Encountering a young bird on the ground, away from its nest, is a common occurrence for birders and nature lovers.
Knowing how to respond to this situation is not only a matter of good intentions but also essential for the well-being of these wild creatures.
During the spring and summer, both in the U.S. and worldwide, questions often arise about what to do when you discover a baby bird alone and on the ground.
Fledgling Cedar Waxwings
This article serves as a guide, offering crucial insights and steps to ensure you make the best decisions when encountering orphaned or injured birds.
First things first, never force water down their throats, most likely you'll drown the injured baby bird.
The adults do not bring water to the nest for them to drink. Water comes from the insects or fruit that birds eat.
Many fledglings are thought to be abandoned or thought to have fallen out of the nest too soon by many backyard birdwatchers.
The truth, few are abandoned.
Some wild birds may fall from their nest or get pushed out when close to fledging, and others found on the ground are because of storms or other natural disasters.
Most birdwatchers who find a young bird naturally want to care for and feed the little thing.
It is strongly recommended that you not do force feed. You are more likely to do more harm than good.
Instead, examine the bird for injuries. If it's hurt, take it to a local veterinarian or call your local conservation department for the nearest wildlife rehabilitator.
If you find an uninjured young bird, you will need to determine whether it is orphaned or not.
Most feathered birds found on the ground are just young fledglings that can't fly well.
Fledgling Catbird Just Left Nest
Many people don't realize that when healthy young birds leave the nest, most cannot fly. Instead, they jump and glide to different tree branches.
Sometimes they miss and end up on the ground. Therefore, you want to know if it's a fledgling or not.
To determine whether the bird is a nestling or a fledgling, allow the bird to perch on your finger.
If it can grip your finger, then it is a fledgling.
The best way to handle this situation is to place it in a nearby tree or shrub and leave it alone.
The adults will continue to care for and feed it on their own.
If it can't cling to your finger, then it's most likely a nestling. If this is the case, try to locate the nest.
Most of the time, it will be close by and well hidden. Place the bird back in the original nest if possible.
What do you do if the nest cannot be found? Try lining a small box or basket with tissue or paper towels and tying the substitute nest to a tree.
Do not use dryer lint as it hardens when wet.
Place the young bird in the basket and leave it alone. The parents will take care of it once you leave.
If you have domestic cats, keep them indoors for a couple of days. If it's neighboring cats you fear, try to move the bird out of immediate danger. Move it to dense shrubbery.
Many bird deaths are caused by well-meaning people. Improper feeding and stress can result in death.
Baby American Goldfinches
Should you hand-feed wild baby birds that you have found? The short answer is no.
Young birds are fed by their parents about every 20 minutes during daylight hours.
Most people are not able to provide this much time and effort in raising young birds.
When you first pick up a bird, it is afraid and not likely to want to eat. It needs time to calm down and adjust to where it has been placed.
Be Advised - It Is Illegal To Possess Wild Animals Yes, holding wild birds in captivity is illegal.
Not only do young birds need to eat every 20 minutes during daylight hours, but each bird species' diet is different.
Some bird species' diets will change from the nestling phase to the fledgling phase of their development. You need to know the species and its specific diet.
The question asked is, "Why do birds that are not able to fly leave the nest?" To us humans, home is a warm and safe environment.
For birds, the nest can be a dangerous place. Predators can attack the whole brood, leaving an unsuccessful nesting season.
It is in the best interest of the young to not only leave the nest quickly, but it helps to spread out from one another.
This aids in limiting the number a predator might harm and gives the young the greatest chance of survival.
While it is understandable, why one would want to help young birds, the best course of action, unfortunately, is to leave them alone.
But sometimes it's too late because the bird has been brought inside or it's already dark out, or for fear of cats and other predators.
In certain cases, the best thing to do is place the bird in a small box with a soft lining and cover it with a cloth to lessen the stress.
As soon as possible, reach out to any local rehabber in the area.
If you need to locate a wildlife rehabilitator, try this Animal Help Locater to see if one is close to you.
For emergency care before turning over to licensed individuals, please see this quick guide: Wild Bird Care Centre
In fairness, some folks have been successful in raising baby birds. Scroll down to read some of their stories.
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