I decided to sprinkle some cereal on the ground to see what I could attract and since it had dried apples and nuts in it I saw a pair of bluebirds again that I hadn't seen in a few years.
They're so beautiful!! Then came the snow. It was just perfect timing for photo ops.
Second Year for our bluebird nestbox. We had two broods with same parents in last year.
I am attaching photo of 5 baby blues a couple days before fledging.
Babies About Ready to Leave Nest
We enjoyed the entire process of watching the female parent build her nest with her mate "supervising", seeing how many eggs are laid, checking the nestbox each day after baby blues have hatched, and watching the parents feed and take care of their brood.
We named our adult pair Django (male named after a jazz guitarist) and Emily (female named after a female jazz guitarist).
Django and Emily are great parents and are very good at keeping other birds, squirrels, and cats away from their family! Enjoy the photo.
I've had four different styles of Martin houses which, over the years, were relocated to different locations on my property.
Bath Time For Baby Blue Chicks
Martins came, checked out the housing, and even went inside and poked their heads out to have a look around.
But none took up residence. Guess they wanted A/C and Satellite.
Bluebirds aren't so picky. I gave up on martins about ten years ago and Eastern Bluebirds made good use of the tall, vacant houses.
I once had three bluebird boxes mounted on fence posts, but snakes and fire ants made rearing young impossible.
Recently I relocated the backyard birdbath for photographic convenience.
During those often long waits for a photo-op, I like sitting in the shade on the back porch.
The day after the relocation, I took my position behind the tripod and prepared for a long sit.
Just minutes later, a bunch of small birds came to the birdbath. My first thought was, "I've never seen birds like these before" and I couldn't identify them.
Then Poppa showed up to supervise the kids' bath, and I knew.
Can you imagine how hard the parents worked to catch enough insects to feed these five young ones?