by Cindy - Desert Mtns. CA
(Desert Mtns. CA)
Cactus Wren in Snow
I have Cactus Wrens all over the place here in the high desert Mtns.
I used to get so frustrated with these little buggars, tearing up my patio furniture, pecking at the rubber lining on the windows of our automobiles, etc.
But have since come to respect the little ones, as they are like little watch dogs, with there screeching warnings of unwanted critters, slithering on the ground, etc.
I always know when somethings a muck, by the change in their sounds. I've grown fond of these annoying little ones!!
We had a huge unexpected snow storm last year. None of the critters were prepared for it.
WE had a small clearing under our patio table, so I sprinkled some food under it. They were so happy.
As the skies cleared and the sun came out bright, I sat observing this little one jumping through the snow-covered tree branches, hoping that a big clump of snow wouldn't fall from above, and take it down.
No sooner did the thought run through my mind, did it happen. Buried on the ground for a brief second.. he rustled through the clump.. shook it all off... went back into the tree and hollered for all his might, at what he'd just gone through.
I was lucky enough to capture this, but then went out and about, knocking as much snow as I could off our big Pine tree.
I watched it after that.. looking up above itself, ever so cautiously.
Poor little guy!! I haven't seen any of their nests though. Maybe amidst the Cactus?? ha.
Their nesting habits must differ some from House Wrens.
You can read more about them here, Cactus Wren Habits
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