Just a Hummingbird feeder?

by Cindy
(High Mtns. CA)

Oriole Borrowing a Little Nectar

Oriole Borrowing a Little Nectar

Did you know hummingbird feeders can become a hotspot for other bird species?

Cindy was shocked to find a much larger bird perched on hers and couldn’t wait to share the discovery.
Turns out, lots of other birds drink from hummingbird feeders and...

WEll !!! This has been our SECOND surprise visitor to ours!

This morning.. after capturing some great shots of our little hummers.. so early in spring, and visiting with them all morning, I heard an unusual bird song out my patio door.

I was so surprised to see this GIANT BIRD sitting on the feeder, lapping up the nectar like the little Hummers!!

Of course it wasn't "Giant" at all, Maybe 6 or seven inches in length, but compared to the little Anna's, it looked pretty BIG on those little perches!

Don't quote me at all.. but I think it is either a Yellow Warbler or a Northern Oriole.

I am leaning towards an Oriole, because of the black spot under its chin and atop its forehead.

And he sings like an Oriole.

He guarded that feeder all day long today. Chased some House Finches away from getting too close to it.

I have a few HB feeders out there, as well as some Scarlet Salvia and some Fuchsias. So the little Hummers did fine.

We've also seen the Ladder-backed Woodpecker on it!!!

I know the Orioles and the Warblers will eat berries and fruit.. but maybe because out here in the desert, we don't have much of that.. they are enjoying a taste of the nectar from the feeder!!

In any case. It's the first year, I have EVER seen a different bird on the HB feeders than the Hummers.

I did see a Scott's Oriole here one day last Spring.

That was most exciting. Anyone else ever experience other birds drinking out of the HB feeders?

Please let me know!! I am LOVING backyard birding!! And all the visits from the migrating birds!!

Someone share with me!!


Cindy isn't the only one seeing more than hummingbirds at her feeder. Check out the comments below.

Comments for Just a Hummingbird feeder?

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Jul 15, 2024
Nectar for the Orioles
by: Karen Thuo

In late spring I had a pair of Northern Orioles on my hummingbird feeder. The feeder hangs a few inches from my window and seeing the Orioles so close up was delightful.

First, the male did some feeding and flew off. Moments later the female arrived, fed, and flew away.

The display was not over as male and female Orioles returned to the feeder together! That was a perfect surprise.

Jun 28, 2024
by: Birds running off my Hummingbirds

I apologize to all the bird gurus, yet I don't know one bird from the other except my little hummingbirds.

This is the first year, the birds are hoarding the feeders and running off my hummingbirds.

When they migrate, I usually have hundreds and at least 20 -30 all during the summer. This year they can hardly get to the feeders.

I have 4 around my porch, and today, I put out a bird feeder, 4 shepherd hooks with 4 more hummingbird feeders, and a little hummingbird bird bath, filled with nectar.

The birds are still coming to the porch feeders. This is not okay with me, I so love my little hummingbirds. I am in South East Texas, so sad.

Jun 01, 2024
orioles at hummingbird feeder
by: Sandi

I've been going crazy trying to find out what kind of bird wants to eat out of my hummers feeder.

I have 3, but it and the babies prefer 1 the most. I didn't think they could get their beaks in a feeder. I'm wrong.

The males are so beautiful and majestic. I've only seen a female a few times in the earlier spring.

May 12, 2024
by: chris spalding

Me too!

A few days ago a Baltimore Oriole was trying to eat at my hummingbird feeder and this morning there was a similar colored bird but much smaller, and built like a finch!

I was on here trying to find out what new bird was on today and I found your post. I am in Coastal MA!

Apr 01, 2024
Ottawa, Ontario
by: Judy Paquette

Woodpeckers enjoy my hummingbirds feeder all summer. I'm also fortunate to have Baltimore Orioles and hummingbirds.

I am blessed in our new home of 10 years. The birds I see are northern flicker, blue bunting, cardinals, blue jay, brown thrasher, once a snowy egret, ravens, red tail hawks, owls ( haven't seen to identify) northern harriers, osprey, red-headed Woodpecker, rose-breasted grosbeaks are here almost all summer they bring their children + all the regulars.

I am amazed daily.

Jan 29, 2024
Not just for hummingbirds
by: Kareen Kennedy

I could feel your excitement through your post, and I felt the same way when I saw an oriole feeding at the hummingbird feeder!

Even though I only have two regular hummingbirds visiting, I have enough feeders up and spread out to where they can still feed with the surprise visitors.

Aug 29, 2023
to Toni S
by: Gene

Maybe a Western Kingbird?

Western Kingbird

Just guessing. Cedar waxwing, Verdin.

Aug 29, 2023
HB feeder Big birds on it
by: Toni S

We're in Poway, CA- I just hung a large Hummingbird feeder on the porch, and looked up to see two large birds feeding from it while the little hummer was trying so hard to get in too!

What are these birds that enjoy the nectar?

I'm so surprised and have never seen this before.

The birds are grey with faint yellow on the underside.

It's bigger than a finch and not as broad as Orioles. There was a group of them enjoying the fountain and feeder.

May 17, 2023
Me too!
by: Jennifer

So I just purchased two larger, hummingbird feeders with a larger base, and I had put fresh nectar in the feeders.

I sat down to have my breakfast and watch them and here comes this big yellow black, beautiful bird and he just sat there and drink as much as he could.

They flew to the other one and so I googled I didn't know the bigger birds drink nectar. And I found your article. Thank you very much!

Apr 10, 2023
Bats at Hummingbird Feeder
by: Chuckster

I live in Southwest New Mexico.

I also have a variety of birds that visit my feeders during the day, including Orioles and even a cactus wren!

I started refilling my feeders late in the evening, so I wouldn't have to get up so early.

Last year, I noticed that the feeders were empty in the morning. No evidence of leaks.

So I stayed up late to see what was going on, and to my surprise, I saw bats, one after the other, coming in and hitting the feeder.

They would actually swarm around the feeders. Mystery solved!

Dec 26, 2022
San Rafael, CA
by: Patricia

I too had this large green/yellow bird appear at my hummingbird feeders this year. I have never seen this bird before.

I have had titmice come to my feeder but never this bird and now I think I have a pair. It is rather large!

I have been trying to identify it but have not found anything like it until I saw your, Cindy's, photo above.

Jun 03, 2022
Not for Hummingbirds only!
by: Bonnie

I've been having Orioles, Black-headed Grosbeaks, and Western Tanagers suck both of my hummingbird feeders dry daily since the last week of May.

Oh, and some hummingbirds are also on it, but the little guy who guarded the feeder gave up when the big birds came.

Jul 17, 2021
HB /FINCH side by side
by: Heath

Noticed here in NV desert a HB/finch drinking together near the same size as each other,only when another HB comes by, does HB chase off the other HB, not the finch.

I saw several little finches come to drink from the feeder.

Not sure how the birds get their beak in those holes, but seem to manage somehow. So enjoyable to see beauty in the desert.

May 19, 2021
hooded oriole?
by: Anonymous

In So Cal. We've seen a pair of yellowish birds drinking from our HB feeder more than once. The beak is long and curved slightly downward, like Hooded Oriole, and the coloration of the presumed female is consistent with that.

The presumed male is very similar but has a small black bib, not really the markings of the male Hooded Oriole, although possibly an immature male.

We have seen a properly colored male Hooded Oriole in our yard in past years when we didn't have an HB feeder up, so we have reason to believe this species lives around here.

Sep 09, 2020
many birds this year!
by: Anonymous

I haven't seen the larger birds at the feeders years before, but this year, Cardinals, chickadees, and house finches are all coming to the four hummingbird feeders!

I have seed feeders up for them as well as seeds for the ground feeders, but they are all now bothering the hummers (and me)!

Sep 01, 2020
Cactus Wren on my hummingbird feeder
by: Kristy

I've seen a big goofy cactus wren try to get nectar from my hummingbird feeder a few times.

It would lose its balance and fall off.

The hummers would complain loudly, and go back to the feeder when the cactus wren left.

Two days ago I spotted a puddle under the feeder.

I went from seeing plenty of hummingbirds to just one or two. And they were gone most of the day and the feeder emptied overnight.

We get Needle nosed bats in the fall, but its too early for them.

Today I saw this huge cactus wren wrap its body AROUND the feeder and use its long beak to drink nectar.

I'm not sure how to deter the cactus wren.

Jun 19, 2020
Western Tanager
by: Liz

Saw Western Tanager on our hummer feeder yesterday, in SE Idaho, 6200' elevation.

May 03, 2020
by: Gene

If the nectar wasn't fresh but sour, it may make the bird sick. But no on the "punch drunk".

May 02, 2020
Punch Drunk
by: Anonymous

I just saw a Baltimore Oriole feeding at my humming bird feeder. It then perched on a branch above, for over 25 minutes without moving.

Do birds get " punch drunk" from the nectar meant for the hummingbird?

Apr 13, 2020
Just a Hummingbird feeder?
by: Anonymous

We have just started getting birds on our hummer feeder!!

One is a yellow Hooded Oriole. The others are brown and nondescript, so I cannot ID them. SO strange!!

Aug 22, 2019
A feeder gone dry!
by: Anonymous

I know our Woodpeckers like to come for an occasional treat from this flat feeder!

However, the last week, I have found dirt all over the top of the feeder and the water well is empty, as well as the nectar gone.

I'm thinking I've now got a night marauder on my hands(raccoon). We shall see!

Jun 30, 2019
Same bird!
by: Anonymous

Northern California we just had that same exact bird at our feeder.. asked Siri and she sent us here! Yep that's the bird that was eating today.

