Attract More House Finches to Your Feeders This Winter

Everyone birder enjoys watching the Goldfinches, House Finches, and all the other birds visiting their feeders in winter.

The finches offer us some much wanted color in our backyards as they bring us both joy and beauty to our backyards.

If you're looking to attract more of these delightful birds to your feeders this winter, here are ten effective strategies to consider.

goldfinches feeding on nyjer seed feeder

Provide a Variety of Feeders

Different bird species have different feeding preferences.

Offering a variety of feeders, such as tube feeders, mesh feeders, and platform feeders, will accommodate the unique feeding habits of house finches and goldfinches.

Experiment with different feeder styles to see which ones attract the most birds.

Offer Nyjer (Thistle) Seed

House finches and goldfinches have a particular fondness for Nyjer seed (also known as thistle seed).

Not really a thistle seed, it originates in India and is sterilized to prevent germination.

These tiny, oil-rich seeds are a favorite among finches. Fill a dedicated Nyjer feeder with fresh seed and watch as these birds flock to your yard.

Install a Heated Birdbath

Water is essential for birds, even during the winter months. Install a heated birdbath or use a birdbath heater to prevent the water from freezing.

Showing De-icer in birdbath with snow

De-icer in Birdbath

House finches and goldfinches along with most birds will appreciate having a reliable water source nearby and may be more likely to visit your feeders.

Hang Upside-Down Feeder

Goldfinches, in particular, are known for their acrobatic feeding behavior.

Hanging upside-down feeders specifically designed for finches will attract their attention.

These feeders simulate the natural feeding positions of finches, making them feel more comfortable and encouraging longer visits.

I've watched them hang upside-down on my giant sunflowers having no problems feeding.

Offer Fresh Food Regularly

nyjer-seed-attract finches

To attract finches consistently, ensure that your feeders are always stocked with fresh food.

Regularly clean the feeders to prevent the growth of mold or bacteria. Replace the seed every few days to maintain its freshness and appeal.

House Finch Conjunctivitis, is a disease that can be transmitted between species and unclean feeders helps spread the disease.

Create a Safe Environment

Birds are more likely to visit feeders in a safe and secure environment.

Place feeders near trees or shrubs to provide cover and protection from predators.

Keep feeders at a distance from windows to prevent bird collisions.

Place birdbaths close to where the birds can perch and preen safely.

Hang Multiple Feeders

Increase your chances of attracting more finches by hanging multiple feeders throughout your yard.

Placing feeders at different heights and locations will accommodate more birds and reduce competition for food.

Try a caged feeder to keep larger birds out. This gives you the opportunity to offer shell seed which finches love but can be pricey.

Limit Predator Access

squirrel baffle

Employ baffles or squirrel guards to prevent unwanted visitors like squirrels and raccoons from raiding your feeders.

Keep feeders away from fences that squirrels will use to jump onto your feeders.

Keep cats indoors or at least make sure there are no hiding places close to your feeders.

Be Patient

Attracting finches to your feeders requires patience if you haven't been feeding birds much.

It may take some time for the birds to discover your offerings. But they will come.


Enjoy the process and have your bird apps and bird guides ready.

By implementing some of these strategies you'll be creating a welcoming sanctuary for these colorful birds to visit your feeding station.

Remember to provide a variety of feeders, offer suitable food, and create a bird-safe environment. But most of all, relax and enjoy all our birds.

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