Doves Nesting Right In Front Of My Door!

by S. Choi
(Santa Clara, CA)

Dove Nest in Tree

Dove Nest in Tree

Doves at Front Door Nesting in Tree

I live in the 2nd story of an apartment complex with a few trees planted on the 1st floor in the inside area of the complex.

I enjoy looking at these trees through the seasons seeing the leaves fall off in the fall, then the blossoms appear in the spring and finally full lush green leaves during the summer.

I actually get a bird's eye view of these trees because of the height of the trees and my 2nd story level.

Well, 2 months ago, I noticed a beautiful bird nest which had been built right into the central crook of one of the trees and I even snapped some pictures because it looked so perfectly constructed and placed.

Last month a couple of these Mourning Doves were hanging around the just cooing away and relaxing but the nest was still empty.

Just a few days ago, I saw a Dove atop the nest, presumably nesting.

It's been 3 days now and I was worried because it's been so cold and rainy here lately but nevertheless the Dove is still there staring at me taking pictures. (Don't worry, I keep my distance)

I leave my apartment in the morning and come back in the evening and noticed the bird looked different and had changed positions yesterday.

Now because of this site I know that Mama and Papa take turns incubating their babies. Charming!

I've never had the pleasure of witnessing something like this so I'm extremely excited and fascinated by the whole experience.

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Apr 15, 2023
Doves nesting
by: Elmyra

I have some morning doves sitting in a tree in my complex on the second floor she watching me and I'm watching her.

I too have concerns about her because it has been raining here she's up too high so I can't give her anything to eat.

Our windows are screened so I can't reach out to her but she's right next to my window and she is such a joy to watch.

Her mate comes every once in a while but she steadily sits right there in the tree.

She and some squirrels are company to me.

Mar 11, 2023
Doves Change Places on the Nest
by: Gene

Hi Valerie.

The male and female change places in the morning and late afternoon. You can learn more here - The Nesting Habits of Doves

Mar 11, 2023
Dove Stays on Nest Doesn't Leave
by: Valerie

I have a Dove nesting in my Palm Tree right outside my kitchen window.

She has been there for several weeks!!

I get nervous because I never see her leave or any companion coming by with food.

Is that normal? I never see any other Dove come and visit!!!

Apr 05, 2020
Good News!
by: Anonymous

I was so glad to read your experience because I've run into the same situation.

I noticed a Dove sitting in my pine tree in my backyard. S/he didn't move when I walked by.

I kept/keep my distance while checking several times a day for 3+ days and the Dove is still there.

I didn't want to interfere but I've been worrying, hoping the beautiful bird was not in distress or hungry. This is good news!!!

S. Dove (this really is my last name!)
Georgina, Ontario

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Mourning Dove nesting in our front tree

by Wilda

Mourning Doves nesting

Mourning Doves nesting

For the past few months, Mourning Doves have been cooing away, and fluttering around, and I being an animal lover, would respond in kind, by imitating their sounds back.

Silly perhaps, but hoping it was a type of communication with them, letting them know they were welcomed here, and I was their friend, they need not fear.

A few weeks ago, I noticed two nest in two of my front trees. I wondered which birds were nesting there. (having found some old nest from last year, full of moss, which I had thrown out, in hopes new nest would be built in their place.

I thought I had seen some Mockingbirds in and out of the trees and nest, but couldn't be certain.

Today, as I went for my usual walk with one of my dogs, I decided to look into the tree, per chance, there was a bird this time inside one of the nest, and to my delight, there was! a Mourning Dove sitting right in it.

I was afraid of disturbing it, so I just went on my walk, but when I returned, I got my camera, and quietly, from a safe distance(yet close)I got a few pictures.

She/he, seemed to watch me, but didn't stir nor seemed disturbed by my photo shoot.

I am thrilled, that they chose one of my trees in which to hatch their offspring.

So looking forward to seeing one of the babies.

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Doves in Willow Tree

by Brandon
(Spring, Tx)

Nesting and incubating

Nesting and incubating

For the past 4 years or so, we get Mourning Doves nesting in our Willow Tree. Due to recent storms in the Houston area, we lost a major branch from the tree.

This spring, to our surprise the Doves returned. They weren't phased by the limb and previous nest's disappearance. Created a nest in a new branch and went about their business.

We now have two big babies that should hopefully be flying away soon.

Our environment is less than ideal as the nest is right above our swimming pool and we have 3 dogs that love to bark and chase birds.

When outside, I am always less that 6 feet from those birds and they don't mind.

I don't do it to be intrusive. They are literally over the pool and love to use it as their toilet, which is the only bad mark on them.

The wife and I look forward to seeing them again next year.

I enjoyed your article


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