May 12, 2019
Black Throated Blue Warbler at my Hummingbird feeder.
by: Anonymous

Black Throated Blue warbler at my Hummingbird feeder today in southern Ontario.

I have never seen a warbler at a Hummingbird feeder before, but they must be starving as it has only been five degrees, and there are no insects around.

Baltimore Orioles, also and a Grey Catbird which really surprised me.

May 07, 2019
Feeding Orioles
by: Gene

Make sure to offer grape jelly to your Orioles. Not Jam but Jelly. You'll probably see some soon.

May 07, 2019
Visitors to Hummingbird Feeder
by: Theresa Bouck

I bought an Oriole feeder for the pair of Orioles that spend spring and summer in our trees.

I haven't been them yet this year, but I did see a different bird that looked like a Western Tanager. I live in Mountain Home, Idaho.

Aug 27, 2016
Black & White Warbler
by: Marianne

Location: Mississauga, Ontario (a city just west of Toronto, Canada).

For the past week, a lone female black & white warbler has been frequenting one of our hum-feeders regularly.

This morning I took 3 pics at full optical zoom so as to positively identify. Identified!

Jul 22, 2016
Yellow Orioles here too! Hummingbird feeder
by: Kirstin

I just typed it into google thinking I needed to get another feeder for this beautiful bright yellow guy and his girlfriend! How cool!

Thanks for all for the info! I'm in Santa Barbara. 3 came at once and scared the daylights outta me!, as it right outside my window where I work all day:)

Jul 16, 2016
by: Sheila Berrigan

I love woodpeckers. They stay all year.they make amazing calls and they love my hummingbird feeders.

Jun 28, 2016
Western Tanager at Hummingbird Feeder
by: Anonymous

I live in Idaho, and this morning I had a Western Tanager at my hummingbird feeder. I also chased away a starling after it chased the hummingbird away.

Jun 26, 2016
Surprising Visitors to the Magnolia State
by: Anonymous

I was amazed to see a flock of a dozen or more red and reddish gray birds try to light on my hummingbird feeder early in the spring.

They were attempting to drink nectar as they jostled for a perch on the feeder. As quickly as they came, they vanished! I thought they were migrating.

Lately, as I open my door I startle one. It immediately flies away. They do not tolerate being observed at all.

This is the first time I have ever seen birds other than hummingbirds one of my feeders. I'm located in the hills of central Mississippi.

Jun 25, 2016
Ok not just me!!
by: Sheila McC

I couldn't believe what I was seeing a yellow and black bird actually drinking the hummingbird nectar!

I have seen it a few more times since then. Really seems to like it. It was a 1st for me! Rohnert Park, CA

Jun 25, 2016
Just a hummingbird feeder?
by: Lynn from Ga

I also have had house finches, Goldfinches and yellow warblers at my hummingbird feeders. So much fun!

Jun 21, 2016
surprise visitor!!!
by: connie

I thought I was the only one to have a giant visitor at my hummingbird feeder. I watched him for a couple minutes and he was definitely drinking nectar.

My visitor looked the same as you describe, just not quite as dark markings, more yellow and some gray!

Jun 21, 2016
Other birds at hummingbird feeders
by: Steve Swearingen

Here in Houston, I regularly get House Finches, Orange-crowned Warblers, Baltimore Orioles and an occasional Red-bellied Woodpecker at my feeders. It always startles me.

Jun 05, 2016
Birds & Nectar
by: Mike

I just found your photo while searching for a way to identify a couple of birds helping themselves to my feeder.

I decided to set up a second one without the bee guard since they were removing them anyway. They seem to like having their own feeder and no longer tear up the other.

I have a couple of pics but I see no way to upload them. I'm not really a birder, just like taking pictures.

May 31, 2016
New Birds at feeder
by: Stephanie

This is the first year that birds other than hummers are drinking my nectar. Purple finches, woodpeckers, sparrows.

I live outside of Memphis and this feeder is near a hedge of Forsythia. Maybe they are more comfortable sampling the "forbidden fruit" under cover! :)

May 28, 2016
Gold finches
by: Dawn

We are seeing gold finches and yellow warblers at our HB feeder. This is a new hobby for us, so it's interesting to learn about all the birds we are attracting in NE Georgia.

May 23, 2016
HB Feeders
by: Anita

I too have seen both male and female Oriole's eating from the Hummingbird feeder. Also as the other comment the black and white Woodpecker eating from the HB feeder.

May 14, 2016
Northern Oriole
by: Bird watcher

We have a HB feeder hanging on our porch to watch the humming birds. For the very first time this year we saw this bigger bird on the HB feeder.

We looked it up in our bird book and guess what? It's an Northern Oriole eating from the HB feeder. He makes several trips to the feeder everyday. About every couple of minutes or so.

So I guess I'm gonna have to put out another feeder so the summers can have their far share of the food.

May 12, 2016
by: Ly

Yesterday evening I heard a catbird, looked out the window and saw him calmly sitting on the hummer feeder taking several drinks! Wow! A first for me!

May 11, 2016
Yellow Bird eating Hummingbird food
by: Anonymous

Hello. I stumbled on this site when I was researching "Yellow Birds eating from hummingbird feeder".

For the past two days there have been 3 bright yellow birds feeding from our humming bird feeder. Based on the pictures I have found online, that look like my three friends" they are Yellow Orioles. Fun!

May 09, 2016
by: Karen

We have 2 pairs of Hooded Orioles feeding at our hummingbird feeders this year. Last year there was only one pair . The word is out!

They will stay for a couple of minutes but are quite easily scared off. The hummers wait patiently in the bamboo until they leave. It still surprises me every time I see them!

May 04, 2016
May 4, 2016
by: Anonymous

House finches and Goldfinches have been at our feeders and our trellis of cigar plant, mandevilla, and passion flower vines.

We also had a tiny hummingbird-sized bird that did not have the flight or wing speed of the hummingbird. Still trying to figure out what it is.

I'm in coastal Georgia so we have mostly Ruby-throated although Black-chinned and Rufous are starting to show up according to some.

May 02, 2016
Yellow oriole at hummingbird feeder
by: Lorraine

Maybe a young one, but the beautiful yellow and black visitor was balancing upside down on the short rest of the feeder attempting to drink.

I went out and taped a stick on to lengthen it. The bird sits relaxing in the tree adjacent. Stands out like a yellow daisy.
From San Diego, CA

May 02, 2016
Hummingbird Feeder
by: Rita

So glad you mentioned oriole in your write up! I had a pair wo years ago and it looks like they're back this year and I couldn't remember the type of bird they were.

I have a strikingly yellow male and the female with tamer coloration.

It's kind of funny to see such big birds on my hummer feeder and when they take off the feeder really swings!

I could get an oriole feeder but I've read and observed that they do just as well with a immersed feeder.

Agree - such a treat to have on my condo patio. I also feed finches with Niger seed and of course those amazingly cute and beautiful hummer so.

Apr 25, 2016
Black Capped Chickadees at the Hummingbird Feeder
by: Anonymous

I am sitting here in amazement at the number of Chickadees, one by one, that have come to sip the nectar in the Hummingbird feeder.

I just put it and the Oriole one out as it it just getting to be Spring here in Fredericton, NB , Canada. It is half empty.

They have also landed on the orange flavored one for the Orioles, but they seem to prefer the plain nectar. lol.

Apr 09, 2016
Funny Feeding
by: Anonymous

This is a lovely photo. We have a similar feeder and this spring we have some new birds that have found our feeder.

One of the birds that comes to the feeder feeds funny, it sips a long time and then lifts it beak up in the air and kinds gulps the liquid down. So different than the ones that sip and leave.

The beak was as long as a hummingbird...but a little rounder in body.... Not longer, and green colored like a hummingbird.

Mar 26, 2016
Sweet beak
by: Claudia

Looking at a swamp canary (Prothonotary Warbler) with a "sweet beak" drinking from my hummingbird feeder in South Louisiana.

Feb 15, 2016
Yellow warbler on hummingbird feeder
by: Anonymous

Large birds visiting our hummingbird feeder are in San Gabriel.

One is a yellow warbler the other ones are larger and all gray and the third one is gray with a light peach color under the throat not sure what the last two type of birds are.

They arrived about two weeks ago and there are about six of them.

Feb 06, 2016
Small green bird (unknown) type
by: Anonymous

I live in redlands california and I have a small green bird. I'm thinking it was a pet maybe, he/she hangs upside down on my hummingbird feeder.

Some how this bird made it leak and drinks. It chases the hummingbirds away.

Feb 04, 2016
catus wren loves hummingbird nectar
by: Lindsay

Like many of the commenters, I live in AZ and not only do I have a platform feeder for the pigeons, quails and all the little birds(not sure what species they are), but I also have a hummingbird feeder, where a cactus wren comes to drink every single day.

I thought he might be a woodpecker (which we also have) because he likes to peck holes in the tree as well, but I looked it up online AND I saw one not too long ago (it might've even been him) sticking it's head out a perfect hole in a Saguaro cactus in my front yard, so he's definitely a cactus wren.

And he loves his hummingbird nectar! Honestly, I see him MUCH more than I see hummingbirds at the feeder.

Jan 30, 2016
yellow-rumped warbler
by: Anonymous

I live on the southern coast of Oregon, and I've got a yellow-rumped warbler visiting my new hummingbird feeder.

Glad to find this thread and learn that it's normal for hummingbird feeders to attract other birds.

Jan 19, 2016
Yellow finch loves hummer feeder
by: Jennifer

I have a little yellow bird that usually likes higher altitudes in WA State, but has come to my yard for the past three years, and loves the hummer's food.

