Baby Pileated Woodpecker Rescued
by Patty
(Chatsworth, CA )
Today (7.21) I found a baby bird on the side of my house.
I knew it was in a jam being so close to the ground with my two dogs running around the yard and it being rattlesnake season.

Pileated Woodpecker Pair
He could not fly so I took him in the house and put him (her) in an old hamster cage.
I then found this website because I did not know what the hell to do with this youngin'.
I found out he was a fledgling and a pretty big one too.
I think it was a
Pileated woodpecker because I had seen Mom and Dad around for a while and Junior had the same colorings.
Anyway, after reading all of your
great baby bird stories - I decided to take the hamster cage out on the deck and see if Ma and Pa Pileated would be coming around.
Sure enough, that baby began to squawk and scream for a good twenty minutes, and much to my relief - but more for baby - Ma and Pa were in the big tree off my deck answering back to their little runaway.
So, I let the little guy out on my fence top and he flies right back to the ground about 6 feet.
Hmmm - I know his parents want him and he wants them.
I took the little fella and put him in the crook of the tree where Ma and Pa were hanging out.
That little bird hopped up a big trunk to about 20 feet off the ground.
It was wonderful to watch the family reunion.
I thought the little guy was screaming out of happiness but it turns out he was starving.
Ma and Pa both fed him for the next 30 minutes.
The little bird has found a nice flat crook in the Y of the trunk high in the tree and has quieted down now that he is full.
I would not have known what to do without all the nice stories and information on this site.
Thanks All from me and the kid in the tree.