BEES! Invading Feeders, Ideas?
by Cindy
(So Cal high desert MTNS)
Perching Hummingbird
dancing in the air
a little bit of beauty
If you feed hummingbirds, sooner or later the bees and wasp are going to find your feeder. Cindy asks if anything can be done, and our readers are here to share their tips.
Bees and Hummingbird FeedersTaking pictures of Hummingbirds, (and other feathered friends) is a passion of mine.
But every year about this time the bees finally start to take over the feeders, and I have no clue what to do about it.
Someone suggested some sort of insect repellent but most of those are hazardous to the little ones.
I tried wiping down the tops of the feeders with a wet dryer softener sheet, it seemed like it was working but then to my dismay, they just didn't care and swarmed the feeders anyway.
Funny thing is, I even have grape jelly out there for the Orioles and they don't even TOUCH that!
Sometimes the hummers will sit and lick the jelly though.
My little hummers come and just sit on the branch as if to say where is our feeder?
We couldn't even walk outside because of the amount of bees swarming those things.
I have hummer flowers out there but it's just not the same.
I hung a feeder out there last night in case they had the chance to drink at night, but this morning at 5:30 the bees were starting to come again, and I had to reluctantly take them down again.
Feeders with bee guards don't work, because when the bigger birds get on there, they spill the nectar so the Bees just come and lap it up.
I am so desperate, not to lose my little friends. Does anyone have any ideas? Please?
Thanks Cindy
So Cal