It is not the Goldfinch, our State bird. The hummer doesn't chase it away like he does the other hummers.

I know this bird usually likes the Sugar pines in the mountains, so perhaps likes sweet things? I put a small dish of hummer nectar out, but no way, just kept struggling with the feeder.

It has it figured out now, even though he could rest on the larger one on a little bar, but likes the more challenging one.

Anyone else in Washington State with similar stories? So interesting! Everyone have a great day.

Jan 15, 2016
I prefer hummingbirds!
by: Hummingbirder

A bird very similar to the one pictured has virtually taken over my two hummingbird feeders.

The hummers try to sneak in when they can, but this larger bird chases them away.

I have one flat feeder and another with the tube hanging down.

This "alien" learned to flap its wings fast enough to allow it to sip drops from the tube, so I put a bee-guard on the end to discourage it.

It very quickly learned to perch upside down on the feeder to reach down and slip its little bill through the holes in the bee guard. It's very determined!

I was searching for a solution when I came upon this page. Looks like I may be the only one who is annoyed by this intruder.

Dec 30, 2015
Visitors to hummer feeder
by: Lasara93

We've been here almost two years and today was the first time we've had a visitor that was not a hummingbird; I think we had a Warbler!

It was smaller than the Orioles. Both types seem to be very skittish. Very exciting!

I was able to adapt one of my hummer feeders to make it easier for them; I took out the little inserts in the holes.

Aug 14, 2015
Orioles in my yard
by: Anonymous

In recent weeks, I have had both male and female birds at my hummers feeder. I took out the ant guard on one of the sides and these birds come and and go all day.

It is so hot here, I try to chill the syrup before filling the feeder. And yes, the Anna's hummers come to this feeder as well.

To give the hummers space, I have another feeder hanging a distance away. With the heat here I put water in planter bases.

The sparrows bathe and drink and even now the bees are drinking the water. I love seeing nature in my yard. No need to go out. The news just said it is 103 degrees here!

Aug 13, 2015
Having trouble with Bees at your feeder
by: Cindy

Hi Bertha , from W. V. !!
I agree, the Finches usually learn quite quickly that they cannot access the nectar.

With the bees, you can search for a feeder, which requires the hummingbirds long tongue to reach, vs. the feeder who's bowl has the nectar right at the entrance. That worked for me.

I also found a feeder to which the holes were quite small, and again, the nectar was not right up against the holes. Bees cannot access nectar that is too far down the holes to reach. They soon learn this and stay away from the feeders!!

Best wishes, in search for a good feeder!! And, RED, by far, attracts more Lil hummers than do any other color.
Hope this helps'

Aug 01, 2015
Bats ???
by: Anonymous

I fill the hummingbird feeder up in the morning and it is empty the next morning! I was reading that a nectar loving bat did this in New Mexico.

Wonder if we have nectar loving bats in Tennessee? Think I will put out a trail cam and try to catch what's loving the sugar water.

Jul 22, 2015
hummingbird feeder
by: bertha

I live in WV and have house finches at my hummingbird feeder, plus they eat the seeds I put in my window bird feeder.

I would rather not have the finches at my hb feeder but much rather them than the bees, which I'm having trouble with.

Jul 22, 2015
Hi Cindy, yes, I've seen other birds on the HB feeder
by: Anonymous

Hi Cindy,
It's exciting to see new birds on the HB feeder, isn't it? I've seen woodpeckers -- which makes sense, since I think they have long, agile tongues for getting bugs out of crevices-- and orioles.

To attract more orioles, you can get little glass dishes that can be hung from trees to hold grape jelly, which they adore.

Jul 22, 2015
type of bird
by: Gene

Just guessing, female House Finches. Check a field guide if you're unfamiliar.

Jul 22, 2015
Mystery brown bird!
by: Anonymous

Today we noticed some brown birds feeding @ my hummingbird feeder. Larger than a chickadee or wren & not orange like an oriole. We live in WI close to MN border. Any clue what they are?

Jul 11, 2015
Not just a hummingbird feeder!
by: Ruth

I just noticed a small black and white bird with slender beak feeding on my hummingbird feeder. I am checking several websites to determine what type of bird it is.

I live in Missouri and see several woodpeckers feeding on the hummingbird feeder. It is interesting to see larger birds hanging off the feeder trying to drink from it.

I have three hummingbird feeders and love watching the birds feeding from them.

Jul 08, 2015
Yes - we have the same visitor
by: RL

I too noticed similar bird (oriole?) frequenting our bird feeder in the front yard. Since we have bird waterer, hummer feeder, and assorted bird feeders hummingbird is scared to come but this large surprised visitor is having a great time.

We are in northern CA and due to bright background light behind the hummer feeder I could not see colors well but looking at the shape - size and other reports it seems like female oriole - muted colors.

Jul 07, 2015
same results in North Dakota...
by: Anonymous

I live in ND on a river - we have woodpeckers, orioles, red finches, hummingbirds and squirrels that like our hummingbird feeder :-)

Jul 04, 2015
Yellow birds
by: Laurie

I have a pair, male and female, of yellow orioles feeding from my hummingbird feeder. Live in south central Arizona.

And my sister-in-law who lives in eastern Arizona has yellow orioles who hang out around her feeder, too.

Jun 11, 2015
I know what bird it is
by: Anonymous

It's a Hooded Oriole, probably a female since the colors are a bit muted. The female's colors are not as vibrant as the male's.

Hers are more an olive yellow color while the male is a bright yellow with a black oval on the top of his head and another on his throat.

They've been sharing my hummingbird feeders for the last three years. They usually arrive sometime in March and leave in August or September.

When they get in full swing, I usually have to make a gallon of nectar every week or so. We live in Vista; the northern part of San Diego county.

Jun 09, 2015
I've had the same yellow visitors!
by: LyLy

I live in the low desert in California and have several hb feeders in the yard. The feeders empty quickly with the bigger birds drinking.

I enjoy watching them as I'm sure you all do. The simple things in life can bring so much pleasure. My next goal is to have enough milkweed plants to help the Monarch butterflies!

Jun 04, 2015
Yellow Oriole
by: Wendy

I have a beautiful yellow and black Oriole that comes and drinks from my hummingbird feeder four or five times a day.

I live in Arizona and was told that they are from Mexico and migrate from April to September. He's beautiful and he just must have taken a liking to my yard.

May 30, 2015
Anaheim, Ca
by: Chaug

My wife and I have been feeding the humming birds for years now. Last year a pair of Bullock's Orioles started feeding at the HB feeders (they drink a lot!).
They came back this year too. Now we have a small brownish bird w/ a lighter belly feeding that I haven't ID'd yet. Any thoughts?

May 27, 2015
Purple finches
by: Jill

I have Purple Finches at my hummingbird feeders. They have, at least temporarily, run my hummingbirds away. Will have to put more feeders out to try to attract the hummers back.

May 09, 2015
bullock's oriole at hummingbird feeder
by: sue3blue

Today I saw what I think is a female Bullock's oriole at my hummingbird feeder.

It is a rainy day here in Colorado and the oriole has been hanging around and getting lots of drinks.

I have also seen purple finches drink from the hummingbird feeder in the past.

May 09, 2015
New visitor
by: Dawn

In Kansas we had woodpeckers and orioles visit our hummer feeder. I placed a orange holder up and put the halves up with the flesh showing.

The orioles and woodpeckers 'sap-suckers' loved it and would eat them down to the pith.

In Arizona we have a new visitor to our hummer feeder, a verdin. They are small, about 4" and have some yellow on their head.

They are 'flirty' birds that also hang upside down on the feeder to get any drips that may be present!

May 08, 2015
Downy at my Hummer Feeders
by: CarolB

We live in Arkansas and for the last 3 or 4 years we have had Downy Woodpeckers at our two feeders. They always peck the yellow flowers from the feeder so they can drink from it.

I use to put the flowers back but after years of doing this, I've finally resigned myself to leaving two ports open so they can visit the feeders. The hummingbirds seem to have no problem with sharing :0)

May 04, 2015
Yellow belly bird at my Hummingbird feeder
by: Tater

I see after reading through this page others have been having a larger bird with a yellowish belly help itself to a Hummingbird feeder.

We live in Southern California in Costa Mesa. I noted someone from Huntington Beach which is the next city over having the same sort of visitor.

He's almost the size of a Mockingbird. And sometimes his feathers almost seen a greenish yellow on the underside.
He's a very handsome lad.

May 01, 2015
Orioles Woodpeckers and sparrows!
by: Anonymous

I have also experienced a pair of Orioles, Large Woodpeckers and many sparrows.

I don't see many Hummers anymore so I hope they do come back after this all calms down..will it?! anyway they are much enjoyment! also from the Desert SW.

Apr 28, 2015
Ah Ha
by: Anonymous

I was trying to figure this out as well. I have just got 2 on my feeders this year. I was quite surprised, and couldn't believe or figure out what they were.

I have a total of 10 feeders, and my yard is planted with multiple Hummingbird flowers, so my "Little Bits" as we love to call them do fine.

We get an array of up to 10 or more at the feeders spread around the yard and so far they only seem to like the 2 in the tree.

We bubble wrap the feeders in the winter so that there up year round, and when the plants die down, I don't know how they will react to that, but as we all know the Hummingbirds can't eat frozen food :).

I actually think it's just the main owners of each garden that stays, the rest go on and come back.

Apr 20, 2015
I've been searching for days
by: Cynthia

I couldn't believe it either. Approx. 5 inches long, torpedo shaped body, yellow breasted with a darker back. I'm so glad you got a picture.

Mine is so spooky I can't even take a pic through the door or window and the little guy spooks and takes off before I can point and click.

