Backyard Wrens Feeding and Weathering Hail Storms.

by Janet
(Round Rock, TX, USA)

Curious Carolina and Bewick's wrens have made Janet's backyard their home, nesting in unexpected places and braving Texas storms.

Follow along as she shares her firsthand experiences with these tiny yet fearless birds.
wren at entrance of gourd birdhouse

Close up of Wren Using Zoom Lens

I have learned so much about the wrens in my backyard these last few years.

The first introduction happened when I walked too close to a nest.

I had never been fussed at so loudly by such a brave little bird.

After a few days of observing a pair returning to the spot frequently, I figured out what was going on.

There are both Bewick's and Carolina wrens here in Round Rock, Texas.

When the light is low I can't tell the difference, but I think only one or the other is nesting here at a time.

Wren Feeding Young in Gourd birdhouse

Wren Feeding Nestlings

They have nested in gourds, metal bird houses, hanging plants, a little niche or space beside my window, (which is only 2 feet from a door and in a fairly high-traffic area), and yard art.

In the wintertime, I always leave bits of peanuts where I know they will find them.

There is always fresh water here as well.

In the garden is where they shine.

They keep the insects off my tomatoes and other vegetables.

baby wren peeking out of birdhouse

Baby Wren Peeking Out

I've noticed a Carolina wren sleeping in the upper folds of an outdoor patio umbrella.

The other night a hail storm woke him up and he hung on the bar and then hopped down when the whole thing tipped over.

I went out after the storm and could see him asleep in his regular place, even with the thing tipped over.

When I hear the wren alert call loud and clear, the doggies and I go outside.

The doggies run and make noise, and generally, a hawk takes off from the trees.

wren flying away from gourd birdhouse

Wren Flying From Gourd Birdhouse

We have done this routine enough that the dogs come and get me when the wren sounds the alert!

Carolina Wren vs Bewick's Wren

While our author Janet can tell the differences between the Carolina vs Bewick's Wren, I thought I would add some general difference between the two.

Important to note, that I emphasize general description because the wrens probably won't read this.

Here we go with help from Koala AI:

The Carolina Wren and the Bewick's Wren are two species of wrens that are found in North America.

Here are some differences between the two:

1. Size: Carolina Wrens are larger than Bewick's Wrens, with an average length of 5.5 inches compared to the Bewick's Wren's average length of 4.5 inches.

2. Coloration: Carolina Wrens have a reddish-brown back and a buff-colored belly, while Bewick's Wrens have a grayish-brown back and a white belly.

3. Habitat: Carolina Wrens are found in a wider range of habitats, including forests, swamps, and suburban areas, while Bewick's Wrens are typically found in more open habitats like grasslands and scrublands.

4. Song: The songs of the two species are different, with Carolina Wrens having a loud and melodious song that is often described as sounding like "teakettle, teakettle, teakettle," while Bewick's Wrens have a more complex and varied song that includes trills and whistles.

5. Range: Carolina Wrens are found in the eastern half of the United States, while Bewick's Wrens are found in the western half of the country.

I hope that helps!

Check out some visitors stories about their Gourd Birdhouses
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