Brown Thrasher Family In Sun Room
by R.S. Fisher
(Lilburn, GA USA)
Brown Thrasher Chicks up close
We have two kids, two dogs, a cat, and five baby Brown Thrashers and two parents in our covered sun room at the back of our home outside of Atlanta, GA.
Actually now there is one parent left thanks to one of our dogs.
A small Jack Russell terrier, who has been trying for weeks to catch one of these flying "chew toys".
So, now we have the dilemma of one parent feeding these birds which are in a rack against the wall next to our back door.
I am concerned that the chicks will try and fly from inside the sun room, and the dogs will get to them.
The family and I are firm believers (well my wife and I are at least) that wild life is best looked at and not touched or interfered with.
My concern is that we may have to jump in and help raised these small birds if something should happen to the other parent.
I guess what I am trying to get to is this, What can we do or what should we not do in the event that the other parent bird leaves or gets killed and the chicks are left without any help to feed them or raise them.
I for one do not speak bird, and have no idea how to tell them when and how to leave the nest.
We have a great yard and a wonderful neighborhood with many trees and streams but also with cats, dogs, hawks, foxes and other "nasties" that would otherwise get to these small animals, and with our two kids wanting to make sure that they are safe.
I am left wondering what do we do and how do we do it?
Any advice or guidance on this subject would be greatly appreciated.
Bob Fisher
NE Atlanta Burbs.