No clue as to what it is, but it sure likes the feeder and the beak is shaped perfectly for it to take advantage of it. Thanks for posting your sighting.

Apr 17, 2015
More Warblers
by: Lynne

And thank you so much - I've been trying for days to identify these birds (I have two here - Placer County, CA) who have been enjoying the hummingbird feeder. And I too, have been stunned to see woodpeckers usurping the feeder.

Apr 03, 2015
Yellow warbler guarding HB feeder
by: Clarissa

I have a yellow Warbler in my backyard. There is only one feeder and hummingbirds come several times a day everyday, They chase each other , I think they might be territorial.

However, this little yellow bird has been approaching the feeder for a few days now, and sometimes, the hummingbird and the Warbler share the nectar at the same time, although the hummingbird leaves the feeder fast.
They are so cute!!

The Warbler also chases away the Robins, I have a bunch of them, I feed them crumbs. I'll try to take a picture, they are so beautiful.

Mar 10, 2015
Still not sure?
by: Beth

Thanks to all for your insight! However, I still am unsure of the birds new visiting my hb feeder?

This afternoon I watched my hb feeder as 3 almost identical birds drank. They were about 6" long, resembled a small sparrow, but some had a yellow neck, while some had a yellow underbelly.

They made a chirping noise as they flew away. Meanwhile, I noticed my hummingbirds fluttering all over my blooming grapefruit tree! Joining them were bees and gorgeous butterflies.

I live in Chandler Az if anyone can help me identify my newest visitors!

Jan 09, 2015
We see orioles and woodpeckers visitng hummingbird feeders; grape jelly; migratory patterns
by: Anonymous

In Riverside, CA we have seen a solitary oriole and woodpecker drinking from a hummingbird feeder.

In Oceanside, CA, the orioles had babies, and so many of them tried drinking from the hummingbird feeders that we bought oriole feeders from Wild Birds Unlimited, as well as small glass dishes that they sell to hang from trees for grape jelly.

These items were both big hits in Oceanside, but in Riverside, the container of grape jelly was ignored as was the oriole feeder.

I did discover a young opossum eating grape jelly from a dish late at night -- very cute.

FYI, in late August or so, orioles migrate from southern California to Mexico, then return to California in the spring.

Oct 05, 2014
by: C. Messersmith

I have photos of woodpeckers drinking our hummingbird nectar; wasps galore; bees; and, of course, ants. All sizes of woodpeckers have been seen on our hummingbird feeder. Quite a show.

Sep 30, 2014
by: Anonymous

Yesterday I had a chickadee enjoying nectar from my hummingbird feeder in Alabama.

Sep 29, 2014
They are yellow headed Orioles
by: Cindi

Hi Cindy I am also Cindy in Southern California about three years ago they started showing up at my birdfeeder too.

But the only way they could drink is if I pulled out the little yellow flowers so they could get their beaks in there.

I wish I could send you the photos that I took of them sitting there at the feeder. However about a month ago they stopped coming.

I don't know where they went. I would love seeing them at the feeder every day.

Aug 12, 2014
Oriole at my Hummingbird Feeder
by: Barbara

I went online to find out what type of birds have been eating at my hummingbird feeder and saw your post. I have the exact same type of yellow and black birds eating from my feeders in La Jolla.

The hummingbirds will stay feeding or perch on a branch next to the feeder but the birds dart off immediately when they see me approach.

I am enjoying all the birds, but have to replace the nectar every 2 days now as opposed to every week when it was only the hummingbirds!

Aug 11, 2014
Just a Hummingbird feeder?
by: Dorothy

Had same bird pictured at my hummingbird feeder earlier today If I'm not mistaken I believe I saw a long thin tongue like a hummingbird's, but definitely a long narrow bill Does anyone know what kind of bird it is?

Aug 07, 2014
here too.
by: DS

Saw the same yellow bird with black wings at the HB feeder this evening. And It did seem huge, compared to the HB's.
Chico, Ca

Aug 06, 2014
Same bird here in Encino, California
by: L.K.

Yes, big yellow bird with black wings here as well at the HB feeder...very exciting, but wondering if it might have anything to do with our drought?

Perhaps their source of berries is drying up? Wondering if a proper fruit feeder would be more helpful for these (finches? Orioles?)

Jul 31, 2014
by: Anonymous

I couldn't figure out why my hb feeder was draining daily! Caught a finch on there today! Tapping away like a woodpecker but clearly enjoying the nectar.

Had to google it and check it out. Never heard of this before.

Jul 31, 2014
Texas Hill Country Pine Warbler
by: Bill

I have a Pine Warbler drinking from my hummingbird feeder all day long. It's similar to your bird but no black on the head or throat.

Jul 27, 2014
Me too
by: Kate

I loved that the finches came to my cherry tree, since I could not reach the upper branches myself, but now, they are totally hogging the front yard HB feeder.

Usually, the Rufous HB are pretty feisty and quite bully-ish, but the finches just sit there and the Rufous does not attempt to feed with them.

Luckily, I have two more feeders in the back yard, and while the dogs don't seem to faze the HB, the finches wont come near the patio. Win-win.

Jul 23, 2014
Strange bird in Michigan
by: Jean

Yesterday, a strange bird was at the H.bird feeder. About twice the size of an H.bird, half the size of a sparrow.

Yellow streak all the way down its back, black and white barred wings. Head looked a little like a woodpecker. Drank from several spots.

Any ideas.

Jul 14, 2014
Black hummingbird (large)
by: Marilyn

This morning a large solid black Hummingbird was on my Red Geranium plant on my deck. It was three times larger then our normal Hummers and was solid black, flew before I could get my camera.

Have never seen one that large before, anyone, can you identify it for me.

Jul 10, 2014
All sorts
by: Anonymous

We live in Henderson, NV and have removed the 'baskets' from the hummingbird feeders which opened a straw-sized hole for them to drink out of.

We get many wrens and finches (different sizes) and once in a while a dove (rare). We also get plenty of hummingbirds.

We do get one yellow bird similar to the one you have pictured.

We don't have any idea what kind of bird he is. They are outside our kitchen windows and we enjoy them all day long.

Jul 03, 2014
other birds at the hummingbird feeder
by: DeAnna

A downy woodpecker has been drinking at my hummingbird feeder this morning! Behind it on the deck railing was a small, gray bird looking like it was waiting its turn. I haven't figured out what kind of bird it was yet!

Jun 27, 2014
Those are Orioles
by: Anonymous

Orioles will feed at Hummingbird Feeders. Hooded Orioles are bright yellow with a black spot around their face that extends to their chest (males). They have black wings with white wing bars. The females are a more drab yellow to light

Bullock's Orioles look almost identical to Hooded Orioles. The male Bullock's has black on top of his head, which the Hooded doesn't. The female has a very light underbelly.

They usually show up at my house (Orange County, Ca) in March, and depart in Sept.- Oct. To winter elsewhere.

They are beautiful!

Jun 23, 2014
by: Cordelia

When the Orioles come through on their migration we get males and females at the feeders. We also get Acorn Woodpeckers.

I recently changed out my feeders due to an overabundance of bees, but the Woodpeckers still found a way to hang on.

Jun 11, 2014
same bird!
by: D St Jon

I just had the same bird you photographed eating from my 2 HB feeders today. In fact, it was my search for what kind of bird it was that brought me to this blog.

I wonder what spurred the interest. This is the first time in 8 years of HB feeding in Anaheim that I have had this unusual visitor at my feeder!

Jun 11, 2014
by: Donna

Yes, that looks just like the birds that have been coming to my hummingbird feeders too!

I have tried many times to get a picture of them, but as soon as I stand up they're gone.

I've have hum feeders for about 8 years now, and this is my first year of seeing a different bird.

They are very pretty singers for sure. I've been searching for this bird for sometime now, wondering what it was.

I think your site might have just solved it for me now. I'm not giving up on getting that perfect picture. I have some but they're not that great.

I am in So. Calif. I do enjoy seeing these birds, they are beautiful!

Thanks so much for the info.

Jun 03, 2014
Sharing At The Feeders
by: Cherryrn

My daughter is having other birds at their feeders drink the hummingbird nectar! People should share like that! I love bird watching.

Apr 12, 2014
Verdin and Hummingbird relationship
by: Craig Loe

I have a nesting pair of Verdin in my yard in Palm Springs, CA.

I also have a dominant male Costa's Hummer that not only tolerates the Verdin but seemingly acts as a lookout and "guard", standing watch over the nest and chasing off larger birds such as House Finch and Mockingbirds.

Has anyone else observed this symbiotic relationship between Hummers and Verdin?

Apr 08, 2014
Los Angeles Area - Hummingbird Frenzy!
by: Sylmarian

We started with 1 HB feeder then got a 2nd and we've recently added two more for a total of 4.

Our feeders are busy from dawn until dusk (a few stragglers even stay to gorge themselves).

The hummingbird feeders are busy most of the day and the aggressive males (ones we call "Little Generals") use all the bluster they can muster to bully other males and females away from "their feeders."

But all that changes about a 1/2 hour before sundown when they all get serious and settle in front of a hole to drink their "crack" and fill their little gullets for the night.

At peak frenzy time we have about 30 hummingbirds going wild all around our back yard. It's quite a scene!

Aug 07, 2013
Mystery Solved!!
by: Peg

Okay, I have positively identified that I have a female Downy WoodPecker visiting my Feeders here in Mass. She's quite the site.

I really thought originally I had the White Breasted Nuthatches, due to the way I saw them crawling up & down on the trees in such a spiraling manor.

