Is Baking or Microwaving Bird Seed Smart?


Among the most often-asked questions heard at is, "Is baking bird seed or microwaving it to stop sprouting when it falls to the ground a good idea?" simply does not recommend baking or microwaving seed because it may change the value of its nutritional content, which defeats the purpose of using it in the first place.

hulled sunflower seed

According to Karen Burns at ETO Sterilization, Inc., in heat treatment experiments, conventional baking of sunflower seeds did not stop their germination.

Dave Dornacker at the Knight Seed Company added, "Sunflower seeds will dry out in the oven, and in the microwave all the oil that runs out will make a mess."

Time favors sprouting seeds. If the birds don't eat what you put out fast enough, what falls to the ground will germinate.

Inexpensive seed, packaged with lots of filler such as milo that many birds do not eat, often gets kicked out of the feeder.

But the ground-feeding birds won't eat it either.

Adequate trays placed underneath all your feeders will minimize waste as well as the problem of sprouting weeds.

There are wonderful attachments available for almost every kind of feeder. suggests using a reasonable amount of packaged seed in an appropriate feeder fitted with a tray.

Another way to minimize the damage from falling sunflower seed is to make a bird feeding area.

If your concern is killing the lawn then place patio blocks around your feeder to decorate the area and keep seeds off the lawn.

Of course, if there's anything left over after the ground feeding birds have visited, get out your rake -- or your shop vacuum.

Offering a variety of types of seeds is another solution.

Nyjer seed is especially attractive to American Goldfinches and Juncos and it doesn't germinate.

A special Finch Feeder will have to be used as the seed is very tiny. The husk will fall to the ground and need to be cleaned. But nyjer seed is sterile.

But maybe noted wildlife biologist Scott Shalaway, who agrees with's position, said it best:

"Baking bird seed is just another step that makes enjoying backyard birds a bit more complicated."

© Bird's-Eye reView

Reviewed 2023

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