Dove Nesting on Front Porch

by Natalie
(Greenbrae, California, USA)

Natalie discovered a dove nesting in a flower pot on her front porch. With potential predators around, she attempted to relocate the nest ever so slightly, but...

Two weeks ago, we opened the front door and were startled when a dove suddenly flew out of the flower pot on the porch railing.

At first, we thought it was just resting there, but when we took a closer look, we saw the tiny nest inside.

A single egg lay in the center, smooth and pale, almost blending in with the pot's surface.

dove sitting on eggs in flower pot

The next morning, we checked again, and there were two eggs. It became clear that the doves had chosen our porch as their nursery.

During those first few days, every time we stepped outside, the nesting dove would take off in a hurry, startled by our presence.

Over time, it seemed to recognize that we weren't a threat. Eventually, it stopped flying away whenever we passed and simply sat in place, watching us.

We started noticing how the male and female doves took turns on the nest.

It was fascinating to see how naturally they worked together, switching places with little hesitation.

When one flew off, the other always stayed nearby, perching on the fence or the neighbor's roof, keeping a close eye on the nest.

We knew that neighborhood cats could be a danger. One in particular, an older tom, wandered by every other day.

dove squab in flower pot nest

Baby Dove (Squab) and Unhatched Dove Egg in Flower Pot Nest

He had always been a slow-moving cat, and as he aged, his vision seemed to decline. Luckily, he never noticed the doves.

He walked past them countless times, unaware of the little family just a few feet above.

At one point, we tried to move the flower pot just a little, thinking it might be safer in a slightly different spot.

We were careful, shifting it only about a foot to the side, but the doves reacted instantly.

They flew in circles, landing in the empty space where the nest had been. Their distress was obvious, so we quickly moved the pot back.

Almost immediately, they settled down again, returning to their eggs as if nothing had happened.

That was the moment we realized how attached they were to this exact location.

Even though the nest's position still worried us, we knew better than to interfere again.

A cat could easily reach it, and a crow might spot the eggs from above, but the doves had made their decision.

Now, all we could do was watch and hope for the best.

This morning, something incredible happened. One of the eggs hatched.

A tiny, fragile chick lay curled up next to the remaining egg, still adjusting to life outside the shell.

It was a remarkable sight, and we found ourselves checking on them more often, waiting to see if the second egg would hatch soon.

For now, we are simply observing and hoping.

The parents remain as devoted as ever, taking turns warming their newborn.

With a little luck, both babies will grow strong, and before long, they'll be ready to take flight.

Comments for Dove Nesting on Front Porch

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Aug 20, 2023
To Maria
by: Gene

It's probably best to wait as you could cause the young to fledge too early. Yes, it's disgusting but it will be over soon enough.

Aug 20, 2023
I have two hatched doves on a pot growing in my balcony
by: Maria Abraham

Hello. I have two hatched doves growing on large plant pot in my balcony.

I live in a condo and my unit is up in the sky; so I just keep other birds intruders away from my balcony.

But now I noticed that the nest on the pot is quiet dirty, mostly covered in feces.

Should I clean the nest while my bèbè dodos are there?

Apr 25, 2023
What Does it Mean When Dove Nest On Your Home

What does this exactly mean?

This is my second home and at first, I was staying in a flat, and right under my outside light, I noticed a nest.

I cleaned it up, but to my surprise the very same day they come back until I ended up befriending the doves.

So I moved back home and it's now 12 months to my surprise 3 days back under my outside light again there's a nest.

Must I be worried or is it just nature?

Nov 19, 2021
Baby Dove Sleeps on our Ledge
by: Anonymous

A few days ago we saw what we thought was a small bay flying in front of our front door.

When we looked, later on, we noticed a small dove in a little space at the top of one of our front columns.

I was worried since she stayed there all night, but since then, she’s been flying away for the entire day and coming to sleep just at night!

I think she enjoys the warmth of our front lights.

She is absolutely adorable and it's such a treat to look out and see her right outside our door every night!

We can’t wait to see her again tonight. We named her "Itty Bitty!" ☺️

Sep 09, 2020
Keeping Baby Dove Safe
by: Gene

It's pretty common for fledgling doves to spend a few days on the ground. It's also pretty dangerous.

Keep dogs and cats away. Do not place food anywhere near the doves as it can attract predators. Hope for the best.

Sep 09, 2020
Two doves and a male
by: Anonymous

I have two plain doves living just outside the window under bushes.

My son said babies because a gray one with spots comes and feeds them. How do I keep them safe?

Jan 05, 2020
adding food
by: Gene

It's better to provide food away from the nest so that predator birds or mammals aren't attracted to the nest site. The doves can find the food easily.

Jan 05, 2020
Dove Nesting
by: Bolanle

Dove laid an egg around my window a few days ago, and on the second day, another was laid.

Both parents have been taking turns sitting on the eggs.

I am so happy for the Doves and they are a joy to have around.

Today, l tried to put some light grains close to the eggs, and hopefully, the birds would fancy it.

Apr 11, 2016
by: Anonymous

So Sorry that is so sad. We have a couple that comes back every year to nest on our upper window sill outside.

The result is usually not good. The eggs roll off the edge.

This girl needs some nest-building skills. I feel bad for her, maybe this year she will do better!

She was out there earlier hooting like crazy. such a sweet sound.

Apr 14, 2013
Dove Mate Lossed
by: Gene

Everyone should keep cats indoors as it is healthier for the cats and the birds.

All Doves will mate again in time. I would advise not throwing seed on the ground where it makes doves vulnerable to cats, and hawks.

Place a tray feeder on a pole close to or under a tree for hawk protection.

Do not do anything with the nest. Most likely it will be abandoned.

Apr 14, 2013
help please im heart broken :(
by: my mourning dove

I'm glad to see and hear about your beautiful experience with your doves.

I write to you with a heavy heart hoping someone hears my, now lonely dove.

I've been throwing birdseed the past year out front and on occasion have had trouble with my neighbor's cat.

After having animal control put a stop to it she's now letting it out again and it finally got one of my dove couples.

I've heard the one left behind calling all day around the neighborhood heartbroken. We both are.

Knowing they mate for life and spend their life alone should anything as this happen, can anyone shed any light?

Can I do anything for the one that cries all day?

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