But I have not seen the pair since my posting in July. I know for certain I have a female Downy Woodpecker on the HB feeder. Have seen her a few times pretty close.

So funny to see her on there. Surprised she fits. She stays for a pretty long time drinking. So neat!!

I'm still keeping my eyes peeled for possible Creepers... You never know... Thanks so much for your comments!!

Aug 06, 2013
Same bird at my feeder( by Linda)
by: Cindy

Hi Linda,

YES! You are right! I wrote this years ago! And it seems to generate a lot of conversation. Back then, I was a real beginner, now I have ID'd over a couple hundred species!

Here in my first post I wondered if this bird was a warbler or an Oriole! Warblers are a third the Orioles size! Lol

In fact this looks to be a young "hooded" Oriole. Of course Hooded doesn't describe this bird! Hooded Orioles have solid black markings like a mask over there eyes, down the sides of their face and into the neck area. Very defined on adults.

I now have 5 different Orioles to my picture collections! They are beautiful! And have delightful " whistle like melodies, each a little different.

If you google "Orioles on Hummingbird feeders, you will find this site listing three or four different Oriole pictures I have on the same feeder, and their names.

We live fairly close to each other, so you may see the same Orioles some day at your place! Have fun and thanks for writing! Cindy

Aug 06, 2013
Creeper on feeder
by: Cindy

Good for you for the spotting of a special bird on one of your feeders. Hum, crawling up and down the tree, well, the Downy Woodpecker and the WB Nuthatch are VERY different in size and color!

The nuthatch is very tiny, white on the chest, blueish grey on top, White chin and all. Teeny tiny little beak that appears to stand straight upwards off of its head almost, lol.

The Downy Woodpecker on the other hand is about three times that size, very black and white with red on nape of neck depending on gender!

So if it's little, it could be the nutchatch looking for a drink of ANYTHING, lol.

The woodpeckers mouth wouldn't come close to fitting in the feeder, but does have a very long tongue! Try and snap a picture!

That's the best way, even if it's a little blurry. We can probably tell one way or another what may be visiting your feeder!

They're so entertaining aren't they! Good going!
Best wishes!

Jul 22, 2013
Anyone Else ever seen a Creeper on HB feeder?
by: Peg

OKAY, This is only my third season with Hummingbirds and doing well. I have at least 3 or 4 birds who come regularly to my feeders. (I have 2 HB Feeders )

I'm in Massachusetts and Low & behold I've noticed two crazy birds, whom I believe maybe White breasted nuthatches, because they crawl up & down the trees, it's incredible.

But as of late, we've seen this bird drinking numerous times from the HB feeder!! Then go back to the tree & crawl back up!!

We've never seen more than one bird on the feeders but have seen "2" of these birds in the trees crawling around even like a spiral.

I'm pretty sure it's NOT a Downy Woodpecker & think it's a White breasted nuthatches because it's not spotty and is greyish with black markings on his head with white belly.

Again, the way he crawls up the tree, has lead me to believe he's the creeper species. ANYONE ELSE EVER SEEN SUCH A THING?? It's the neatest thing & I'm trying to get a positive ID!! Thanks So much!!

Jun 28, 2013
Nectar thief
by: Val

Hello Cindy, this is Val from Northern Calif. My mom has 2 bigger yellow & brown birds who have taken to her hummers nectar.

We know its not an Oriole because there is no black on them, they are mostly yellow and larger than finches. Can't seem to find out what species they are.

Jun 03, 2013
Other birds at feeder
by: Anonymous

I'm glad see I'm not alone. I live in the KC metro and have baltimore orioles and downy woodpeckers feeding at my hummingbird feeder!

May 28, 2013
Seems like everyone likes some nectar
by: Anonymous

Here in southern Arizona, it's so hot that it seems like all the birds use the hummingbird feeders to get a sip of something.

The Gila Woodpeckers love coming to them for a drink, and just this morning I noticed a pair of pygmy nuthatches trying to get some too.

The hummer's never very happy when he finds someone at his feeder though.

May 12, 2013
Beautiful surprise!
by: Steve

First time for seeing a visitor at my humming bird feeders! I have two humming bird feeders sitting up next to the window, where the previous owner had them placed.

The humming birds love to eat and protect there feeders. I had two humming birds last year, and now the last count was 6 humming birds.

Now there's a new visitor, a male Oriole. I could spend hours watching all the activity from early morning till the sun goes down. Just wonderful! Shame I have to go to work!

I guess I'll have to place more food for everyone!

Apr 26, 2013
Morning snack
by: Anonymous

Just this morning after arriving home I found an orange oriole
Feeding on my hb feeder. I was shocked and in awe. I got video of it flying off.

The hummers didn't seem to mind. Rockport,texas is getting many birds comming thru . I heard the buntings came through last week for a small break before heading out.

Mar 28, 2013
hummingbird feeder
by: Anonymous

Not only do hummingbirds like the feeders, so do butterflies,they love the nectar.

Feb 27, 2013
Verdin at feeder
by: Anonymous

I have a pair of Gila woodpeckers that regularly visit my hummer feeder and they usually stay for several minutes.

I also have a Verdin that visits fairly regulary. He hangs upside down, pecking at the underside of the feeder. Don't know if he's getting drips or what.

Aug 08, 2012
Other birds sharing with hummers!
by: Debbie

We have a downy woodpecker that has shared the hummingbirds feeder for three years! First time we saw it we couldn't believe it. We then went to a booth at a fall festival where there were experts in hummingbirds. Turns out it is quite common for woodpeckers to share with the little flying acrobats!

Jul 31, 2012
interlope at hummie feeder
by: Anonymous

About a week ago my husband said that he saw a "woodpecker" drinking from one of the little hummie's feeders. We have been feeding the hummingbirds for years and I've never seen that so I just said "sure thing" and chuckled under my breath.

Well the jokes on me because this morning I saw it for myself. He was mistaken about it being a woodpecker. It is actually a black and white warbler. What a pretty little bird. I hope he doesn't cause stress for the hummingbirds.

Jul 06, 2012
Grey Squirrel
by: Anonymous

For days now we have had a grey squirrel drinking out of our hummingbird feeder. It hangs onto the tree with his back legs and will even tip the base a little when it gets low so he can get what's left.

Jul 03, 2012
robins eating grape jelly
by: Anonymous

I have plenty of orioles drinking from my hummer feeders but have you ever heard of a robin eating the grape jelly I put out for the orioles?

From: Wild-Bird-Watching.com

Absolutely, Robins, Catbirds, Cardinals and many other fruit eating birds will come to grape jelly.
So will squirrels.

Jun 27, 2012
Just a Hummingbird feeder?
by: Barbara

I live in Stonington, CT and have had many visits to my Hummingbird feeder this year from a Northern (Baltimore) Oriole. Today I also saw a female Goldfinch drinking from it.

Jun 25, 2012
by: Anonymous

I have chickadees that are chasing the hummers away from the feeder. Guess I need to put a couple of more feeders out there!!! The chickas have claimed this one!

Jun 17, 2012
House finches
by: Kathy

I live in northern Indiana. I have a pair of house finches that sit on my hummingbird feeder every day and drink the nectar. I have watched hummingbirds come up and fly away when they see the finches. We are having a near drought right now and I think perhaps the finches are really thirsty. I am going to put out a small bird bath to see if that helps.

Jun 16, 2012
Crazy Birds
by: Suellen

I thought I had a case of mass bird hysteria here in Texas, just outside of Austin. I have been backyard bird watching and feeding for over 30 years, and this was a first.

I had a house finch at the hummingbird feeder and a mockingbird eating seed out of my bird feeder, AT THE SAME TIME! I rubbed my eyes, looked again, and they were still there.

I have never seen either of those things occur, ever! I chalk it up to global warming. (just kidding)

May 27, 2012
Finches using hummingbird feeder
by: Anonymous

This is the second year I have had what I think are house finches eating from my humming bird feeder. Early enough that I had only one hummingbird & he left after a few times of the bigger birds on the feeder.

May 26, 2012
HB Nectar Nabbers
by: Linda

My HB Nectar Nabbers are Bullock Orioles. It's so funny to see such a big bird upside down sipping on the nectar. My Hummers aren't too willing to share but he's a lot bigger than they are so they just fly around complaining and fighting with each other waiting for him to leave. =)

May 04, 2012
by: Linda

We live in Southern CA and for the 2nd. straight year now, we have a male oriole who returns in the spring and loves our hummingbird feeders. I think he might be a Bullock's Oriole.

He is a beautiful bright yellow with black on his head and wings. We have 3 large feeders with 4 female and 2 male Hummers that always come by, but they stay out of the oriole's way when he is here.

May 04, 2012
Just happened here...
by: Laura

Husband and I were out playing with the dogs and I saw movement at the feeder and we looked. Sure enough, male and female house finches having supper!

I have never seen another bird on my HB feeder. Was kinda weird as well since I just filled ALL the feeders today.

Seed, corn, sunflowers, cardinal blend, oriole feeders with grape jelly, oranges and nectar, etc... The finches must have wanted a bit of sweetness.

Jan 05, 2012
i have been experiencing the same thing!
by: Anonymous

I am not sure what kind of bird it is, but it looks very familiar to the one in your picture. It is more brown than yellow though. I have 2 of them that come every day and the hummingbirds sit there right along with the birds.

It's so nice to watch. The only thing I don't like is that these bigger birds broke off almost all the little perches and I am down to one now.

I live in Glendale AZ. I am trying something new, I put some nectar (sugar water) in a bowl in hopes the bigger birds will take it from there instead. No luck yet, but I just put it out there a little while ago.

