Morning Doves Nesting In My Hanging Plants.
by Aaron Vick
Two Mourning Dove Eggs In The Nest
So what do you do when a dove is nesting in your hanging plant? Reader Aaron shares his experience.
I found doves nesting at my house. I came across them when watering my hanging plants that hang well above the ground but just off of my front entrance deck.
It startled me as well as the nesting dove when I sprayed water from my water hose into the hanging ivy.
The dove flew out furiously and we both yelped. I was less than a foot away.
I looked into the hanging basket and saw the two eggs.
I got very excited but was concerned that the bird would not come back, but less than 5 minutes later the bird returned to its duties.
I immediately took some photos to share with family and friends.
When my girlfriend came home I told her about the nesting birds and she told me she knew they were using the hanging plant as a nest but didn't know they laid eggs.
I told her I only saw one.
She then told me that she saw one standing on the other's back like a balancing act.
We both laughed and said they must have been mating and after reading the information on this site I am positive that is exactly what was taking place.
dove information provided by this site was very helpful and interesting.
We did not know that the male and female were switching out their duties in the nest.
It has been about 9 days since we first noticed the nest and we are very excited about the days to come.
From: wild-bird-watching.comWhen watering a plant with an active nest, try to water around the edges making sure the nest stays dry. Cold water can harm eggs and the young.
Do not place food in or near the nest. Place a tray of
safflower seed or corn at least 20 feet or more away. The adults will have no trouble finding the seed.