If It's About Birds, You'll Find The Answer Here

From understanding bird migration to keeping unwanted visitors out of your feeders, we cover everything you need to know about backyard birds.

Learn how to create a bird-friendly habitat, identify common species, and ensure birds keep returning to your space.

Category Articles
Bird Behavior and Adaptations
How Do Robins Find Worms? Birds Flying Into Windows
How Birds Find Food in Winter Where Do Birds Sleep
Why Do Birds Sing? Are They Just Happy? Birds Are Always on Their Toes
Backyard Birding and Attracting Birds
How to Attract More Birds to Your Backyard 15 Most Common Birds You'll Find in Your Backyard
Why Birds Stop Visiting Feeders Attracting Backyard Birds - 11 Tips to Make It A Breeze
Create A Backyard Habitat Plant a Bird-Friendly Yard
Bird Feeding and Food Sources
Types of Seed and The Birds They Attract Baking Bird Seed - A Good Idea?
Raising Growing Mealworms How to Go About Setting Up a Bird Feeding Station
Nesting and Raising Young Birds
What to Do When You Find Baby Birds How Baby Birds Get Water in Nest
Keeping House Sparrows Out of Birdhouses How You Can Provide Nesting Materials for Birds
Finding Bird Eggs and What to Do Watering Hanging Plants With Nest Inside
Migration and Seasonal Changes
Mystery of Migration Time to Fatten Up Migrating Hummers
15 Reasons for Birdwatching in Winter Birds Adapt To Seasons
Birdhouses and Nesting Structures
Thinking of Building a Bluebird House? Read This First Building Wren Houses - What You Need to Know
Making Gourd Birdhouses How to Set Up A Bluebird Trail
Grow Your Own Birdhouse - Gourds Shrubs and Trees for Nesting
Birdwatching and Equipment
Birding Binoculars - 7 Tips to Remember When Buying Digital Binoculars - The Wave of the Future
Keeping a Bird Watching Life List Bird Watching Journals
Specific Bird Species
Hummingbird Facts Learn About Owls
The History of the Bluebird Raising Doves
Eagle Watching in Arkansas Firstborn and Unmated Birds Help Raise Others Young
Bird Problems and Challenges
Mockingbirds Singing at Night - Steps You Can Take Hawks at Bird Feeders - Steps You Can Take
Birds Eating Your Grass See? Hummingbird Feeders and Bees
Bird Biology and Physical Features
Do Birds Mate for Life? Bird Feathers - Why and For What Reason?

Create a Backyard Bird Santuary to Get More Birds