I also keep my hb feeder up all year long. Love the red headed humming birds that come in the winter. Just beautiful.

Nov 06, 2011
Hooded Orioles
by: Cindy

Hi Jim..
Thank you for commenting. I wrote this article quite sometime ago, (years) since then have been studying my field guides and gained a lot through observation also!

The Hooded is gone here in Yucca Valley, too.. however, the Scott's Oriole is still here! 32° out this morning,and the Scott's were hogging the feeders at 6:30 am, (in fact they even got into a pretty good tussle for a minute there) while the little Costa's Hummingbird was doing its best to cause such an air show around them, per chance they'd get a little dizzy and leave.. lol!

It's informative to many Ornithologists to hear about unusual seasonal sightings with some migratory birds.

I also still have the Black-chinned (A young one,) so I know its not nearing the last legs of its migrating abilities!

One of the most exciting aspects of keeping an eye on the birds.. is capturing and discovering Hummingbird bird hybrids these past few years on my feeders.

I have a Costa's and Anna's Hummingbird Hybrid and pics too, of Black-chinned and Costa's!!! All have been verified!

Maybe you will still see.. some stray Hooded's yet!

Nov 05, 2011
Hooded Orioles
by: Jim

We have had several Hooded Orioles here in Palmdale who love the Hummingbird feeders. I won't go into all the details but Google Hooded Orioles and you'll see what the attraction to the feeders is. The Hummingbirds are not too happy but they're gone now until the Spring (the Orioles, that is).

Aug 18, 2011
Just a Hummingbird feeder?
by: Kim

I have five feeders and a bird bath in the backyard. My feeders need refilling every other day and I was wondering why until I read some of the posts.

I have caught other birds, especially the yellow bird, drinking from the feeders. It's quite hysterical to watch.

I also have Zinfandel grape vines that have produced fruit for the first time this year and the birds love those as well.

Thank you so much for this page. It's very informative!

San Gabriel Valley, Ca

Jul 13, 2011
yellow birds like this at my hummingbird feeder
by: Cindy

Hi Roe, Try googling Hummingbird feeders and Orioles. With this website's address. There I have posted three different Orioles for identification. You might find out which of the three, resembles your birds.

From Wild-Bird-Watching.com

Here's the Link Cindy is speaking of:


Jul 12, 2011
Yellow Birds like this in my hummer feeder too!
by: Roe

I live on the central coast of California and for the last 4 days or so what appears to be two females and one male have been raiding my hummer feeder! drinking and chatting making lots of noise when approaching the feeder, drinking like mad and flying off at any sound or movement from us in the doorway or window.

after scouring the web images i can only think its an oriole of some kind!

Thanks for the help, glad to know I'm not the only one who has these visitors to the feeder!

Jul 02, 2011
Custom finch feeder (sugar water)
by: Anonymous

I have 2 hummingbird feeders on my patio, one has a little perch and one does not.

I have far more finches than hummingbirds so I put small branches from a pine tree on the bottom of the larger feeder with no perch, glued with contact cement.

Now the finches drink from it and gather 3 and 4 at a time without splashing out all the water.

Jun 13, 2011
Illusive Yellow Bird In Dublin, CA
by: Marisa

I am in Dublin California
I have been lucky enough to see A GORGEOUS Breathtaking BRILLIANT yellow Bird perch and sip nectar from my feeder 3 times in the last few weeks.

He's not exactly as pictured. I was able to look long and hard at him yesterday and when I slowly reached for my camera, he took off.

He's solid Bright yellow with no brown. He has a Bright Black Stripe the length of his body. I refer to him as the illusive Yellow Bird.

Yesterday just before he came to visit, a lesser colored yellow bird also perched on the feeder and he then joined her.

The lesser colored yellow bird visited today, but I didn't see my bright boy today.

Jun 02, 2011
Yellow and Black birds at my humming bird feeder
by: Anonymous

I live in Utah and have the exact same bird eating out of my hummingbird feeder actually I believe there is a pair have not heard them sing they scold a lot! but I am sad as they seem to have run off my hummingbirds.

I would really like to know what they are they look exactly like your pic they are very wary I have tried to get pics but they fly at the slightest movement.

I thought they might be orioles of some kind. Been fun to read the comments they must be every where!

May 22, 2011
Pine siskins love hummingbird feeders too
by: Cindy

Hi Nancy
I bet you have some birds there in Chicago, that I will never see! Unless I were to take a trip there! That would be so interesting.

You will see some Hummers at your feeder, sooner or later. Odds are you are just missing them or they haven't migrated there yet?

Here, I have three different types of Orioles that drink regularly from them.

They are the Hooded" Scott's and Bullocks. You can google pictures of them if you don't have a field guide and see how gorgeous they are.

Also, the tiny Verdin, grey bird white chest yellow head with brick red spots on its shoulders. And then there are the Hummers 7 different species, and the ladder-backed woodpecker.

Needless to say, I am always brewing nectar!! lol

I hope your Hummingbirds start showing up soon, it's the time to see them in play, courtships.. all their aerobatics, and the excitement of watching them.!

May 22, 2011
pine siskins like hummingbird feeder too
by: Nancy

Hi, Cindy

I'm in Chicago, last year we had hummingbirds in our flower garden so this spring we put up a feeder for them.

So far we haven't seen any hummingbirds but we do have these very tiny little brown/gray birds on it, which I finally figured out are pine siskins.

I had never heard of other birds using a hummingbird feeder until I googled and found this site.

We have a ton of house finches, sparrows, goldfinches, and downy woodpeckers at our feeders but so far have never seen them on the hummingbird feeder.

May 20, 2011
Catbird at the hummingbird feeder
by: bob

We have a catbird that visits our hummingbird feeder several times a day. We've never seen a catbird do this before. S/he has become quite skilled at it!

May 15, 2011
beautiful yellow bird
by: pamela

Saw the same yellow bird around our hummingbird feeder.

We live in the desert at Lake Mohave in AZ and we have hummingbirds all winter long.

They know my husband is the one who feeds them and when he is filling up the feeders or working in the garden, they will just flutter all around his head and sing to him.

They get so close to him he can feel the wind from their wings.

Sometimes I will look out the window and there will be as many as 15 or 20 0f them fluttering around the feeders, so I was so excited to see these yellow birds yesterday.

May 14, 2011
Hummingbird Raiders (House Finches)
by: NC Ladybird

House finches dipping into the hummingbird feeder every day. My feeder has flower cups with the straw like tubes covered with a yellow screen type cover but the finches still raid it.

I have no idea how they are getting anything from it except it may spill into the flower like cup when they tip it on landing because of their weight. Removing the perches won't work.

They land on top of the flower. Can't take those off because the nectar would only spill on the ground to draw insects.

Apr 15, 2011
Hooded Oriole
by: Anonymous

I was looking out my bedroom window where I have my hummingbird feeder and there was the Hooded Oriole siting on the feeder. It was so exciting!! I live in the Riverside area.


Apr 08, 2011
by: Linda

Hi Cindy, I think you are right. It probably wasn't a hooded Oriole. It was definitely an Oriole tho'. And the sparrows were landing on the perch of my dad's HB feeder and draining it. My husband took the perch off and the Hummers were in charge once again.

Apr 05, 2011
Just a hummingbird feeder
by: Cindy

Hi Linda!

Wow, the Hooded! Not too many people get to see the hooded. That's so cool.

I did not know that Sparrows would attempt the HB feeder! They are typically not fruit or nectar feeders. But the finches sure are.

Every now and then they will try to lick the spilled nectar off the feeders, but their beaks are so fat they can not get them through the tiny holes.

I've been watching the Orioles at my feeders, and out of the three, The Bullocks Oriole wins on aggression. If He's around, no one else can have any!

I just posted a picture of a Bullocks Oriole on this site, under the title, Orioles at my hummingbird feeder.

It's neat to see them! Thanks for posting!

Apr 04, 2011
Other birds at HB feeders
by: Linda

Hi Cindy, Last year we had (what I believe to be) a Hooded Oriole and his mate at our HB feeders.

I have also seen sparrows at my dad's feeders. We have 3 HB feeders that hold 4 cups each, and the orioles really drain them in a few days.

They are fun to watch.

Apr 02, 2011
yellow bird
by: Anonymous

Hi Koolblu !
Yes, I get the Scott's Oriole, the Bullocks Oriole and the Hooded Oriole at my feeder every year now. They always come back, and I get so excited to see them.

They've been beautiful to add to my photography collection!

You could Google them and see what they look like and compare them to what you see! Thanks for the comment!

Apr 02, 2011
yellow bird
by: koolblu

Cindy, THANK YOU!! I live in San Bernardino and I too have seen for the last 2 years,this giant yellow and black bird feeding at my nectar feeder!

I've looked and looked to see what it was with no answers till now!

Sep 26, 2010
by: Linda

Wow Meg...That is so cool.That is definitely the most unusual creature yet that I have heard about at a hummingbird feeder. How did you first learn that they were coming there at night?

Sep 25, 2010
We have bats on our feeders
by: Meg

Each fall we have lesser long-nosed bats come to our hummingbird feeders. They are so cool to watch. See photos on my wordpress blog. http://mostlyphotos.wordpress.com/2010/09/23/2nd-annual-bat-night/

Sep 07, 2010
Orioles and HB feeders
by: Cindy

Linda! I agree totally. I love to see the Orioles on the HB feeders. They are absolutely gorgeous and have given me so many awesome pictures.

Further more, they have one of the most beautifully LOUD songs!! lol
Thank you!

Sep 06, 2010
by: Linda

Hi Cindy, I really don't mind the orioles eating from the hummingbird feeder.....we get to see them up close that way. I do have to fill all 3 feeders more often....lol.

