little activity other than the doves flying in the garage.
I started to think there would be no hatchlings. Maybe it had been too hot in the garage and the eggs had died.
Yesterday, a dove was flying above me as I entered the garage. I looked up and saw two young doves on a rafter and their parents vigilantly watching on a higher rafter. It was a sweet moment.
I've always liked doves. They are mild mannered and I felt it a complement when they nested near me.
While it has been quite nice to welcome new life, I don't think I want them to continue nesting in my garage.
As you can imagine, they have dirtied up my car somewhat and I would like to close my side garage door at some point.
I'd love to have them stay but I think it's better that they nest outside. What do I do to urge them outdoors?
On 3 occasions, our local Mourning Doves have nested on the top of the concrete post just under the carport roof.
This area is protected from prey and from inclement weather, so I imagine the mama and daddy feel it's a safe environment for their nest and their babies.
Yesterday, Mama Dove gave birth and I could see the baby with my binoculars when mama flew away for a few minutes.
My neighbors are also in awe of this wonderful natural happening.
This bird has been in my carport in the past and she is familiar with my comings and goings and doesn't get rattled when I start my car. She seems to be part of our family now.
I will continue to watch her and her husband and their baby
Baby Dove Has Arrived
The Mourning Dove in my carport has had her baby. He/she's growing a little each day and pokes his head up for a photo op!
Seems like he's left alone for hours at a time during the day, but Mama comes at night to sit on the nest and protect her child.
I live in Florida and a friend of mine owns a home, but travels a lot for work. He recently noticed doves in his garage nested on top of the garage opener.
He check for eggs and there is 1. Right now he has been opening and closing the garage for egg sitting duties every morning and evening.
He has to leave for work for 3 months so will not be able to open and close the garage.
He is afraid to move the nest and have the parents abandon it. How can you move the nest safely?
Do you wear gloves so that you didn't leave a scent?
A few months ago, I hired a local pest control company to screen in the corner eaves of my house because honestly, birds were becoming a nuisance. (I just had my house painted!)
We decided to have them wait to do the work when the birds were not actively nesting. So they finally started work a few weeks ago.
One day I came home from work, and the guy was loading up his truck.
He said there was a mourning dove in one of the eaves so he had relocated her nest. (That was the last corner that needed to be done.) He put the nest on top of my fence (which is covered with ivy.)
That afternoon and evening, the poor momma bird paced and paced in my carport. She kept flying up to the corner . . .could not figure out why she couldn’t get to her nest. And she couldn’t find her egg!
Finally, I carefully picked up the nest and put it under one of the eaves of the carport.
She continued to pace. She did not abandon her nest! The next morning, there she was, sitting on top of the egg.
Now there are two babies in the nest. And the family is doing fine. Here are photos of the babies.
Surprised to Find Doves Nesting on Garage Door Opener
by Dan Marshall
(Baton, LA)
Dove on Opener
Have you found a bird nesting in your garage or carport? Dan Shares his experience after finding a dove on his door opener.
I have added a picture to go along with my previously posted story...
One day we were in our garage (California carport-door on one side/open on other), and to our surprise we saw a dove nesting on our garage door opener.
For the first couple days, the bird would fly away when we opened the door, but eventually she would stay put, only cocking her head to the side in response to the noise and shaking.
For several weeks we would come home and say "Hello Bird". My wife has grown quite attached.
She will constantly ask me "what's that bird doing?" "Do you think she's lonely?" "Is she cold?" My response: "Sitting" "no" and "We're in Southern Louisiana, I doubt ANYONE'S cold"
It is quite intriguing to see this bird sitting motionless for hours at a time.
My wife checks on them every few hours when we're home.
Every morning she greets her/him, and every evening she makes me look out the door and bid them a good night. No chicks yet…
Surprise! I opened the door to head for my car and I notice something different. "What is that?" "Honey, I think we have babies".
My wife runs from the bedroom, half dressed, squealing like a child on Christmas. "Where, where?" Finally she sees the little brown head and black eye.
I grab the camera and take a few dozen pictures from a stepping stool vantage point.
Later that day I get an email from my wife with the pictures displayed like a proud mother. I almost cringed when I saw the length of the CC list.
Well, that's the story so far. It is kinda fun to watch…I just hope they don't mess up my brand new door opener.
One always seems to pop up from out of nowhere. There didn't seem to be enough room for two the first time I observed the babies in our first family of Penny and Benny, but one often is a pleasant surprise.
Jun 04, 2009
There are 2 now! by: Dan Marshall
Quick update to this story. There are actually 2 chicks. I think they are starting to get too big for momma to sit on and hide.
Jun 04, 2009
Ms. Dove on Main St. by: Elaine
I know how happy you are. My Ms. Dove on Main Street in Historic Downtown Franklin, TN just hatched her second brood this week.
She had her first brood the first part of May and I was so excited and made pictures and put her on this website and then after they flew away she nested again and has now her second pair of babies.
I love watching them and tell everyone who comes in the shop to be sure and speak to her and notice the babies.
I have loved watching such a beautiful piece of nature.
Elaine Franklin, TN The Heirloom Shop 404 Main Street
Jun 03, 2009
The Dove Club by: Phyllis
I loved your story. I, too, and my husband and children have been fascinated by the dove devotion to the eggs.
We're presently on the 3rd family in the same nest on a 6th floor fire escape next to a big empty flower pot in NYC.
Jun 03, 2009
Another awesome pic by: Anonymous
Another awesome picture. I, too, have 2 babies and a couple of doves. My 2nd round. So cool...I love it. My husband and children just barely tolerate me.