Baby Robin

by Audrey
(Hernando, MS)

One day as I was out in the backyard I saw something run past me really fast.

I followed it and saw that it was a baby bird.

fledgling robin perched on woman's palm

Fledgling Robin On My Hand

It ran through the chain link fence to where I couldn't get to it.

Of course, since I am an animal lover and didn't know if it had fallen out of the nest and wanted to check to see if it was alright.

So, I ran into the house to get my mom and told her that there was some kind of baby bird in the yard but I didn't know what kind it was.

So we went out front & caught it.

Fledgling or Nestling Baby Robin?

It perched on our fingers so we knew that it was a fledgling.

We read if they can't grasp on and are not injured they nestlings and should be placed in their nest.

I held it while my mom went inside and called some friends of ours that work with a wildlife rehabilitation program.

Our friend asked us if the bird was injured and we said we didn't think it was, so she said to let it go, watch it for a few minutes and see what happened.

We let it go and it hopped around a little.

It had been chirping this whole time and it continued to.

We saw two adult Robins coming towards it on the ground and guessed that maybe they were its parents.

Sure enough, the baby robin went towards the two adult Robins and they all went off together.

Learn the Habits of American Robins

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by: Carl

I thought the close up picture was really nice.

This girl is so cool she helped a bird
by: trey

I love birds and I mean I can't believe you got that once in a life time opportunity that's so cool

by: Anonymous

so cute

by: Anonymous

so cute, this happens to me all the time...

by: rich

It looks too big to be a Robin!

Your Baby Robin
by: Gene - wild-bird-watching

Well done Audrey! Most fledgling Robins do not fly out of the nest. Instead, they flutter to the ground.

Sometimes they just hop to other branches in the nest tree and continue being fed until they fly a little better the next day.

Within three days of leaving the nest they can fly really well.

The adult male will continue feeding and teaching these young for a week or more and the female will begin a new nest.

Typically Robins raise two broods each year but may raise as many as four broods depending on location.

Here is some video of a Robin fledgling leaving the nesting shelf we provide.

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Baby Robin Flies From Nesting Shelf

Baby Robin
by: Brenda

I just had a baby robin fly in where I was sitting and it hit the sliding glass door. It was o.k. and hopped off into a pine tree.

Didn't know it was a baby Robin. I was searching and saw this post and it looked just like it.

Thanks for the pic as it helped my curiosity to find the answer to what it was.

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