Sep 05, 2010
Spoiled Orioles!
by: Cindy

Hi Linda,

I too put out grape jelly and oranges, but the first place the orioles will go is the hummingbird feeders!

I have NEVER seen them eat any of the jelly, but the hummingbirds do!

The Orioles do eat the oranges though, along with another tiny little bird called the Verdin. The finches too, are all over the jelly when I put it out.

It's fun to watch the Hummingbirds eat the Jelly, cause then their long tongue comes in and out fast, like a dog eating peanut butter! lol But they go right back for more.


Sep 04, 2010
by: Linda

My daughter bought a special oriole feeder, hoping they would use it instead of the hummingbird feeders. I don't think they even touched it. They still go to the hummingbird feeders. I think they are spoiled, lol.

Aug 14, 2010
Birds of a feather eat together
by: Linda in So Cal

We also have hummingbird feeders out in our backyard, and have seen a male hooded oriole and his mate eating at the feeders. One website said that they migrate to CA during the summer to mate.

Another site said that there are quite a few different species of birds that have learned to eat from the hummingbird feeders.

My dad was having house sparrows at his until my husband took the ringed perch off. Now he can enjoy the hummingbirds without having to fill the feeder every other day.

Last summer we had a female hummer that would fly down to us at eye level and flit back and forth. She then would fly up to the electric wire while my husband would turn the hose nozzle to a fine mist and aim it at her.

She would sit there and take a bath, fluffing out her wings and shaking them. She did this several times, both to me and my husband. They are a joy to watch.

Aug 07, 2010
House Finch
by: Brenda

Don't you just love the internet?! I looked out my window this morning and saw a male house finch at my HB feeder, just drinking away.

There was a female in the bushes just a couple of feet away watching.

I thought it was rather weird that a house finch was drinking nectar, so looked it up on the internet, only to find that it's not really uncommon. I just love nature!!

Jul 07, 2010
Woodpecker on hummer feeder
by: Anonymous

This year is the first time I ever saw a different bird on my hummingbird feeder... I'm pretty sure it was a Downy woodpecker... I was so surprised!

The woodpecker was on one side and the hummer on the other. I also have an occasional squirrel that will try to drink from it. Ya gotta love these little creatures.

Upstate New York

Jul 01, 2010
House finches on hummingbird feeder
by: Kari

I am in Michigan and recently placed a finch feeder in between two hummingbird feeders on boughs of a 150 year old Norway Spruce.

Tonight as I was watching hummingbirds fly by I looked up to see a house finch sitting on the feeder, drinking nectar. I have never seen this before.

It is common in spring to see Orioles on the feeders. I have quite a few red bellied woodpeckers that like hummingbird feeders as well.

Jun 13, 2010
Was the picture taken at my house?
by: Cindy

Thank you! Its so neat to see these beautiful birds, isn't it? Who'd have thought California would have such colorful wild birds out there! But we do!! Some look like they are right out of a Rain Forest!!

The Orioles have one of the most beautiful whistling song tunes.. I've ever heard. Mine are coming back every year now, and hanging around and bring their young here too.

I look so forward to seeing them! And while people say that they eat oranges and grape jelly, well.. mine pass those things right up for the nectar from the HB feeders!!

Thanks for responding!!

Jun 12, 2010
Was the picture taken at my house yesterday?!
by: Anonymous

I loved your photo! Yesterday afternoon in sunny and extremely windy Sacramento, I too was greeted with a surprise outside of my kitchen window.

I have NEVER seen Orioles here...often in the Bay area feeders at my mother-in-laws house. And I too announced, "There's a HUGE bird at the humming bird feeder." (HUGE...well not really all that big, but they do look like giants next to those tiny fast motors that hoover in for a quick taste and race off).

Happy bird feeding! Wish I could have captured the shot...it would have looked so much like your shot!

Jun 03, 2010
Just a hummingbird feeder
by: Cindy

Hi Kandy!
Could be.. if they are draining it that fast! You could try a bird bath.. I have one out there.. and the birds are always drinking from it.

Out in the desert though, you will want to be careful of an unwanted predator drinking from it too!

My HB feeders are such community feeders!
Have fun watching them all!

Jun 03, 2010
other birds on HB feeder
by: Kandy

I always get woodpeckers and other birds on my HB feeders. It didn't really bother me..but the past 2 days in this AZ heat...they have drained the feeder each DAY!

Is there anything I can do about that? I don't know if a bird bath..or another type of feeder would work?

May 29, 2010
Cardinals, Meadow Larks and such!
by: Cindy Calif high desert mtns.

Wow.. I have never heard of Meadow Larks, Cardinals, and the such, sipping from the Hummingbird feeders!

Guess you need to make sure enough feeders are out there! I have those birds around, here, all but the Cardinals. Which I'd love to see. They are so beautiful.

My Scott's Orioles have returned this year.. and they are a stunning bird. The Orioles and the Woodpecker.. (Ladder-backed are the ones that share the feeders with the Hummers. The finches and the Verdins (just barely bigger than the hummers) try and try.. but can't seem to get any out of those tiny holes.

Have fun watching these beautiful birds!
Thanks for commenting!

May 28, 2010
Female cardinals
by: R TX

I was surprised to see two female cardinals on our hummingbird feeder yesterday. Googled and found this sight. Amazing, didn't know other birds would drink sugar water. Our hummingbirds here are seasonal.

Usually have a couple in the spring and around eight in the fall. Love watching the birds. Just discovered a wren has built a nest in a basket on our back patio and is sitting on five eggs. Amazing to live in the suburbs and have all of this wildlife to watch.

May 26, 2010
Meadow Larks on Hummingbird Feeders
by: Barb in Utah desert

Hi Cindy.

We have huge Meadow Larks and Starlings all over our hummingbird feeders!

We've been feeding the hummingbirds for 18 years now.

They come to the kitchen window every spring to let me know they are back.

There are so many I have to have THREE feeders out front and THREE feeders out back!

NOW I have these gorgeous bright yellow Meadow Larks sucking the feeders dry twice a day!

We have a wrap-around porch with a rail and they sit on the top of the rail all day. There are, at last count 6 adults and 8 puffy little babies!

They've been coming here long enough that they trust us. It is the most incredible feeling. My heart almost bursts!

They are so beautiful and so trusting!

May 19, 2010
Hummingbird Feeders
by: Lee

Had a robin at the feeder this morning. Didn't stay long and the hummers immediately returned.

Have had to add a second feeder, due to increased consumption.

Most interesting sight: watching two hummers feeding through the approx. 1/64" in. hole in the center of the plastic flower on a commercial feeder. Thought it impossible, but they continue to amaze!

May 09, 2010
by: Ronda

Looks like an Oriole to me. They love hummingbird nectar. They also like oranges. If you cut one in half & stick it on a hook through the bottom of the rind, they will eat them up. But, even more than oranges,they absolutely LOVE Grape Jelly!

When I was 1st told about the jelly, all I had to offer was Jam. They wouldn't touch that. A few days later I put out some grape jelly & they had it gone in a matter of a few hours. They are great fun to watch.

Last year I had 3 pairs of them coming to the grape feeder. The females are kind of blandly colored.

Last winter I bought the feeder that holds nectar, as well as the jelly. It has an orange plastic hood over the feeder to protect it from the weather. Anxious to see if they like the new feeder.

I'm in Mich & I haven't seen any of them yet, but they should be arriving soon. I can't wait! They are bossy & loud, but they are such characters.

Mar 12, 2010
Backyard birding has been an amazing experience
by: Cindy

Hi Nikki!

Since I posted that some time ago, I now have pictures of a variety of migratory birds at my Hummingbird feeders.

I can always tell who is at the feeders, and excited to be there, by their songs. So distinctive.

Backyard birding has been an amazing experience. So many different birds passing through always.

It's not easy for the Finches though, to get the nectar out of the feeders, their beaks being so thick and whatnot. They try though!

I put Oranges out for the Orioles.. just stick a sliced orange on a branch.. and watch them go crazy on them. They love it!
Thanks for posting!!

Mar 10, 2010
Finches are drinking hummingbird food!
by: Nikki

I have had hummingbird feeders and seed feeders in close proximity for many years, but this is the first year I have ever seen finches drinking the hummingbird food. And yes, they are. Every day.

Feb 08, 2010
just a hummingbird feeder?
by: Cindy

Hi Rhonda

I posted this about two years ago!

Since then I have become very familiar with the different birds that visit the nectar feeders.

And have become quite knowledgeable in identifying the different species, thanks to a wonderful Book. "Field guide to North American birds.. migratory etc.. great book!

Thanks for the tip on the "jelly". I did try that and you are right, they do love it.

I had visits from The Scott's Oriole, the Bullocks, and the Hooded Orioles.

But this year we had problems with the Ants. We purchased the Moats.. but then came the bees.

There is almost nothing that will stop the bees.

When the bigger birds go to the nectar feeders (especially the Woodpeckers) they spill the nectar out of the bee-guarded flowers all over the feeder and the bees overwhelm them!

It was really frustrating!

Thanks for the compliment on the picture. They are so beautiful, those Orioles.. and so are the Ladder-backed Woodpeckers! They are so comical!

Cindy, High Desert mountains.

Feb 06, 2010
by: Ronda

Hi Cindy...we live in southeastern Mich & we have Orioles every year.

They do love our HB feeders as well.

I used to put oranges out, but I found something they liked even better. Grape Jelly...yes just cheap ol grape jelly!

And not Jam...won't eat that at all. Tried that.

As soon as I replaced the Jam with Jelly, they were all over that stuff.

They pretty much left my HB feeders alone after that. Not to mention, Grape Jelly is a lot cheaper than oranges.

They do tend to make a huge mess with their droppings tho(not jelly droppings, if you know what I mean).

So you want to put the Jelly in a place that's easy to clean up. Great pic.

Nov 04, 2009
Bats on hummingbird feeder
by: Meg

We get bats on our hummingbird feeders in late August and into October in southern Arizona.

Photos and story here:

Bats on Hummingbird feeder

Jun 29, 2009
Grey bird at hummingbird feeder
by: Cindy, HIgh Desert mountains, CA

I get so excited when the Orioles come! Aside from being beautiful, they sing beautifully. I get the Scotts and the Hooded... so far.

I haven't identified a Catbird in and around my yard yet. I know I have an Ash Throated Flycatcher that's really shy.. that keeps checking out the feeder. And a Says Phoebe.

I have a Mockingbird that comes to the porch and drinks from the bird bath., but I have never seen it at the hummingbird feeder. Let me know when you find out!! Could you get a picture??

Jun 29, 2009
unusual grey bird at our feeder
by: Jo

We've had the usual hummers and various kinds of orioles at our feeders for a couple of years, but this summer for the last few weeks we've seen a large grey bird that seems to be a catbird.

It is gray with a black fuzzy cap. I can't seem to see the brown under the tail that the book says should be there, but don't know any other bird like this one.

It reminds me of a mockingbird, but it isn't. Pretty sure it's a catbird. It hides in the redbud or lilac and swoops in to feed.

May 25, 2009
I have one too!
by: Cindy

You are so right. It is a Hooded Oriole.

I've since gotten a field guide to North American birds. Its a wonderful book. So much information.

They are fruit eaters as well.

I've since had a Ladder-backed Woodpecker's entire family eat from time to time, their fledglings, the Verdin..(tiny little bird), and the Scott's Oriole. Beautiful bird.

This year I have several different species of Hummingbirds too. It's really awesome to see.

Thanks for the heads up on this pretty bird!
Cindy, High Desert Mtns, Calif.

May 25, 2009
I Hve one too! In Riverside, CA
by: Anonymous

The big yellow bird is called a Hooded Oriole!! Does anyone know why they are eating hummingbird nectar??

May 12, 2009
The same bird at my hummingbird feeder
by: Northwest Indiana

I have the same bird at my hummingbird feeder. He sits on the feeder and drinks.

I looked it up and it is a Northern Oriole.

Beautiful bird, bigger than a house finch, and the color is gold on the breast with a black tail and black wings.

The first time I've seen them here.

May 03, 2009
Its an Orchard Oriole! Lisa
by: Cindy

Some call it a Bullocks Oriole.. but my Audubon says differently, with the same bird in pictures. Isn't it neat to see Birds with such striking color?

Some other birds that go to the HB feeder aside from the woodpecker, around here anyway.. is also The Verdin.

It's a tiny little bird about 4 to 4 1/2 inches long.. whiteish on the body with a very lemon yellow head cover.. and dark wings and tail. I have now added them to the pictures of different birds on my HB feeder.

All of these birds are fruit eaters or drink from fruit.. and out here in the desert. I can't think of anywhere they can get that.

Must be some desert plant. So they are really enjoying the feeders.

But Boy did one of the regular female Hummers come diving in at them to chase them away!

Then she sat so proudly watching her feeder for a time!

Hope you get to see many NEW birds!!

May 03, 2009
I saw the same thing today!!
by: Lisa Hoover

I just saw the same type of bird that is in your picture eating from my hummingbird feeder.

I've noticed this bird around my yard for the last week or so and it was so pretty but I'm new to bird feeding and didn't know what kind of bird it was.

Then this morning I looked out the window and there he sat on my hummingbird feeder drinking away!!

Apr 11, 2009
Great shot, Cindy!
by: Anonymous

The house finches LOVE my hummingbird feeders and will drain them in short order.

Orioles are pretty well known to come to feeders - there are feeders made just for orioles, but in my region (northern Louisiana), the orioles pass through pretty quickly.

I've seen my first hummer, but this early, they tend to busy themselves with the nest building, so I haven't hung the feeders out yet.

I'm ready, though! I love summer!

Apr 07, 2009
Alas.. the visitor is identified!!
by: Cindy

Thank you for the compliment on the picture!!

Yes, that may be why your nectar is disappearing.

Since this beautiful "Orchard Oriole", seems to be calling our place home, I've gotten clearer photos.

Orioles are so brilliantly colored and have such a unique sound. One feels as if they are in the rainforest!

Keep your eyes on it. You may get a pleasant surprise. Again, thank you for the compliment.

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Just a Hummingbird Feeder? Part Two!

by Cindy
(High desert Mtns Calif.)

Hooded Oriole on Feeder

Hooded Oriole on Feeder

Hi to all you bird lovers!

Spring is definitely here in the Deserts.. and the beautiful Orioles are back. So exciting when they remember where they got some treats before.. and come back to you each year.

This is a Hooded Oriole.

I've seen it around a few times, and took this picture from inside of my kitchen window!

Yes.. Clean your windows.. and try it! LOL.. Such a beautiful song they bring to the yard.

I only have a short time of the season in which I can put Orange slices onto the branches.. or set some jelly out for the Orioles, because of the ants.

I have ant moats for the HB feeders.. but they too suffer when the bees.. come.

Even despite the bee guards.. because the woodpeckers get on the feeders and tip them then lap up the juice.. and then the bees can just stick to the feeders! Its awful. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Hope you enjoyed the picture,

Comments for Just a Hummingbird Feeder? Part Two!

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Jul 17, 2021
Two birds drink nectat from flowers
by: Laura

Several years ago, in Katy TX I caught a Mockingbird drinking nectar from a Bottle Brush tree.

He did it many times, right alongside of the Hummers. I was shocked.

Then 2 weeks ago we watched a pair of Carolina Chickadees standing on the rim of a big pot with a blooming Lavender plant.

They were both sticking their beaks into the lavender flowers and drinking nectar.

They are still here from wintering here, we have never seen them before and they seem to have made their home here.

They had a nest this spring in the trellis with the Jasmine vines growing on it.

They are all so sweet.

Jan 24, 2020
Bird ID
by: Gene

It sounds like the gray bird that is coming to your hummingbird feeder is a Gray Catbird.

Mar 15, 2016
help with identifying visitor
by: Anonymous

I have a red hb feeder in the front of our home in southern Arizona.

There is a fountain a couple of feet away. ALL kinds of birds go for the fountain.

However, yesterday I saw one that was about the size of a small woodpecker sitting on the wrought iron fence.

It made a beeline for the feeder and sat (well, more like hung on).

It was somewhat big for perching on the feeder for quite a while drinking away.

Never even batted an eye at the fountain. I have looked at woodpecker pictures and none match.

This bird was a very soft solid gray color - almost looked like suede.

Definitely too small to be either a dove or a pigeon and the beak was very thin and pointed.

Maybe an inch to an inch and a half long.

This was a big surprise to me as, like others, I didn't realize other birds even knew what the feeder was.

Right after this bird left, a hummingbird came in.

So there don't seem to be any 'territorial' issues between the two species.

Does anybody have input as to what this bird is?

Feb 01, 2016
by: Anonymous

We have an adorable family of woodpeckers that has raised many seasons of babes near our house.

Each year they are taught to eat nectar from the hummingbird feeders and collect any bugs off the windows near the feeders.

It's so fun to watch them generation after generation teaching their young ones to do just what their parents taught them to do!

Jun 15, 2015
Yellow bird
by: Anonymous

This just happened at my feeder as well! Scared me to death to all of a sudden see this huge bird out there!

And yes.. not that big but bigger than the hummers. Strangest thing I ever saw!

Glad that it is a common occurrence. I will have to look more into these other birdies. :)

Jul 08, 2014
Same bird
by: Alasdair

I had two of these Orchard Orioles at my hummingbird feeder today along with a house finch and two unidentified grey birds.

My one little hummingbird kept flying close but did not have the nerve to land by the bigger birds.

Aug 15, 2010
Just a Hummingbird feeder part 2
by: Cindy

Thank you, Peter!

Your compliment means a lot to me. This was a Hooded Oriole.

It has only come twice now. two years in a row and last year was the first time I was able to get good pictures of it.

I was able also to get pictures of it perched in a tree and showing its beautiful colors from all different angles.

I always feel so blessed when I can save those cherished moments forever.

I've been blessed to capture wonderful pictures of quite a few migrating birds that aren't normally in my area.

Taking a break from their long migratory travels. It blesses my soul!!

Thank you again.
Sincerely, Cindy

Aug 15, 2010
Excellent Picture
by: Pete

I just love this picture, I looked at it the other day and had to come back to see it again.

I live in Rhode Island along the coast and enjoy quite a different variety of "Feathered Friends" and have lots of Finch's, Cardinals, Towhee's and about 12 other species.

I feed all of them all year and those that leave come back to the "BUFFET" every year.

I hope you have had a nice Summer of birding. Pete

Apr 13, 2010
Just a Hum
by: Cindy

Thank you CE Webster,
For the compliment!

Apr 08, 2010
Just a Hum. Feeder
by: CE Webster

Very nice picture.

Apr 06, 2010
Control ants
by: Marianne

I'm not sure about the bees but I had an ant problem.

I was told that birds do not have a strong sense of smell.

If you spray the feeder with Skins So Soft the ants will stay away and it doesn't bother the birds.

It seemed to work for my feeders. I am also in the high desert. You might want to try it for the ants.

See Also:

Hummingbird Habits

Hummingbird Facts


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